
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

[RwandaLibre] Re: Kagame ordonne à la fonction publique d'assassiner les opposants politiques.


"Mais ce que les réactions des netters révèlent, c'est la faiblesse politique si ce n'est l'incurie de ceux qui se présentent comme les opposants. Nombreux et divers qu'ils sont, on aurait pu s'attendre à ce que le focus ne soit pas mis uniquement sur le fait que c'est "Kagame qui avoue l'assassinat de Patrick Karegeya". C'est en soit un fait mineur. Répéter cela comme des sourds n'apporte ni analyse ni instruction politique", A. Kamaliza.

Je pense que vous ignorez le communique ci-dessous de la plateforme FDU-RNC-AMAHORO.
Ledit communique va meme jusqu'a appeler la communaute internationale n'invoquer la clause du conseil de securite "Responsabilite de Proteger" ( dans ce cas precis, proteger les Rwandais qui sont menaces par le regime de Kagame):

"In view of the above, we call upon:                                                                                                                                                 3) The international community to invoke "RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT", the new international security and human rights norm to address the international community's responsibility to prevent and stop genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity".

Voici le lien de ce communique qui est aussi sur ces fora depuis hier.


On Jan 14, 2014, at 4:29, Kamaliza Adèle <> wrote:



Dans un autre message j'ai clairement écrit que j'attendais que "les religions"  (c-à-d) leurs représentants s'expriment sur le discours du président ordonnant aux fonctionnaires et à l'assistance d'assassiner (partout) les opposants politiques. C'est le minimum.  Attendons voir.

Mais ce que les réactions des netters révèlent, c'est la faiblesse politique si ce n'est l'incurie de ceux qui se présentent comme les opposants. Nombreux et divers qu'ils sont, on aurait pu s'attendre à ce que le focus ne soit pas mis uniquement sur le fait que c'est "Kagame qui avoue l'assassinat de Patrick Karegeya". C'est en soit un fait mineur. Répéter cela comme des sourds n'apporte ni analyse ni instruction politique.

Par contre ce qu'il dit, et surtout l'injonction qu'il fait à l'assistance pour qu'elle participe activement et sans complexe ni conscience aux assassinats constitue j'enjeu politique majeur. Sous couvert de prière ou pas, donner publiquement l'ordre d'assassiner les opposants politiques, sans même le prétexte d'une situation de conflit ou de troubles et de lutte armée est un fait rare. Peu de dirigeants ont eu cette outrecuidance. Voilà en quoi la dictature rwandaise est singulière.

Aujourd'hui ce n'est plus Kagame qu'il faut culpabiliser. Il est déjà coupable, immonde et ignoble. Il faut plutôt parler à tous ceux qui se soumettent à lui. Réécoutez ce qu'il dit (dans la même vidéo) sur le dialogue politique et vous y retrouverez point par point ce qu'un dénommé Patrick Ndengera a écrit il y a quelques jours. - Imaginons que les opposants se soient saisi de la question dans le but de faire prendre conscience à chaque fonctionnaire, entrepreneur ou colporteur de la bonne parole, que suite au discours du président, les Rwandais non-inféodés au régime verront en chacun d'eux un assassin en puissance. - Est-ce qu'un individu comme Patrick Ndengera pourrait obéir à l'ordre qui a été donné le 12 janvier 2014 ? Là est la question sur laquelle l'opposition est incapable de penser. - Imaginons que tous les fonctionnaires envoyés en mission à l'étranger aient cela en tête. C'est-à-dire que ceux qu'ils rencontrent ou qui les reçoivent les perçoivent comme de possibles assassins. Cela engendrerait chez eux un début de prise de conscience politique.

Je saluerai le prochain communiqué politique de l'opposition dont l'objectif sera de s'adresser aux fonctionnaires et autres affidés du régime pour leur dire que s'ils ne se dissocient pas de Kagame, ils seront accueillis partout comme des commandos d'assassins.
- Ceci n'est qu'un rêve quand on sait que chacun à son "ami" comme Patrick Karegeya pouvait en avoir.

Drôle de peuple !

A. Kamaliza

Le Lundi 13 janvier 2014 20h49, "" <> a écrit :
Au fait, A.Kamaliza,
Paul Kagame donne le meme message chaquefois qu'on lui pose la question de savoir s'il a assassine son predecesseur, Juvenal Habyarimana!
Ce qui m'indigne le plus, c'est qu'il donne cette mission de tuer alors que:
1. Il est a la Messe, devant des eveques/ il est applaudi!
2. Dieu Lui-meme dit qu'Il ne desire pas qu'un pecheur meure,mais qu'il se repente et sauve sa vie!
3.La peine de mort etant abolie au Rwanda, ce message  n'est que anticonstitutionnel!
4.Kabarebe dit qu' est chien qui devient refugie, ne croit-il pas que certains chiens apprenent mieux aboyer en exile? 
5.Paul Kagame n'a finalement pas compris le message donne par son Premier qu'il a tant felicite pourtant. Le PM aurait ecrit que "quiconque" attaque le Rwanda en subira des consequences. Ce que Kagame n'a pas compris du message de son Premier Ministre est que celui-ci parlait du Rwanda de ses ancetres et de ses enfants. Or, qui est le premier a en avoir subi des consequences? Pas Patrick Karegeya, mais Fred Rwigema et ses compagnons tombes comme en parle Kabarebe. Le message du Premier Ministre de Paul Kagame n'epargne pas Patrick Karegeya, certes, mais pas Kagame et Kabarebe non plus, car les deux ont aussi attaque le Rwanda et sont compris dans "quiconque". 
Pauvre Mushikiwabo! Sa diplomatie ne trouvant plus d'acheteurs, mieux vaudrait qu'elle jette l'eponge comme disait l'autre.
Ndi Semahoro 

On Monday, January 13, 2014 11:39 AM, Kamaliza Adèle <> wrote:
N.B. Les propos du président étant comme d'habitude décousus, il est préférable que chacun aille lui-même l'écouter et le voir vers la min 20.

C'est dans cette vidéo que je découvre avec l'image et le son qui glacent le sang, ce que le président Kagame a réellement dit au public réuni autour de lui le 12 janvier 2014.

Alors que ceux qui se disent ses opposant ont plutôt sauté sur le fait qu'il reconnaît à mi-mot que c'est bien son régime qui a fait assassiner le colonel Patrick Karegeya, la partie où le président invite les fonctionnaires à assassiner les opposants au régime, où qu'ils se trouvent et qui qu'ils soient, est presque passée sous silence.

Or, si un président peut ordonner qu'untel soit assassiné dans l'intérêt de l'état, c'est sans doute une des premières qu'un chef d'état, en assemblée publique, moque les fonctionnaires qui disent ne pas avoir trempé dans un assassinat, pour mieux les inviter à s'y adonner à cœur joie.

