
Tuesday 31 December 2013

[RwandaLibre] La Haye/Pays-Bas: Manifestation de Soutien à Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, le 25 Janvier 2014


La Haye/Pays-Bas: Manifestation de Soutien à Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, le 25 Janvier 2014

Rwandaises, Rwandais, Amis du Rwanda
Cet appel vous concerne!
Le 13/12/2013, le verdict de la Cour Suprême dans le procès politique qui opposait Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, Présidente des FDU-INKINGI, contre le régime répressif du président rwandais Paul Kagame est finalement tombé.

La condamnation de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Présidente des FDU-INKINGI à 15 ans de prison ferme est injuste et scandaleuse.
C'est une prisonnière politique, et elle doit être libérée, de même que tous les autres prisonniers politiques rwandais.
Loin d'être un cas isolé, celle-ci n'est que la tête de l'iceberg de l'injustice journalière que subit le peuple rwandais. Cette condamnation est un message fort que le gouvernement rwandais envoie à l'ensemble de l'opposition démocratique pour la terroriser, à savoir : « Il n y aura jamais d'ouverture politique et tout opposant sera emprisonné ». En effet, les charges aujourd'hui retenues contre la Présidente des FDU-Inkingi, sont à quelques détails près, les mêmes que celles retenues contre les autres chefs de l'opposition, condamnés par la justice rwandaise, à savoir : Deo Mushayidi, Président du PDP-IMANZI et Bernard Ntaganda, Président du PS-IMBERAKURI.
Les FDU-INKINGI en collaboration avec d'autres partis politiques de l'opposition démocratique rwandaise, et les organisations de la société civile, ont décidé d'organiser une série de manifestations qui commenceront aux Pays-Bas le 25/01/2014. 
La Présidente des FDU-Inkingi résidait dans ce pays depuis 16 ans avant de retourner au Rwanda le 16 Janvier 2010.
Depuis plusieurs années, le gouvernement néerlandais est parmi les plus grands bailleurs du système judiciaire et de la police au Rwanda : il forme des magistrats, des procureurs, fait construire des prisons etc… Mais au lieu de servir et de protéger le peuple rwandais, ces structures judiciaires sont plutôt utilisées pour opprimer la population rwandaise. Toute opposition politique est durement et injustement réprimée par cette justice soutenue par le gouvernement néerlandais et ce gouvernement le sait. Ce gouvernement peut donc contribuer à résoudre le problème et contribuer à éradiquer l'oppression du peuple rwandais.
En organisant ces différentes manifestations nous voulons :
− Dénoncer et condamner cette injustice et cette répression systématique instaurée au Rwanda ;
− Faire pression pour la libération de madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza présidente des FDU-Inkingi et de tous les autres prisonniers politiques rwandais ;
− Dénoncer le silence complice et l'hypocrisie de pays qui soutiennent le régime répressif rwandais ;
− Demander à nos compatriotes rwandais de sortir de leur torpeur et d'exiger l'ouverture de l'espace politique car c'est pour le bien du peuple rwandais ;
− Demander à tous les pays amis du Rwanda d'user de leur influence auprès du régime afin de l'amener à ouvrir l'espace politique, tel que demandé par le parlement européen dans sa résolution 2013/2641(RSP).
L'adresse du rendez-vous vous sera ultérieurement communiquée.
Date et Heure: 25/01/2014 de 11h00 à 15h00
Il y a des Bus prévus pour partir de Bruxelles vers la Hollande. Faisons-nous inscrire dès maintenant.
Personnes de Contact en Hollande et en Belgique:
− S. Niyibizi : +31632087688 / P. Nsengiyumva : +3161648767
− Antoine Niyitegeka : +32 478 48 92 58 / Straton Nduwayezu : +32 488 79 74 66

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[RwandaLibre] President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide


President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide after planned and organised the Rwandan genocide.

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President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide

President Museveni of Uganda is planning another genocide after  planned and organised  the Rwandan genocide.
Museveni's  threats against Machar are not helpful. With the support from the UK and USA  governments, Museveni heavily armed Kagame to fight the  peaceful  Rwanda in 1990-1994. The result of this was the genocide. After this  Museveni has been fighting in DR Congo where  he killed millions of Congolese people.  No-one can trust him. He could have used the same rhetoric about South Sudan to prevent genocide in Rwanda. Probably he regrets  his support to the war criminal and dictator Paul Kagame and this is why he is  trying to do something now  in South Sudan. But we all know that  he is a staunch supporter of   the  current South Sudan regime. Rwandan and Ugandan Military troops are already  fighting against Machar. By supporting one side of the conflicts, they are preparing another genocide. This is how the Rwandan genocide happened. One side ( Kagame's guerrilla war)  of the conflict was supported by Museveni, UK and USA during the Rwanda's war. The International Community  should learn from  the UK , Uganda and USA's involvement in the Rwanda's war  to prevent the genocide in Central African Republic and South Sudan.
 'Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said on Monday east African nations had agreed to move in and defeat Machar if he rejected the ceasefire offer, threatening to turn the fighting into a regional conflict.'