Si demain il y a un opposant politique rwandais qui se retrouve mort après "avoir été échanger les nouvelles" avec "un ami" ou un émissaire venu du pays, qu'on ne vienne pas dire que c'est à cause de Kagame. Lui il a annoncé la couleur. C'est flippant !!!

A. Kamaliza

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[RwandaLibre] Re: *DHR* News - Tensions Rise As Rwanda Militia Groups Join Forces In DRC


Apparently, it is true.

It is high time that Kagame and his opologists acknowledge the saying that "na nyina wundi abyara umuhungu" and that "wirukana inyamaswa akari kera ukayimara ubwoba".

On Jan 13, 2014, at 23:41, Peter Rwagasabo <> wrote:


Is this real or is DMI trying to frame Alexis Bakunzibake?

Twitter: Great Lakes Post@greatlakespost

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Nzinink <> wrote:

Tensions Rise As Rwanda Militia Groups Join Forces In DRC

The Rwanda Defence Forces continue to reinforce military deployments at its borders with DRC following unsettling reports in the eastern part of the war-torn neighbour, Chimp Corps report.

By Giles Muhame 20 hours 26 minutes ago
RDF remains on high alert at the DRC border
RDF remains on high alert at the DRC border

On Sunday, PS Imberakuri, a militia group started by the jailed Bernard Ntaganda, announced it was officially joining hands with FDLR, whose leadership and ideology was responsible for the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

In a statement seen by Chimpreports Investigations Desk, the First Vice President of the PS Imberakuri, Alexis Bakunzibake and FDLR President 'Major General' Victor Byiringiro agreed to work together to cause regime change in Kigali.

The two militia group leaders also decided to name their new alliance - FCRL–Ubumwe.

They accused President Kagame's government of the "recruitment activities of the youth to strengthen the rebels of the M23 currently refugees in Rwanda and the fact that a lot of information confirm that the Kigali Government is planning to resume fighting against the Congo claiming the presence of the FDLR in this country as it has always been the case since 2000."

Rwanda denies the allegation, saying M23 members are kept in gazetted areas.

According to FCRL–Ubumwe's statement, Kigali was also faulted for violation of human rights of opposition activities, suffocation of civil liberties and supporting M23 fighters in DRC.

"No one can ignore that the little respite available to the people of Rwanda is that the RPF knows that the FDLR can rescue them in case of need. If the international community continues to ignore the suffering of Rwandans, it (FDLR) will have no other choice than to use all means at its disposal," the FDLR warned.


The decision to combine forces and also issue threats of war by the deadly militia groups in DRC comes at a very tense moment, with RDF putting its elite units on standby in preparation for a possible invasion.

Informed sources told this website that the UN Force Intervention Brigade's failure to confront the DRC-based FDLR after the defeat of M23 raised fears that the international body was not willing to attack its former allies.

Several units of FDLR were used to by the UN Brigade comprising Tanzania, South Africa and Malawi, in ground assaults of M23 bases especially in Rubare, Rugari, Rutshuru and Bunagana.

The defeat of M23, with majority of its combatants fleeing to Rwanda and Uganda, left a vacuum in eastern Congo which the FDLR has reportedly exploited to arm its fighters, mobilise for new recruits and plan to strike Rwanda.


The Rwanda army maintains tanks and other assortments of heavy artillery on the border with DRC as a cautionary measure.

These units were reinforced last week following rumours that President Paul Kagame had been shot dead by his bodyguard, sparking off wild celebrations among residents of Goma in DRC.

More soldiers have also been deployed in strategic areas around Kigali City.

The diplomatic efforts of President Yoweri Museveni and Secretary of State, John Kerry last year saved the region from a confrontation of Rwanda and DRC militaries at the height of the war against M23.  

Some elements in the DRC army and suspected FDLR fighters fired bombs into the Rwanda territory, killing a woman and injuring several people.

Now, reports that PS Imberakuri and FDLR are uniting to fight the Kigali government will likely ratchet up tensions between DRC and Rwanda.


In a letter dated 12 December 2013 from the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo addressed to the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533, UN investigators reported that FDLR was becoming weaker despite reinforcements from some officials in the DRC army.

During 2013, several events further weakened FDLR, notably in South Kivu. In early February, the FDLR deputy commander, sanctioned individual "Gen." Stanislas Nzeyimana, alias Izabayo Bigaruka, disappeared in Tanzania.

In late November, the South Kivu sector commander, "Col." Hamada Habimana deserted to join his family in Kenya. Also in late November, the Forces nationales de libération (FNL) killed their former ally Mazuru, who was the FDLR liaison officer in the Ruzizi Plains.

During 2013, UN documented cases of local-level collaboration between FDLR and FARDC. For most of the year, some FDLR units cohabited and/or collaborated with FARDC troops including provision of ammunition.

 In September and October, three ex-combatants told UN that FDLR buys ammunition from FARDC soldiers for between 50 and 100 CF ($0.05-0.11) per bullet.

The Government of Rwanda maintains that FDLR troops are serving in FARDC.

During September and October, MONUSCO military sources reported that FDLR clashed with M23 on several occasions at Rubare and Rugari.

FDLR coordinated attacks and ambushes against M23 with local FARDC commanders, notably in August. By November, however, when FARDC defeated M23, evidence of FARDC-FDLR collaboration diminished.

FDLR has also worked with other armed groups. Former FDLR combatants said FDLR has had alliances with APCLS and Nyatura. During September and October, UN sources confirmed that FDLR fought alongside APCLS against NDC in Walikale territory.

On 20 October, FDLR attacked Pinga town in Walikale territory along with APCLS combatants. Their troops initially pushed NDC combatants out of parts of Pinga; however, NDC troops counterattacked and took back the town. In September, "Col." Aigle Rouge, who leads the Mai Mai Ngulima group in Misingi-Misinga, Masisi Territory said he collaborates with FDLR in his area.

Rwanda Defence Minister, Gen James Kabarebe recently said "Whoever has kept FDLR for 19 years in DRC is also the one responsible for M23, not me. The rest is diversionary, misleading and scapegoating."

The General, who fought alongside President Paul Kagame in the RPF war that toppled the regime of Juvenal Habyarimana, further added that in 1994 "the FDLR genocidal force in DRC was about 150,000 plus, today it's about 2,000 minus."

He attributed the decimation of over 90 percent of the FDLR militants to "Rwanda Defence Forces operations."

Following the ouster of Habyarimana's regime in 1994, the fleeing Hutu militia later regrouped in DRC before launching a military come back through northern Rwanda.

Kagame, Kabarebe, Maj Gen Alex Kagame and exiled renegade general, Kayumba Nyamwasa among others led the RPF troops in the insurgency thus defeating FDLR.

More lethal operations by RDF inside Congo destroyed the better part of FDLR, killing hundreds of the rebel group's commanders and militants.

FDLR Fighters who chose to surrender were later integrated into the Rwanda society while others were jailed for atrocities committed in the 1994 genocide.