Fw: *DHR* Sketch sur le Rwanda: les regrets de Canal +

Kagame nareke abanyarwanda bige igifaransa kugira bacyumve neza ahi kumvirana.  Iki ni igisebo rwose ku banyarwanda bose. Ibi biragagara ko ari ubuswa mu kumenya igifaransa
On Tuesday, 31 December 2013, 17:19, "" <> wrote:
AFP - le, le 31 décembre 2013

Canal+ a indiqué hier soir "regretter" l'interprétation d'un sketch sur le génocide au Rwanda qui visait, selon la chaîne, à "parodier" une émission mais a provoqué une vive polémique. Ce sketch a été diffusé sur la chaîne cryptée le 20 décembre, dans le cadre de l'émission "Le débarquement". Il entendait parodier "Rendez-vous en terre inconnue", émission de Frédéric Lopez diffusée sur France 2, a affirmé Canal+. Une adaptation de la comptine "Fais dodo, Colas mon petit frère" a particulièrement choqué et une pétition a été lancée sur internet.

"Ce sketch ne visait en aucun cas à porter atteinte à la mémoire de victimes du génocide rwandais", s'est défendu Canal+. Il "visait à caricaturer et dénoncer l'attitude de certains occidentaux ne s'intéressant qu'à eux mêmes, en arrivant dans un pays qui leur est totalement étranger", poursuit la chaîne. "Le choix d'un pays ayant connu une période de massacres visait à créer un contraste extrême entre la gravité des faits et l'attitude désinvolte des supposés invités d'une émission parodiée. Nous regrettons que ce sketch ait pu être interprété autrement", a déclaré la chaîne.


[RwandaLibre] La fessée (Rétrospective 2013)


Rétrospective 2013


Eugène Shimamungu


Un gamin mal élevé

Association de malfaiteurs : gare à l'explosion de l'EAC

« Ndi umunyarwanda » : « je suis Tutsi, tu es Hutu, tu dois t'agenouiller ou… mourir »


Un gamin mal élevé

Jamais dans l'histoire du Rwanda un président tanzanien n'avait haussé le ton contre le Rwanda, mais il a fallu la menace de Kagame qui envisageait de « frapper » Kikwete, pour provoquer l'ire de ses concitoyens généralement mesurés dans leurs propos, jamais provocateurs à ce point. En comparant le dictateur chéri par les Occidentaux à Idi Amini Dada, tout le monde s'est souvenu que la Tanzanie n'était pas inoffensive et gare au dictateur qui veut jouer la provocation, Idi Amin l'a appris à ses dépens.

Mais tout cela avait une raison. Le Président Kikwete, las du chaos entretenu par le Rwanda et l'Ouganda dans la région des Grands Lacs, avait proposé des négociations entre les régimes rwandais et ougandais avec leurs rébellions respectives. Alors que l'Ouganda a accueilli cette proposition fraîchement par une entourloupe dont le Président Museveni possède les secrets, le brutal Président rwandais Paul Kagame a montré ses muscles avec des menaces visant directement Jakaya Kikwete le magnifique. Tollé dans les médias tanzaniens qui se sont chargés de montrer à Kagame que face au géant tanzanien, le Rwanda n'était qu'un gamin mal élevé qui méritait une correction exemplaire. (Lire la suite...)

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Monday 30 December 2013

[RwandaLibre] RWANDA-FDU INKINGI : Voeux pour la Nouvelle Année 2014


RWANDA-FDU INKINGI : Voeux pour la Nouvelle Année 2014

Chers Membres et Sympathisants des FDU INKINGI,
Chers Partenaires de la Plateforme FDU INKINGI-IHURIRO RNC-AMAHORO PC
Rwandaises, Rwandais,
Amis du Rwanda
A la veille de l'An Nouveau 2014, le Comité de Coordination des FDU-Inkingi vous présente ses vœux pour une Année 2014, toute lumineuse, afin qu'elle nous éclaire les chemins de la libération et de l'émancipation du peuple rwandais. Bonne Année !
En vous présentant ses vœux, la première pensée du Comité de Coordination des FDU-Inkingi va d'abord à notre Présidente, Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, injustement condamnée par le régime rwandais le 13 décembre 2013 à 15 ans de prison pour s'être engagée en faveur de l'ouverture démocratique, les libertés publiques et la fin de la discrimination entre victimes des crimes contre l'humanité qui se sont abattus sur le Rwanda de 1990 à 2000. Notre pensée va ensuite à notre Secrétaire Général, Monsieur Sylvain Sibomana, aussi en prison et condamné à deux ans de prison par la justice politique de Kigali. M. Sibomana fait partie des premiers compagnons d'arme qui ont rejoint Mme Ingabire immédiatement après son retour au Rwanda le 16 janvier 2010, après un exil de 16 ans aux Pays-Bas.
Nous pensons aussi à nos camarades qui attendent en prison leur jugement et dont le crime est d'avoir assisté au procès de notre Présidente ou d'avoir tout simplement tenu une réunion politique dans un cadre tout-à-fait privé. Il s'agit notamment de nos dix camarades : M. Abayisenga Venant, M. Byukusenge Emmanuel, Mme Gasengayire Léonille, Mme Irakoze Jenny Flora, M. Nahimana Marcel, M. Hitimana Samuel, M.Tuganemungu Christian, M. Ufitamahoro Norbert, M. Uwilingiyimana Valens, M. Uwiringiyimana Vénuste.
Des leaders d'autres partis d'opposition au régime comme Déo Mushayidi, Président du parti PDP-Imanzi, Bernard Ntaganda, Président du PS-Imberakuri, Dr Théoneste Niyitegeka, Candidat aux élections présidentielles de 2003, croupissent également en prison pour des motifs politiques. Nous leur exprimons, à eux aussi, toute notre solidarité.
Cinq priorités jalonneront l'année 2014.
La première priorité est de nous battre pour faire libérer Mme Victoire Ingabire, notre Présidente, M. Sylvain Sibomana, notre Secrétaire Général, nos camarades FDU-Inkingi ainsi que tous les autres leaders de l'opposition politique. Ils sont en prison, du fait de la politique. Ce n'est pas une justice aux ordres du régime qui les libérera, mais une mobilisation politique résolue qui leur rendra la liberté. Quels sont les moyens de pression supplémentaires à déployer, comment les articuler et les mettre en œuvre pour la libération de nos prisonniers politiques ? Pour ce faire, les FDU-Inkingi approcheront les autres partis politiques pour des actions communes et/ou convergentes aux fins de leur libération.
La deuxième priorité concerne la célébration du 20ème anniversaire du génocide et des crimes contre l'humanité. En même temps que nous nous souviendrons des tutsi de l'intérieur qui ont péri dans le génocide de 1994, nous entretiendrons en même temps la mémoire de toutes les victimes du cataclysme humanitaire qui s'est abattu sur le Rwanda de 1990 à 2000. Vingt ans après, le deuil n'est pas encore fait, parce qu'il n'est pas permis dans le Rwanda de Kagame. Ces oubliés qui ont été assassinés, avant, pendant et après le génocide des Tutsis méritent la même considération dans le souvenir. Ces derniers, en particulier les réfugiés hutu dans la forêt équatoriale au Congo, pour lesquels un rapport onusien, le Rapport Mapping, parle de possible génocide, ont subi en effet, la même négation de leur humanité que les tutsi de l'intérieur et ce n'est pas parce qu'aucun tribunal international ne s'est occupé de leur cas pour qualifier les crimes qu'ils ont subis, qu'il faille les oublier. Nous organiserons donc, en concertation avec nos partenaires de la plateforme FDU INKINGI-IHURIRO RNC-AMAHORO PC, des autres partis politiques dans un cadre bilateral et de la société civile, des tables rondes autour de cette problématique de l'oubli et de la discrimination dans le souvenir.
La troisième priorité concerne la mobilisation politique pour le changement politique imminent. Ce n'est pas de l'Europe et des USA lointains que s'opérera le changement politique, mais dans la pression politique et dans la proximité des rwandais à l'intérieur du pays et dans les pays aux alentours. C'est parce que nous serons à leur écoute, notamment en facilitant la mise à disposition des moyens directs d'expression tels que la radio, que les rwandais à l'intérieur comprendront que la soumission à un pouvoir totalitaire les perdra, que personne d'autre, à leur place, ne prendra en mains leur destin. C'est parce que nous serons aux côtés des rwandais vivant en exil dans des conditions de vie insoutenables et de précarité de droits, surtout ceux qui vivent dans des pays africains, que nous leur apporterons un message d'espérance, qu'ils se rendront compte qu'un autre avenir est à portée de leurs mains au Rwanda, qu'ils s'engageront corps et âmes pour retrouver la dignité dans leur pays.
La quatrième priorité a trait à un investissement plus important dans la diplomatie régionale. On n'opère pas de changement politique de l'extérieur dans un vacuum diplomatique. L'actualité récente de l'éviction de la rébellion congolaise M23 par la communauté internationale constitue un exemple éclatant. Même soutenue par le régime rwandais, la détermination internationale, en particulier celle des pays africains qui ont une vocation de puissance régionale ou défendent des intérêts politiques et économiques évidents, a montré combien la diplomatie sous-régionale peut être décisive dans le règlement d'un conflit politique. Les FDU-Inkingi, dans le cadre de l'alliance politique avec IHURIRO-RNC et AMAHORO-PC ou d'autres partis politiques qui rejoindront la plateforme, conduira une diplomatie soutenue dans les pays des Grands Lacs, de l'East Africa et la SADEC afin d'amener le régime rwandais à des négociations directes avec son opposition politique aussi bien pacifique qu'armée.
La cinquième priorité concerne la réorganisation interne du parti. Le refus par le pouvoir rwandais de l'ouverture démocratique à l'opposition, marqué par la condamnation à 15 ans de prison de la Présidente du parti et à 2 ans de prison du Secrétaire Général du parti, ainsi que d'autres leaders de l'opposition, demande aux FDU-Inkingi, non pas de mettre en cause son option de s'implanter au Rwanda, mais de revisiter sa stratégie d'inscription formelle en tant que parti politique, de questionner son organisation interne actuelle en vue d'une meilleur cohésion interne et de retrouver une forme d'organisation plus adaptée à la situation nouvelle.
Même si nous sommes convaincus quant à l'issue favorable de notre combat, parce qu'il est juste et parce que nous sommes mobilisés pour y parvenir, nous avons en même temps la lucidité pour dire que le chemin est semé d'embûches et que le régime de Kigali déploiera tout son arsenal de violence pour nous intimider et nous neutraliser. Mais, n'ayez pas crainte, ne vous découragez pas. Ainsi que nous l'avons déjà exprimé dans notre communique du 13 décembre 2013, rien ne peut arrêter l'aspiration d'un peuple à la liberté et à la démocratie. Partout où les régimes dictatoriaux ont essayé d'empêcher le peuple d'accéder à son aspiration profonde, ils ont échoué. Ceux qui sont aux côtés du peuple finissent par déjouer tous les pièges et triompher.
Bonne Année!
Fait à Lausanne, le 30 décembre 2013.
Pour les FDU-Inkingi
Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana

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Des Rwandaises battent le rythme de la réconciliation dans les Grands Lacs

La musique adoucit les mœurs… et rapproche les peuples. C’est en somme l’idée qui préside à la troupe de percussionnistes rwandaises Ingoma Nshya, un groupe qui défie les idées reçues. Composée uniquement de femmes alors que cette discipline est traditionnellement réservée aux hommes, elle réunit aussi des Tutsies et des Hutues. Leur musique véhicule une image de réconciliation dans un pays encore marqué par le génocide, mais également dans la région meurtrie du Kivu en RDC, où elles viennent de se produire.

La troupe est composée de 20 femmes. Elles jouent sur une douzaine de tambours différents, des rythmes traditionnels rwandais, mais également burundais ou sénégalais, et ont créé au fur et à mesure leurs propres enchaînements. Les femmes d’Ingoma Nshya proposent des spectacles chorégraphiés, où elles interprètent des chansons en kinyarwanda, une des langues officielles du Rwanda. Le dernier en date s’est tenu au festival Buzz’art de Goma mi-décembre.

La suite :

[RwandaLibre] Muslims march against French in Central African Republic


Muslims march against French in Central African Republic

The Canadian Press - Tuesday, 24 December, 2013

BANGUI, Central African Republic - Dozens of Muslims marched down the
streets of Bangui on Tuesday to demand the departure of French troops,
who were deployed to Central African Republic this month to try to
pacify fighting, and have instead been accused of taking sides in the
nation's sectarian conflict.

The marchers, almost all of them young and male, began their
demonstration in the Kilometer 5 neighbourhood, a mostly Muslim
section of the capital which has been the scene of clashes with French

It marks a dangerous turning point for the more than 1,600 French
soldiers sent here, who were initially cheered by the population, who
ran out to greet the arriving troops, waving tree branches, and
holding up pieces of cardboard emblazoned with welcoming messages.
That was before French President Francois Hollande bluntly said that
the country's Muslim president needed to go, and before French forces
were accused of only disarming Muslim fighters and ignoring the
Christian militias who have infiltrated the city, organizing attacks
on mosques, and on neighbourhoods like Kilometer 5, where a majority
of Muslims live.