Genocide Ghosts


Kabarebe said "FDLR will be haunted by its genocide crimes till self extermination," adding, "Not even the Pope will cleanse FDLR of their genocide crimes. They must face justice or ask Rwandans for mercy."

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[RwandaLibre] News - Tensions Rise As Rwanda Militia Groups Join Forces In DRC


Tensions Rise As Rwanda Militia Groups Join Forces In DRC

The Rwanda Defence Forces continue to reinforce military deployments at its borders with DRC following unsettling reports in the eastern part of the war-torn neighbour, Chimp Corps report.

RDF remains on high alert at the DRC border
RDF remains on high alert at the DRC border

On Sunday, PS Imberakuri, a militia group started by the jailed Bernard Ntaganda, announced it was officially joining hands with FDLR, whose leadership and ideology was responsible for the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

In a statement seen by Chimpreports Investigations Desk, the First Vice President of the PS Imberakuri, Alexis Bakunzibake and FDLR President 'Major General' Victor Byiringiro agreed to work together to cause regime change in Kigali.

The two militia group leaders also decided to name their new alliance - FCRL–Ubumwe.

They accused President Kagame's government of the "recruitment activities of the youth to strengthen the rebels of the M23 currently refugees in Rwanda and the fact that a lot of information confirm that the Kigali Government is planning to resume fighting against the Congo claiming the presence of the FDLR in this country as it has always been the case since 2000."

Rwanda denies the allegation, saying M23 members are kept in gazetted areas.

According to FCRL–Ubumwe's statement, Kigali was also faulted for violation of human rights of opposition activities, suffocation of civil liberties and supporting M23 fighters in DRC.

"No one can ignore that the little respite available to the people of Rwanda is that the RPF knows that the FDLR can rescue them in case of need. If the international community continues to ignore the suffering of Rwandans, it (FDLR) will have no other choice than to use all means at its disposal," the FDLR warned.


The decision to combine forces and also issue threats of war by the deadly militia groups in DRC comes at a very tense moment, with RDF putting its elite units on standby in preparation for a possible invasion.

Informed sources told this website that the UN Force Intervention Brigade's failure to confront the DRC-based FDLR after the defeat of M23 raised fears that the international body was not willing to attack its former allies.

Several units of FDLR were used to by the UN Brigade comprising Tanzania, South Africa and Malawi, in ground assaults of M23 bases especially in Rubare, Rugari, Rutshuru and Bunagana.

The defeat of M23, with majority of its combatants fleeing to Rwanda and Uganda, left a vacuum in eastern Congo which the FDLR has reportedly exploited to arm its fighters, mobilise for new recruits and plan to strike Rwanda.


The Rwanda army maintains tanks and other assortments of heavy artillery on the border with DRC as a cautionary measure.

These units were reinforced last week following rumours that President Paul Kagame had been shot dead by his bodyguard, sparking off wild celebrations among residents of Goma in DRC.

More soldiers have also been deployed in strategic areas around Kigali City.

The diplomatic efforts of President Yoweri Museveni and Secretary of State, John Kerry last year saved the region from a confrontation of Rwanda and DRC militaries at the height of the war against M23.  

Some elements in the DRC army and suspected FDLR fighters fired bombs into the Rwanda territory, killing a woman and injuring several people.

Now, reports that PS Imberakuri and FDLR are uniting to fight the Kigali government will likely ratchet up tensions between DRC and Rwanda.


In a letter dated 12 December 2013 from the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo addressed to the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533, UN investigators reported that FDLR was becoming weaker despite reinforcements from some officials in the DRC army.

During 2013, several events further weakened FDLR, notably in South Kivu. In early February, the FDLR deputy commander, sanctioned individual "Gen." Stanislas Nzeyimana, alias Izabayo Bigaruka, disappeared in Tanzania.

In late November, the South Kivu sector commander, "Col." Hamada Habimana deserted to join his family in Kenya. Also in late November, the Forces nationales de libération (FNL) killed their former ally Mazuru, who was the FDLR liaison officer in the Ruzizi Plains.

During 2013, UN documented cases of local-level collaboration between FDLR and FARDC. For most of the year, some FDLR units cohabited and/or collaborated with FARDC troops including provision of ammunition.

 In September and October, three ex-combatants told UN that FDLR buys ammunition from FARDC soldiers for between 50 and 100 CF ($0.05-0.11) per bullet.

The Government of Rwanda maintains that FDLR troops are serving in FARDC.

During September and October, MONUSCO military sources reported that FDLR clashed with M23 on several occasions at Rubare and Rugari.

FDLR coordinated attacks and ambushes against M23 with local FARDC commanders, notably in August. By November, however, when FARDC defeated M23, evidence of FARDC-FDLR collaboration diminished.

FDLR has also worked with other armed groups. Former FDLR combatants said FDLR has had alliances with APCLS and Nyatura. During September and October, UN sources confirmed that FDLR fought alongside APCLS against NDC in Walikale territory.

On 20 October, FDLR attacked Pinga town in Walikale territory along with APCLS combatants. Their troops initially pushed NDC combatants out of parts of Pinga; however, NDC troops counterattacked and took back the town. In September, "Col." Aigle Rouge, who leads the Mai Mai Ngulima group in Misingi-Misinga, Masisi Territory said he collaborates with FDLR in his area.

Rwanda Defence Minister, Gen James Kabarebe recently said "Whoever has kept FDLR for 19 years in DRC is also the one responsible for M23, not me. The rest is diversionary, misleading and scapegoating."

The General, who fought alongside President Paul Kagame in the RPF war that toppled the regime of Juvenal Habyarimana, further added that in 1994 "the FDLR genocidal force in DRC was about 150,000 plus, today it's about 2,000 minus."

He attributed the decimation of over 90 percent of the FDLR militants to "Rwanda Defence Forces operations."

Following the ouster of Habyarimana's regime in 1994, the fleeing Hutu militia later regrouped in DRC before launching a military come back through northern Rwanda.

Kagame, Kabarebe, Maj Gen Alex Kagame and exiled renegade general, Kayumba Nyamwasa among others led the RPF troops in the insurgency thus defeating FDLR.

More lethal operations by RDF inside Congo destroyed the better part of FDLR, killing hundreds of the rebel group's commanders and militants.

FDLR Fighters who chose to surrender were later integrated into the Rwanda society while others were jailed for atrocities committed in the 1994 genocide.

Genocide Ghosts


Kabarebe said "FDLR will be haunted by its genocide crimes till self extermination," adding, "Not even the Pope will cleanse FDLR of their genocide crimes. They must face justice or ask Rwandans for mercy."