On Tuesday the crowds making their way down the deserted city streets
were holding signs that said: "We say No to France!" and "Hollande =
Liar." Other signs had a hand drawn map of this nation located at the
heart of Africa, but showed it split into two, with a Muslim homeland
penciled in in the country's north.

Central African Republic slipped into chaos following a coup in March,
which was led by a Muslim rebel group. They overran the capital and
installed a Muslim president, while the nation's Christian leader was
forced to flee with his family. The country is 85 per cent Christian,
and when the Muslim rebels began attacking Christian villages, first
to steal their belongings and cattle, a sectarian divide emerged.
Pillaging turned to killing, and by the time French forces arrived
earlier this month, at least 500 people had been killed in communal
violence, including mob lynchings, their bodies so numerous community
leaders had to dig enormous holes for their mass graves.

The French have stepped up patrols and are working to debunk
perceptions that they are biased in this war. French Foreign Ministry
spokesman Vincent Floreani on Tuesday reacted to accusations that the
French force, known as Sangaris, had targeted Muslims.

"Since their deployment Dec. 5, the soldiers of the Sangaris operation
are operating according to three principles: impartiality, firmness,
and controlled use of force," he said. "They are demonstrating this
daily, in contributing to the disarming of all armed groups, without
distinction, and in intervening between groups to avoid violence and

A young woman, Edith Benguere, a Christian, ran into the march by
accident when she went to the bank to withdraw money. Frightened, she
hid and watched, and saw how the demonstrators were acting
aggressively against the French forces, positioned along the route.

"Armoured personnel carriers had taken positions in different parts of
town. But the soldiers would simply backtrack whenever the
demonstrators came near them, to avoid conflict," she said. "One of
the demonstrators was screaming at the top of his lungs: 'We are
ready! We have grenades ... We are ready for whatever comes today,
even if we need to die,'" she said.

Due to growing insecurity in the capital, religious leaders sent out a
communique stating that the birth of Christ will be celebrated at 3
p.m. rather than during the usual midnight mass.

International medical charity Doctors without Borders said that the
momentary calm that prevailed after the initial arrival of French
forces appears to have been shattered. In the past four days, the
hospital they run in Bangui has treated 190 wounded people.

"In the days leading up to Dec. 20, we had seen fewer cases overall,
and in particular a reduction in gunshot wounds," said Jessie Gaffric,
project co-ordinator at the hospital in an email to reporters. "Then,
suddenly on Dec. 20, we saw 49 gunshot wounds, and now continue to
receive around 15 a day."

In a sign of spiking tension, witnesses confirmed that three Chadian
civilians, attempting to flee the Central African Republic, were
attacked inside their car and murdered. The Chadians, who are majority
Muslim, are seen as particularly implicated in the conflict because a
Chadian contingent of African Union peacekeepers is accused of having
opened fire on Christian residents of Bangui.

"We have lost three of our compatriots and 10 others are wounded,"
said Adam Badica, a member of an organization working to repatriate
Chadians from the Central African Republic. He said their car was
attacked on Tuesday afternoon by a Christian militia in the Fou

An Associated Press journalist at the scene saw one of the bodies, his
chest cut open. Belongings and glass were scattered across the street.


Callimachi reported from Dakar, Senegal. Associated Press photographer
Rebecca Blackwell in Bangui, Central African Republic, and reporter
Angela Charlton in Paris contributed to this report.


What?!?! Muslims murdering people for Allah? What would you expect
from a religion who has a murderer, thief and rapist as their prophet.
He forbids his image from being shown because it probably was on a
wanted poster back then. Islam is the religion of hatred like no other
before it.

Posthumus, Tuesday, 24 December, 2013

Perhaps the French should march demanding that the muslims leave
France it's only fair.

Brian Evans, Tuesday, 24 December, 2013

Do all Muslims in the Middle East and Africa like to kill?

Seedaview, 20 hrs ago

The French should arm the Christian Militias and allow them to deal
with these Muslim Terrorists. This one simple act will bring peace and
stability to the CAR very quickly.

Bobby B, 6 hrs ago

All Zombies must be killed world wide, this plague on Mankind must be
stopped before it brings the world to the 7th century.

Jack, Tuesday, 24 December, 2013

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***Online Time: 15H30-20H00, heure de Montréal.***Fuseau horaire
domestique: heure normale de la côte Est des Etats-Unis et Canada

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Sunday 29 December 2013

[RwandaLibre] 6 Biggest Space Science Discoveries of 2013


6 Biggest Space Science Discoveries of 2013 - 4 hrs ago

The year 2013 saw a wealth of discoveries, insights, and milestones
that advanced the fields of astronomy and other space sciences. From
extrasolar planets to extraterrestrial neutrinos, these finds have
made sure that 2013 has been an unforgettable year.

Here's a look back at some of the most stunning space science
revelations of the year:

NASA's Voyager 1 reaches interstellar space

After almost 35 years of traveling, scientists reported this year that
NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft reached interstellar space in August 2012.
Because the solar system doesn't contain helpful "You Are Here" signs
to mark its boundary, scientists relied on a powerful solar eruption
to determine the density of the molecules in space around the craft.

With the transition into interstellar space, Voyager 1 became the
first craft to leave the solar system behind, making it a significant
milestone in the annals of space exploration. It is currently about
11.66 billion miles (18.76 billion km) from the sun.

Extraterrestrial neutrinos found in Antarctica

Physicists in Antarctica found the first evidence of cosmic rays from
outside the solar system. The energetic rays themselves are difficult
to detect, so scientists rely on the discovery of neutrinos produced
as the cosmic rays interact with their surroundings. Of the billions
of neutrinos that pass through a square centimeter of Earth each
second, only a few actually interact with matter.

But using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, an instrument buried in a
cubic kilometer of ice beneath the South Pole, physicists were able to
detect two neutrino events that originated beyond the solar system,
the first definitive detections since 1987 (and events a million times
more powerful than their predecessor). Although the event was too
small to pinpoint the origin of the cosmic rays — suspects include
supernovas, gamma ray bursts, and black holes — the detection opened
the door to a greater understanding of some of the powerful events in
the universe.

Ancient Mars could have supported life

Only seven months after its spectacular landing on Mars, NASA's
Curiosity rover discovered signs that ancient Mars could have
supported life in the form of primitive microbes. The determination
was made after instruments on the rover identified some of the key
ingredients necessary for life in the rocks of Mars. Curiosity isn't
searching for current life on Mars, only for signs of the Red Planet's
potentially habitable environments in the past.

In December, the Curiosity team announced evidence of a freshwater
Martian lake near the planet's equator that could have supported life
for extended periods of time. The lake likely existed about 3.7
billion years ago, far more recently than scientists previously
thought habitable environments existed on the Mars.

More recently, scientists have used NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
to determine that dark seasonal streaks near the equator could
indicate the presence today of flowing salt water on Mars during the
planet's warmer months. Previous signs of existing flowing water on
the planet were limited to the poles, while the equatorial regions
were considered completely dry.

Altogether, Mars is shaping up to be a far more habitable place after
the discoveries of 2013.

Earth's almost-twin

At the end of October, scientists announced the discovery of Earth's
closest exoplanet twin, in terms of size and composition. The planet,
called Kepler-78b, is just 20 percent wider and 80 percent more
massive than Earth, and boasts a similar density. But don't look for a
twin environment on the rocky planet; it orbits its sun once every 8.5
hours, at a distance of about 900,000 miles (1.5 million km), with
surface temperatures reaching more than 3,680 degrees Fahrenheit
(2,000 degrees Celsius).

This discovery came shortly after the confirmed extrasolar planet
count reached 1,000, a significant milestone since the first planet
outside of the solar system was found 20 years ago. But the number of
these planets is sure to increase. Of the almost 3,600 planetary
candidates announced by NASA'sKepler spacecraft, just over 150 have
been confirmed. [Related: Biggest Alien Planet Discoveries of 2013]

But astronomers aren't simply content with increasing the number of
extrasolar planets; they want to know more about the alien bodies. In
early October, scientists announced that they had produced the first
cloud map of a planet outside the solar system. Scientists used the
Kepler spacecraft and the infrared Spitzer Space Telescope to study
Kepler 7-b, a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting near its sun.

The death of the comet of the century

Hailed as the "comet of the century" throughout 2013, Comet ISON
passed by the sun on Nov. 28 before breaking apart. Discovered in
September 2012, the orbit of the comet bore striking similarities to
the Great Comet of 1680, which was visible in the daylight. From a
distance, the comet's brightness suggested it had a large nucleus,
which could provide an amazing show in 2013.