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[RwandaLibre] Rwanda : Ikiganiro Ministre Louise Mushikiwabo yagiranye n’abanyamakuru ku rupfu rwa Patrick Karegeya


Rwanda : Ikiganiro Ministre Louise Mushikiwabo yagiranye n'abanyamakuru ku rupfu rwa Patrick Karegeya                                                              

Kigali, tariki ya 6 Mutarama 2014
Kanda hano wumve amagambo ya Louise Mushikiwabo
(Kuva ku munota wa 6:45 kugeza ku munota wa 22: 55)
Umunyamakuru : Minister, ubwo twese twamenye inkuru y'uko umugabo witwa Karegeya wigeze gukorera Leta y'u Rwanda, yari amaze n'igihe ari impunzi muri Afurika y'epfo ko yishwe kuri Bonne année nk'uko tubyumva, ahantu muri hotel Sandton. Kugeza ubungubu abagize icyo babivugaho ibyo ari byo byose barareba, bavuga u Rwanda ko rushobora kuba rufitemo uruhare. Kugeza ubungubu u Rwanda ntiruragira icyo rusubiza kuri ibyongibyo. Mwebwe turi kumwe ubungubu mwatubwira uko u Rwanda rubibona kandi uwo muntu Karegeya ahari ni ukwibutsa ni umuntu ki ? Ni ku zihe mpamvu se umuntu yaje kuba impunzi kandi yarakoreraga Leta ?
Ministre : Ni byo, ayo makuru y'iyicwa rya Patrick Karegeya wari warahungiye muri Afurika y'epfo natwe twarayumvise turayakurikira ; mu itangazamakuru hamaze iminsi bayavugaho. Icya mbere nifuza gusobanura ni uko uyu mugabo, sinzi niba abantu benshi baragiye babikurikira kuko we ku giti cye yagiye abivuga cyane mu itangazamakuru, mu maradiyo mpuzamahanga ndetse n'ahandi. Uyu mugabo ni umuntu mu by'ukuri wigeze gukorera u Rwanda mu kazi k'iperereza, akuriye ibiro bikuru bishinzwe iperereza, aza guhunga igihugu ahakoze amakosa akomeye, harimo no kugambanira igihugu. Icyo, ikizwi cyane muri urwo rwego, ni ikibazo cy'umuntu ushakishwa, uregwaho genocide witwa Félicien Kabuga. Bikaba byaravuzwe cyane igihe yahungaga igihugu, ko mu by'ukuri yari ameze nk'ushaka kumvikana na Kabuga ndetse n'aba n'umuryango we, birimo, no gutanga amafaranga, kwakira amafaranga, ashakisha uburyo yagerageza kumukuraho cyangwa se, sinzi ko icyaha cya génocide ari we ukigukuraho ariko ni nko kugerageza kumufasha kuva muri ibyo bibazo.
Umunyamakuru : Cyangwa kudafatwa
Ministre : Cyangwa kudafatwa kuko arashakishwa hashize imyaka myinshi cyane. Mbese ni nk'ubwumvikane yaba yaragiranye ku bijyanye n'umuntu uzwi neza ho, ndetse n'ibihugu by'amahanga biramushakisha kuko muzi neza ko Leta Zunze Ubumwe z'Amerika zanatanze, zashyizeho amafaranga miliyoni 5 z'amadolari ku muntu wabafasha kubona uwo mugabo. Murumva rero mu kazi umuntu ushinzwe iperereza waba yinjiye mu kintu nk'icyo, akava mu kazi mu gihugu, ni icyaha gikomeye cyane. Ikindi ni uko uyu mugabo Karegeya, ni umuntu ahangaha ndifuza ko abatwumva basobanukirwa neza. Iyo umuntu ahagurutse akavuga y'uko agiye kurwanya akoresheje uburyo bushoboka bwose cyane cyane harimo guteza imvururu mu gihugu, gukoresha amahane no kwica abantu. Ibyo yarabyivugiye, ibyo yarabyivugiye. Yavuze y'uko ahagurutse agiye kurwanya igihugu. Igihugu na cyo kigomba kumurwanya. Ni ko bimeze. Ntabwo ushobora kwibaza ngo ndahagurutse, ndanabivuze ku maradiyo hirya no hino ndetse mbishyize no mu bikorwa, ngiye gukora ku buryo iki gihugu ngiteza imvururu kitazikuramo nkoreshe ibishoboka byose kugira ngo n'ubuyobozi bw'iki gihugu buveho kandi buveho nabi mu buryo bw'intambara. Urumva rero iyo umuntu avuze ikintu nk'icyo, ubwongubwo aba yiyemeje kuba umwanzi w'igihugu, ko agiye kukirwanya, ayo ni amagambo yivugiye.
Umunyamakuru : Ibyo ari byose birumvikana ko agiye guhangana.
Ministre : Ndizera ko abantu benshi bumva ko aba yiyemeje ko agiye guhangana. Hari ukuntu rero muri aya makuru amaze iminsi usanga harimo ikintu cyo ku.., cyane cyane bamwe mu banyarwanda bari mu mahanga benshi bamaze iminsi babivugaho ariko n'itangazamakuru mpuzamahanga hirya no hino ; ni nk'aho umuntu azahaguruka akavuga ngo nje gusenya u Rwanda ariko u Rwanda rwo nk'igihugu, rukamutegera amaboko, rukamwakira. Ntago bishoboka. Wiyemeje kurwanya igihugu, igihugu kirakurwanya. Ndashaka no kubibutsa neza ko wabajije ikibazo kiri cyo. Ariko ubundi uyu muntu ni muntu ki ? Ni nk'aho abantu bakangutse bakavuga ngo hari umunyarwanda wiciwe muri Afurika y'epfo. Uyu mugabo yari umugabo mubi cyane. Mu bijyanye no ku…, iyo migambi ye ni yo yari yaravuze yo kurwanya igihugu. Mu minsi ishize byaravuzwe mu itangazamakuru ariko ni byo, njyewe ndabyemeza nk'umuvugizi wa Leta kandi nk'umuntu ukurikirana iby'abanzi b'igihugu bakorera hanze mu mahanga. Kuba umuntu w'umunyarwanda, icyaba cyaramukuye mu gihugu cyose, yiyemeza gukorana n'interahamwe, agafatanya na zo, akaziha uburyo bwo gutuma zaza hano mu gihugu ; byarabaye, inshuro nyinshi cyane, FDLR igatera grenades hano mu gihugu, ikica abana b'abanyarwanda, sinzi niba mwibuka umwana w'umukobwa w'imyaka 16 wishwe na grenade hano mu gihugu !! Ni rero byiza ko abantu batandukanya umuntu n'igihugu. Iyo ukurikiranye igihugu ukakigirira nabi, uba ugirira nabi abenegihugu. Icyo kintu rero ndizera yuko gisobanuka cyane.
Umunyamakuru : Ariko ushobora kutubwira, ni ukuvuga ko Leta yatangiye guhangana n'uwo mugabo Karegeya ? Uwo mwariho muhangana na we ? Ni ukukubaza kuko iyo mubivuze gutya, ni ukuvuga ko se ari Leta y'u Rwanda yagiye kumutera hariya yo hepfo ?
Ministre : Urumva, ntabwo twebwe u Rwanda dushinzwe ibiba ku bantu bari mu bindi bihugu, ibyo ntibitureba. Igihe habaye ikibazo mu gihugu hano, dufite inzego zibishinzwe turabikurikirana. Ariko icyo nshaka gusobanura nta n'ubwo, nta n'ingufu tubishyizemo kuko ntabwo, uyu ni umuntu wari wariyemeje kurwanya igihugu cyacu. Ntabwo rero, kuko iyo usoma itangazamakuru cyane cyane itangazamakuru mpuzamahanga, hari n'ikintu ndetse navuga y'uko ari ugusuzugura abanyafurika n'ubwoko bw'abirabura kuko kuvuga ngo uyu muntu ntabwo yari yishimiye ubuyobozi bw'u Rwanda, arapfuye ubwo ubuyobozi ni bwo bwamishe. Ibyo ni ibintu usanga bijya muri ya mitekerereze yo kuvuga ko muri Afurika abayobozi bose ni abicanyi, umuntu wese urwanyije ubuyobozi muri Afurika ni we uba ufite ukuri abandi baba bari mu makosa. Ibyo na byo ni ikintu abanyarwanda bakwiye kwitondera cyane. Kuko ntabwo kurwanya Leta bihita bikugira umutagatifu cyangwa se umuntu w'umwere. Ntabwo ari uko bikwiye kumera. Ikindi, niba umuntu apfuye, ubundi turizera ko itangazamakuru, nk'uko abakora iperereza babigenza bashakisha icyaba gishobora kuba, ari mu buzima bwe, ari mu mibereho ye, ari mu nshuti ze, aho kumwica byaba byaturutse. Ariko ikintu cyo kuvuga ugahita usimbuka ngo u Rwanda rwaramushakishije, yaciriwe imanza, yaciriwe imanza kubera amakosa yakoreye mu gihugu. Icyo kintu rero na cyo ni ikibazo kuko umuntu hashize igihe nk'uko nabivugaga yisobanurira we uko yifuza gusenya kino gihugu, avuga y'uko afite abandi bafatanyije muri parti, iyo parti twe ntituyizi kuko ntabwo mu Rwanda ntihaba, ntabwo ari parti twavuga ngo iba hano mu gihugu, ikora itya. Tuyumva gutyo hirya no hino mu mahanga ntabwo ikorera mu Rwanda. Abakurikirana bazanareba ndetse bitegereze barebe ukuntu iyo groupe y'abo banyarwanda b'abagizi ba nabi baba mu mahanga, ubundi bo babanye bate ? Kuko byagiye binagaragara no ku zindi, abandi biyita ko bafite amaparti arwanya Leta y'u Rwanda n'ubuyobozi bw'u Rwanda, bafitemo amakimbirane menshi cyane. Iyo ubikurikiranye inama zabo ziba ku mugaragaro harimo abantu benshi ; iyo ubikurikiranye usanga ari bantu bafitanye ibibazo bikomeye cyane na bo hagati yabo. Hari mbese n'ako kazi yakoze mu Rwanda. Hari kuba yaragiye muri icyo gihe cyose, ari muri izo deals ni ko navuga nk'icyongicyo nabasobanuriye cyabaye ikosa rikomeye mu kazi yakoraga hano mu Rwanda cyo gushaka kugira umwere umugenocidaire kugira ngo havemo amafaranga. Ibintu nk'ibyongibyo byose urabireba, uti : ariko uyu muntu ubundi, ni muntu ki ? Ni nde waba yifuza y'uko yamukuraho ku isi ? Kuvuga rero ngo umuntu ararwanya u Rwanda, u Rwanda ni rwo.., ibyo ni ibintu umuntu aganira mu kabari gutyo ntabwo ari ibintu bifatika bikwiye kuza mu itangazamakuru. Gushaka kutareba ikibazo cy'uko niba mukurikira neza muri abanyamakuru muzasanga ko abantu bafitanye ikibazo n'iyi Leta y'u Rwanda biyemeje ko buri kantu kose kabaye bagomba kukarega u Rwanda. Ubu nta kintu ino Leta itaregwa kibaho, bigaturuka mu bantu bamwe buri gihe. Abo bantu bafite inyungu zabo, bafite inyungu zabo. Umuntu arapfa mu bitaro, bati Leta y'u Rwanda yamwishe, umuntu yajya mu kabari yarwana yakomereka bati abakozi ba Leta y'u Rwanda ni bo bamukurikiranye. Ibyo rero na byo, abantu bajye basobanukirwa neza, ntabwo, nibaza ko ibikorwa by'iyi Leta biragaragara ntabwo abantu bakwiye kugwa muri uwo mutego habaye iki, abakozi ba Leta bakoze iki cyane cyane abanyarwanda benshi ari bafite kuba bifuza kwibera mu mahanga n'abafite amakosa akomeye bakoze hano mu gihugu, icyo kintu cy'uko umuntu ashobora guhungabanya umutekano w'igihugu ariko akaba ari we ushaka kugaragara nk'umwere na byo ntabwo bisobanutse, ntabwo ari byo. Ibyo rero nka Leta y'u Rwanda ni uko tubibona.
Umunyamakuru : Ikindi kintu gitangaje, ni uko twumvise muri iyi minsi ko uretse umuryango we, hari abandi bantu bavuze ko bababajwe n'urupfu rwa Karegeya, abantu bitwa FDLR bigaragaza ko koko hari ukuntu bisa nk'aho nk'abageze kure mu gutera…
Ministre : Sinzi niba mu itangazamakuru mwarabivuze mukabiganiraho, ariko iyo FDLR yatanze n'itangazo ry'akababaro, ryo kwifatanya na we, rigaragaza ko yari umuntu w'intwari wabo. Mwumva se umuntu w'intwari ya FDLR mu Rwanda afite uwuhe mwanya ? Ku buryo Leta y'u Rwanda nisobanure. Afite aho ahagaze, afite ibyo yiyemeje. Urarwanya igihugu, igihugu kirakurwanya. Nta kundi bigomba kugenda.
Umunyamakuru : Ariko ubwo nyine mugashimangira y'uko yari umwanzi w'igihugu wapfuye, ariko mu gupfa kwe ntaho byari bihuriye na Leta y'u Rwanda.
Ministre : Leta y'u Rwanda, nta n'ubwo bitureba kuko ntiyapfiriye hano. Iyo aza gupfira hano mu Rwanda, hari inzego zibishinzwe. Inzego rero zishinzwe gukurikirana abapfa cyangwa se n'andi makosa aba mu gihugu, biri mu gihugu arimo. Twebwe rero kutubaza ngo Leta y'u Rwanda, Leta y'u Rwanda ntabwo akazi kacu…
Umunyamakuru : Ibyo twumva ni abandi barega Leta y'u Rwanda. Mbese mu magambo yandi, ntabwo byari kuri gahunda yo kumwica, ntabwo byari muri za gahunda za Leta.
Ministre : Uretse, byaba kuri gahunda bitaba kuri gahunda icyo mvuga, ubundi se nka Leta njyewe undwanyije nabuzwa n'iki kukurwanya ?
Umunyamakuru : Ni byo.
Ministre : Yeee ! Uko yapfuye n'uwamwishe, ibyo igihugu arimo kirabikurikirana. Ariko njyewe nkurikirana nka Leta, njyewe nzatega amaboko nguhobere ? Nanjye ngomba kugukurikirana kuko ahangaha ni ho nabanje gusobanura ko Leta ni igihugu, ni ubuyobozi bw'igihugu n'abenegihugu. Ubu se abanyarwanda bo bapfuye muri izi grenades ziterwa hano aka gaco kabo karimo uyu mugabo wapfuye, bakorana mu buryo bugaragara buzwi, bufite inyandiko, bufite impapuro buzwi, ndetse nibaza ko na FDLR kuba imukorera itanga pole ikamukorera ikiriyo imushima nk'intwari ibyo byonyine birahagije kukwereka aho uyu mugabo yari ageze. Njyewe se nka Leta y'u Rwanda, byaba bindebaho iki yapfa yakira niba arwanya iki gihugu akarwanya abanyarwanda, akaba yashyigikira, agafasha mu buryo bufatika abantu baza muri iki gihugu kwica abanyarwanda. Ubuyobozi bw'u Rwanda, bushinzwe kurinda abanyarwanda bari muri iki gihugu. Simbona impamvu natandukanya Mudacumura na Karegeya. Kuko Mudacumura ni umukuru w'interahamwe, arazwi, ari hariya muri Congo, arashakishwa ; uwo bakora ibikorwa bimeze kimwe kuki namufata mu bundi buryo ? Njyewe ahongaho ndizera ko cyane cyane abanyarwanda, itangazamakuru ryo rikunda ibintu nk'ibyo bidasobanutse birimo gushaka guhanganisha n'iki ariko kuba na none harimo ikintu cyo gu…kuko iyo ukomeje gusoma ano makuru, amakuru ni amwe barasubiramo ibintu bimwe bidafite aho biva n'aho bijya : Abanyafurika ni abicanyi, umuntu wese urwanyije Leta y'Afurika ni we uba ufite ukuri, ibyo ntabwo ari byo, ntabwo ari byo. Twebwe rero muri Leta y'u Rwanda ni uko tubibona.