Skywatchers around the world tracked the comet as it came into view.
[Amazing Photos of Comet ISON by Stargazers]

Comet ISON buzzed the sun on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28). But as the
comet passed only 684,000 miles (1.1 million km) from the sun, the
gravitational pull and intense heat of the star stripped the comet of
its dust and gas, ultimately disintegrating it to the point where only
telescopes such as Hubble were able to continue observing it.

Scientists determined that the comet's nucleus was smaller than was
previously estimated, which contributed to its rapid destruction. But
while the comet of the century may not have put on a great show, its
long approach allowed professional and amateur astronomers alike time
to prepare and capture a wealth of information, which will improve
understanding of the composition and behavior of comets in the solar

The Chelyabinsk meteor explosion

On Feb. 15, 2013, a meteor exploded over Russia's Chelyabinsk region,
detonating about 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) east of Moscow. Known as
a bolide, the exploding fireball injured hundreds of people and
damaged hundreds of buildings. The 56-foot (17-meter) rock generated
the explosive power of more than 470 kilotons of TNT. [Photos: Meteor
Streaks Over Russia, Explodes]

While most of the injuries from the unexpected explosion came from
falling glass, the event focused the attention of the world on
potential threats from rocky bodies in space. Because smaller
asteroids such as the one that caused the Russian explosion are both
numerous and challenging to detect, most research to date has focused
on larger bodies that would do far more damage if they collided with

Follow @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook and Google+.
Original article on
5 Most Watched Space Events Of 2013 | Video Potentially Dangerous
Asteroids (Images) The Strangest Alien Planets (Gallery) Copyright
2013, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


These are NOT science. They are observations, only!

Jerry, 37 mins ago

Did NASA have an extended warranty on Voyager 1? Wish earthly things
would last that long.

doormouse, 4 hrs ago

It would be really cool if it were still taking pictures so that we
could what it looks like out there

Terry, 2 hrs ago

Try conjecture. Tuura's book "Physics is readable at last" surmises
that light is DARK MATTER, having accumulated at the gravitational
fields of galaxies after twelve billion years of continuous emission
from zillions of stars. As a by-product of hydrogen fusion, light is
mass and cannot be destroyed.

Ken, 2 hrs ago

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[RwandaLibre] Suicide bomber kills at least 16 at Russian train station


Suicide bomber kills at least 16 at Russian train station

Reuters - 1 hr ago
By Sergei Karpov

VOLGOGRAD, Russia (Reuters) - A suicide bomber set off a blast in the
entrance hall of a Russian train station on Sunday, investigators
said, killing at least 16 people in the second deadly attack within
three days as the country prepares to host the Winter Olympics.

Authorities said the attacker detonated a shrapnel-filled bomb in
front of a metal detector just inside the main entrance of the station
in Volgograd, a busy hub north of the violence-plagued North Caucasus
region on Russia's southern fringe.

Islamist militants in the North Caucasus have carried out a long
string of attacks since President Vladimir Putin came to power in
2000. They now confront him with his biggest security challenge,
threatening to disrupt the Olympics that start in the Black Sea resort
of Sochi in 40 days.

Footage shown on TV captured the moment of the blast, as a massive
orange fireball filled the hall of the stately, colonnaded station and
clouds of grey smoke poured out of shattered windows.

The station - a Stalinesque architectural monument with a clocktower
and spire topped by a Soviet-style star - was busier than usual, with
people travelling home for the New Year, one of the main holidays in

"People were lying on the ground, screaming and calling for help," a
witness, Alexander Koblyakov, told Rossiya-24 TV. "I helped carry out
a police officer whose head and face were covered in blood. He
couldn't speak."

The city once bore the name Stalingrad in honor of Soviet dictator
Josef Stalin, a figure held in opprobrium by many in the North

In the 1940s, Stalin ordered the deportation of tens of thousands of
people from the region, including Chechens, to Central Asia on
suspicion of harboring sympathies for Nazi Germany. Many thousands
died in exile and transport.

The federal Investigative Committee and other officials initially said
a female suicide bomber had blown herself up after a police officer
started to approach her near the metal detector because she looked

A Russian website with ties to security agencies, Life News, posted a
picture of what it said was the suspect's head.

It said authorities had identified her as a resident of Dagestan, the
province adjacent to Chechnya and now the center of a long-running
Islamist insurgency, and the widow of two militants who were both
killed by Russian security forces.

Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin later said a man
could have set off the blast, Russian news agencies reported.

Interfax cited law enforcement sources as saying authorities believed
the attacker was a man who brought a bomb into the station with a
rucksack. Some bombs carried by female suicide bombers have been set
off remotely by male accomplices.

So-called 'black widows', seeking to avenge fallen husbands, were
involved in a deadly Moscow theatre siege in 2002 and have been behind
several bombings including twin suicide attacks that killed 40 on the
Moscow subway in 2010.