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Rwanda : Ikiganiro Ministre Louise Mushikiwabo yagiranye n’abanyamakuru ku rupfu rwa Patrick Karegeya

Rwanda : Ikiganiro Ministre Louise Mushikiwabo yagiranye n'abanyamakuru ku rupfu rwa Patrick Karegeya                                                              

Kigali, tariki ya 6 Mutarama 2014
Kanda hano wumve amagambo ya Louise Mushikiwabo
(Kuva ku munota wa 6:45 kugeza ku munota wa 22: 55)
Umunyamakuru : Minister, ubwo twese twamenye inkuru y'uko umugabo witwa Karegeya wigeze gukorera Leta y'u Rwanda, yari amaze n'igihe ari impunzi muri Afurika y'epfo ko yishwe kuri Bonne année nk'uko tubyumva, ahantu muri hotel Sandton. Kugeza ubungubu abagize icyo babivugaho ibyo ari byo byose barareba, bavuga u Rwanda ko rushobora kuba rufitemo uruhare. Kugeza ubungubu u Rwanda ntiruragira icyo rusubiza kuri ibyongibyo. Mwebwe turi kumwe ubungubu mwatubwira uko u Rwanda rubibona kandi uwo muntu Karegeya ahari ni ukwibutsa ni umuntu ki ? Ni ku zihe mpamvu se umuntu yaje kuba impunzi kandi yarakoreraga Leta ?
Ministre : Ni byo, ayo makuru y'iyicwa rya Patrick Karegeya wari warahungiye muri Afurika y'epfo natwe twarayumvise turayakurikira ; mu itangazamakuru hamaze iminsi bayavugaho. Icya mbere nifuza gusobanura ni uko uyu mugabo, sinzi niba abantu benshi baragiye babikurikira kuko we ku giti cye yagiye abivuga cyane mu itangazamakuru, mu maradiyo mpuzamahanga ndetse n'ahandi. Uyu mugabo ni umuntu mu by'ukuri wigeze gukorera u Rwanda mu kazi k'iperereza, akuriye ibiro bikuru bishinzwe iperereza, aza guhunga igihugu ahakoze amakosa akomeye, harimo no kugambanira igihugu. Icyo, ikizwi cyane muri urwo rwego, ni ikibazo cy'umuntu ushakishwa, uregwaho genocide witwa Félicien Kabuga. Bikaba byaravuzwe cyane igihe yahungaga igihugu, ko mu by'ukuri yari ameze nk'ushaka kumvikana na Kabuga ndetse n'aba n'umuryango we, birimo, no gutanga amafaranga, kwakira amafaranga, ashakisha uburyo yagerageza kumukuraho cyangwa se, sinzi ko icyaha cya génocide ari we ukigukuraho ariko ni nko kugerageza kumufasha kuva muri ibyo bibazo.
Umunyamakuru : Cyangwa kudafatwa
Ministre : Cyangwa kudafatwa kuko arashakishwa hashize imyaka myinshi cyane. Mbese ni nk'ubwumvikane yaba yaragiranye ku bijyanye n'umuntu uzwi neza ho, ndetse n'ibihugu by'amahanga biramushakisha kuko muzi neza ko Leta Zunze Ubumwe z'Amerika zanatanze, zashyizeho amafaranga miliyoni 5 z'amadolari ku muntu wabafasha kubona uwo mugabo. Murumva rero mu kazi umuntu ushinzwe iperereza waba yinjiye mu kintu nk'icyo, akava mu kazi mu gihugu, ni icyaha gikomeye cyane. Ikindi ni uko uyu mugabo Karegeya, ni umuntu ahangaha ndifuza ko abatwumva basobanukirwa neza. Iyo umuntu ahagurutse akavuga y'uko agiye kurwanya akoresheje uburyo bushoboka bwose cyane cyane harimo guteza imvururu mu gihugu, gukoresha amahane no kwica abantu. Ibyo yarabyivugiye, ibyo yarabyivugiye. Yavuze y'uko ahagurutse agiye kurwanya igihugu. Igihugu na cyo kigomba kumurwanya. Ni ko bimeze. Ntabwo ushobora kwibaza ngo ndahagurutse, ndanabivuze ku maradiyo hirya no hino ndetse mbishyize no mu bikorwa, ngiye gukora ku buryo iki gihugu ngiteza imvururu kitazikuramo nkoreshe ibishoboka byose kugira ngo n'ubuyobozi bw'iki gihugu buveho kandi buveho nabi mu buryo bw'intambara. Urumva rero iyo umuntu avuze ikintu nk'icyo, ubwongubwo aba yiyemeje kuba umwanzi w'igihugu, ko agiye kukirwanya, ayo ni amagambo yivugiye.
Umunyamakuru : Ibyo ari byose birumvikana ko agiye guhangana.
Ministre : Ndizera ko abantu benshi bumva ko aba yiyemeje ko agiye guhangana. Hari ukuntu rero muri aya makuru amaze iminsi usanga harimo ikintu cyo ku.., cyane cyane bamwe mu banyarwanda bari mu mahanga benshi bamaze iminsi babivugaho ariko n'itangazamakuru mpuzamahanga hirya no hino ; ni nk'aho umuntu azahaguruka akavuga ngo nje gusenya u Rwanda ariko u Rwanda rwo nk'igihugu, rukamutegera amaboko, rukamwakira. Ntago bishoboka. Wiyemeje kurwanya igihugu, igihugu kirakurwanya. Ndashaka no kubibutsa neza ko wabajije ikibazo kiri cyo. Ariko ubundi uyu muntu ni muntu ki ? Ni nk'aho abantu bakangutse bakavuga ngo hari umunyarwanda wiciwe muri Afurika y'epfo. Uyu mugabo yari umugabo mubi cyane. Mu bijyanye no ku…, iyo migambi ye ni yo yari yaravuze yo kurwanya igihugu. Mu minsi ishize byaravuzwe mu itangazamakuru ariko ni byo, njyewe ndabyemeza nk'umuvugizi wa Leta kandi nk'umuntu ukurikirana iby'abanzi b'igihugu bakorera hanze mu mahanga. Kuba umuntu w'umunyarwanda, icyaba cyaramukuye mu gihugu cyose, yiyemeza gukorana n'interahamwe, agafatanya na zo, akaziha uburyo bwo gutuma zaza hano mu gihugu ; byarabaye, inshuro nyinshi cyane, FDLR igatera grenades hano mu gihugu, ikica abana b'abanyarwanda, sinzi niba mwibuka umwana w'umukobwa w'imyaka 16 wishwe na grenade hano mu gihugu !! Ni rero byiza ko abantu batandukanya umuntu n'igihugu. Iyo ukurikiranye igihugu ukakigirira nabi, uba ugirira nabi abenegihugu. Icyo kintu rero ndizera yuko gisobanuka cyane.
Umunyamakuru : Ariko ushobora kutubwira, ni ukuvuga ko Leta yatangiye guhangana n'uwo mugabo Karegeya ? Uwo mwariho muhangana na we ? Ni ukukubaza kuko iyo mubivuze gutya, ni ukuvuga ko se ari Leta y'u Rwanda yagiye kumutera hariya yo hepfo ?
Ministre : Urumva, ntabwo twebwe u Rwanda dushinzwe ibiba ku bantu bari mu bindi bihugu, ibyo ntibitureba. Igihe habaye ikibazo mu gihugu hano, dufite inzego zibishinzwe turabikurikirana. Ariko icyo nshaka gusobanura nta n'ubwo, nta n'ingufu tubishyizemo kuko ntabwo, uyu ni umuntu wari wariyemeje kurwanya igihugu cyacu. Ntabwo rero, kuko iyo usoma itangazamakuru cyane cyane itangazamakuru mpuzamahanga, hari n'ikintu ndetse navuga y'uko ari ugusuzugura abanyafurika n'ubwoko bw'abirabura kuko kuvuga ngo uyu muntu ntabwo yari yishimiye ubuyobozi bw'u Rwanda, arapfuye ubwo ubuyobozi ni bwo bwamishe. Ibyo ni ibintu usanga bijya muri ya mitekerereze yo kuvuga ko muri Afurika abayobozi bose ni abicanyi, umuntu wese urwanyije ubuyobozi muri Afurika ni we uba ufite ukuri abandi baba bari mu makosa. Ibyo na byo ni ikintu abanyarwanda bakwiye kwitondera cyane. Kuko ntabwo kurwanya Leta bihita bikugira umutagatifu cyangwa se umuntu w'umwere. Ntabwo ari uko bikwiye kumera. Ikindi, niba umuntu apfuye, ubundi turizera ko itangazamakuru, nk'uko abakora iperereza babigenza bashakisha icyaba gishobora kuba, ari mu buzima bwe, ari mu mibereho ye, ari mu nshuti ze, aho kumwica byaba byaturutse. Ariko ikintu cyo kuvuga ugahita usimbuka ngo u Rwanda rwaramushakishije, yaciriwe imanza, yaciriwe imanza kubera amakosa yakoreye mu gihugu. Icyo kintu rero na cyo ni ikibazo kuko umuntu hashize igihe nk'uko nabivugaga yisobanurira we uko yifuza gusenya kino gihugu, avuga y'uko afite abandi bafatanyije muri parti, iyo parti twe ntituyizi kuko ntabwo mu Rwanda ntihaba, ntabwo ari parti twavuga ngo iba hano mu gihugu, ikora itya. Tuyumva gutyo hirya no hino mu mahanga ntabwo ikorera mu Rwanda. Abakurikirana bazanareba ndetse bitegereze barebe ukuntu iyo groupe y'abo banyarwanda b'abagizi ba nabi baba mu mahanga, ubundi bo babanye bate ? Kuko byagiye binagaragara no ku zindi, abandi biyita ko bafite amaparti arwanya Leta y'u Rwanda n'ubuyobozi bw'u Rwanda, bafitemo amakimbirane menshi cyane. Iyo ubikurikiranye inama zabo ziba ku mugaragaro harimo abantu benshi ; iyo ubikurikiranye usanga ari bantu bafitanye ibibazo bikomeye cyane na bo hagati yabo. Hari mbese n'ako kazi yakoze mu Rwanda. Hari kuba yaragiye muri icyo gihe cyose, ari muri izo deals ni ko navuga nk'icyongicyo nabasobanuriye cyabaye ikosa rikomeye mu kazi yakoraga hano mu Rwanda cyo gushaka kugira umwere umugenocidaire kugira ngo havemo amafaranga. Ibintu nk'ibyongibyo byose urabireba, uti : ariko uyu muntu ubundi, ni muntu ki ? Ni nde waba yifuza y'uko yamukuraho ku isi ? Kuvuga rero ngo umuntu ararwanya u Rwanda, u Rwanda ni rwo.., ibyo ni ibintu umuntu aganira mu kabari gutyo ntabwo ari ibintu bifatika bikwiye kuza mu itangazamakuru. Gushaka kutareba ikibazo cy'uko niba mukurikira neza muri abanyamakuru muzasanga ko abantu bafitanye ikibazo n'iyi Leta y'u Rwanda biyemeje ko buri kantu kose kabaye bagomba kukarega u Rwanda. Ubu nta kintu ino Leta itaregwa kibaho, bigaturuka mu bantu bamwe buri gihe. Abo bantu bafite inyungu zabo, bafite inyungu zabo. Umuntu arapfa mu bitaro, bati Leta y'u Rwanda yamwishe, umuntu yajya mu kabari yarwana yakomereka bati abakozi ba Leta y'u Rwanda ni bo bamukurikiranye. Ibyo rero na byo, abantu bajye basobanukirwa neza, ntabwo, nibaza ko ibikorwa by'iyi Leta biragaragara ntabwo abantu bakwiye kugwa muri uwo mutego habaye iki, abakozi ba Leta bakoze iki cyane cyane abanyarwanda benshi ari bafite kuba bifuza kwibera mu mahanga n'abafite amakosa akomeye bakoze hano mu gihugu, icyo kintu cy'uko umuntu ashobora guhungabanya umutekano w'igihugu ariko akaba ari we ushaka kugaragara nk'umwere na byo ntabwo bisobanutse, ntabwo ari byo. Ibyo rero nka Leta y'u Rwanda ni uko tubibona.
Umunyamakuru : Ikindi kintu gitangaje, ni uko twumvise muri iyi minsi ko uretse umuryango we, hari abandi bantu bavuze ko bababajwe n'urupfu rwa Karegeya, abantu bitwa FDLR bigaragaza ko koko hari ukuntu bisa nk'aho nk'abageze kure mu gutera…
Ministre : Sinzi niba mu itangazamakuru mwarabivuze mukabiganiraho, ariko iyo FDLR yatanze n'itangazo ry'akababaro, ryo kwifatanya na we, rigaragaza ko yari umuntu w'intwari wabo. Mwumva se umuntu w'intwari ya FDLR mu Rwanda afite uwuhe mwanya ? Ku buryo Leta y'u Rwanda nisobanure. Afite aho ahagaze, afite ibyo yiyemeje. Urarwanya igihugu, igihugu kirakurwanya. Nta kundi bigomba kugenda.
Umunyamakuru : Ariko ubwo nyine mugashimangira y'uko yari umwanzi w'igihugu wapfuye, ariko mu gupfa kwe ntaho byari bihuriye na Leta y'u Rwanda.
Ministre : Leta y'u Rwanda, nta n'ubwo bitureba kuko ntiyapfiriye hano. Iyo aza gupfira hano mu Rwanda, hari inzego zibishinzwe. Inzego rero zishinzwe gukurikirana abapfa cyangwa se n'andi makosa aba mu gihugu, biri mu gihugu arimo. Twebwe rero kutubaza ngo Leta y'u Rwanda, Leta y'u Rwanda ntabwo akazi kacu…
Umunyamakuru : Ibyo twumva ni abandi barega Leta y'u Rwanda. Mbese mu magambo yandi, ntabwo byari kuri gahunda yo kumwica, ntabwo byari muri za gahunda za Leta.
Ministre : Uretse, byaba kuri gahunda bitaba kuri gahunda icyo mvuga, ubundi se nka Leta njyewe undwanyije nabuzwa n'iki kukurwanya ?
Umunyamakuru : Ni byo.
Ministre : Yeee ! Uko yapfuye n'uwamwishe, ibyo igihugu arimo kirabikurikirana. Ariko njyewe nkurikirana nka Leta, njyewe nzatega amaboko nguhobere ? Nanjye ngomba kugukurikirana kuko ahangaha ni ho nabanje gusobanura ko Leta ni igihugu, ni ubuyobozi bw'igihugu n'abenegihugu. Ubu se abanyarwanda bo bapfuye muri izi grenades ziterwa hano aka gaco kabo karimo uyu mugabo wapfuye, bakorana mu buryo bugaragara buzwi, bufite inyandiko, bufite impapuro buzwi, ndetse nibaza ko na FDLR kuba imukorera itanga pole ikamukorera ikiriyo imushima nk'intwari ibyo byonyine birahagije kukwereka aho uyu mugabo yari ageze. Njyewe se nka Leta y'u Rwanda, byaba bindebaho iki yapfa yakira niba arwanya iki gihugu akarwanya abanyarwanda, akaba yashyigikira, agafasha mu buryo bufatika abantu baza muri iki gihugu kwica abanyarwanda. Ubuyobozi bw'u Rwanda, bushinzwe kurinda abanyarwanda bari muri iki gihugu. Simbona impamvu natandukanya Mudacumura na Karegeya. Kuko Mudacumura ni umukuru w'interahamwe, arazwi, ari hariya muri Congo, arashakishwa ; uwo bakora ibikorwa bimeze kimwe kuki namufata mu bundi buryo ? Njyewe ahongaho ndizera ko cyane cyane abanyarwanda, itangazamakuru ryo rikunda ibintu nk'ibyo bidasobanutse birimo gushaka guhanganisha n'iki ariko kuba na none harimo ikintu cyo gu…kuko iyo ukomeje gusoma ano makuru, amakuru ni amwe barasubiramo ibintu bimwe bidafite aho biva n'aho bijya : Abanyafurika ni abicanyi, umuntu wese urwanyije Leta y'Afurika ni we uba ufite ukuri, ibyo ntabwo ari byo, ntabwo ari byo. Twebwe rero muri Leta y'u Rwanda ni uko tubibona.