"We can expect more such attacks," said Alexei Filatov, deputy head of
the veterans' association of the elite Alfa anti-terrorism unit.

"The threat is greatest now because it is when terrorists can make the
biggest impression," he told Reuters. "The security measures were
beefed up long ago around Sochi, so terrorists will strike instead in
these nearby cities like Volgograd."

The insurgency is rooted in two post-Soviet separatist wars in
Chechnya, the second of which was launched by Putin as Prime Minister
and succeeded in driving separatists from power.

Markin said 16 people were killed in the attack, including two who
died in hospital. A regional government official also put the toll at
16 and said that did not include the attacker.


Putin ordered law enforcement agencies to take all necessary
precautions to ensure security, his spokesman said. Police said
security would be tightened at stations and airports, with more
officers on duty and stricter passenger checks.

The attack, just over two months after a female suicide bomber killed
six people on a bus in the same city, raised questions about the
effectiveness of security measures which the Kremlin routinely orders
increased after bombings.

It could add to concerns about the government's ability to safeguard
the Sochi Olympics, which open on February 7. Putin has staked much of
his prestige on staging safe and successful Games, a chance to show
how far Russia has come since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Volgograd, which as Stalingrad was scene of a decisive World War Two
battle - much of the fighting centered on the railway station - is a
city of around 1 million and a transport hub in southern Russia, about
430 miles northeast of Sochi.

Putin visited in February to mark the 70th anniversary of the battle,
which has made the city a symbol of strength in the face of adversity.

It lies north of the North Caucasus, a string of mostly Muslim
provinces that includes Chechnya and is beset by near-daily violence
linked to the insurgency. Militants claim the area as a separate
Islamic "emirate".


Insurgent leader Doku Umarov, a Chechen warlord, urged militants in a
video posted online in July to use "maximum force" to prevent Putin
staging the Olympics. On Friday, a car bomb killed three people in
Pyatigorsk, close to the North Caucasus and 270 km (170 miles) east of

Volgograd is one of the venues for the 2018 soccer World Cup, another
high-profile sports event Putin has helped Russia win the right to
stage, and which will bring thousands of foreign fans to cities around

Sunday's attack was the deadliest to strike Russia's heartland since
January 2011, when a male suicide bomber from the North Caucasus
killed 37 people in the arrivals hall of a busy Moscow airport.

Thirty-seven people were hospitalized, including 15 in grave
condition, Health Ministry spokesman Oleg Salagai said.

The committee said the toll could have been much higher if the
attacker had made it into the station waiting hall.

But Filatov said that the widespread practice of placing metal
detectors at the entrance of airports and stations risked causing more
casualties: "We are creating this danger ourselves by allowing a place
for a crowd to gather."

The Investigative Committee said the bomb detonated with a force
equivalent to at least 10 kg (22 lb) of TNT.

(Reporting by Alissa de Carbonnel and Steve Gutterman; Editing by Mark


I am no happy, someone is given to the Russians de seam they had give
to many people in the world, especially to South America y en Germans.
It has nothing to do with religions, it is the same cooking soup God
is sending to them, it is time they fell what I felt when I as just a
child y they came to my country and kill 16 family members children
and a pregnant woman. I never had forgotten that terrible crime, in
innocent people, farmers that is raising food for the rest of their
town. One of them latter on was hidden in my home bath room, he scared
me a great deal I was only 10 years old. The army also killed one of
them, I was taking to the army station t identify its dead body that
Russian criminal. Even I was a child, did not feel sorry, but scared,
only remembered he was told y looks yellow y part oriental Mongolian,
I did not know that time Geography, but now I know, he was part of
both sides, Russia/Mongolian.

Lili Rolda, 1 min ago

I cannot but wonder why these garbage bag people and their
unfathomable religion think that killing strangers will make others
want to back them. They live in the middle ages and don't try to come
into the 21st century.

Great Daze, 1 hr ago

Ban Burkhas / bee keeper suits worldwide. If their women are now
suicide bombing, they need to be searched vigorously. And ban those
dastardly symbols of domination and subjugation.

kaosillator, 3 hrs ago

This area is just North of the area the older brother of the two
Boston Bombers grew up in. He visited the area in 2012. He was the one
who made the bombs and the Russian's warned us about yet we did
nothing. Good thing the NSA has our phone records though....

Tater Tot, 4 hrs ago

Men supposedly get virgins. What do women suicide bombers get? If they
only realized that the only thing they are getting is death.

NeilB, 5 hrs ago

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“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.