Charles Rutagengwa namwe banyarubuga,
Arakoze Rutagengwa udukoreye iriya analyse akanongera kuduha uburyo bwo kongera kumva ririya jambo nkoramaraso rya Kagame. 
Koko ntiyarivugiye mu nteko ishinga amategeko cyangwa muri guverinoma, yarivugiye mu giterane cy'amasengesho y'ariya madini y'ibyaduka mu Rwanda bita "abarokore" yagize ibikoresho bye. Abo ba Bishop Rucayahana babaye abakozi be, bose bakorera Kagame n'icyama cyabo kitwa FPR. Uzabaze Padiri Emile Nsengiyumva padiri mukuru wa Paruwasi Karenge ahahoze ari muri komini Bicumbi uherutse kumara umwaka afunze muri gereza azira ko hari icyumeru yigishijeho ku maganya n'agahinda abakirisitu be bahora bamutura by'ukuntu leta ya FPR ibatemera intoki, ibambura amasambu yabo, uturima basigaranye ikabategeka guhingamo ibitahera, kubasenyera amazu, kubahatira ibyo kuringaniza imbyaro birimo gahunda yo gukona igitsinagabo hutu no kubuza abagore b'abahutukazi kubyara n'ibindi bibi byinshi leta ibakorera. Uzarebe ko bene uwo mupadiri uzamwumva muri ziriya ngirwamasengesho z'umwaka Kagame azamo gutanga amabwiriza yo kwica abanyarwanda batavuga rumwe na we muri politiki kandi ari uburenganzira bwabo busesuye bwo kutavuga rumwe nawe.Niba ariya madini y'ibyaduka y'abarokore mu Rwanda atitandukanije na Kagame ku mugaragaro kubera ririya jambo rutwitsi yavugiye mu giterane cyabo, niba atinyaye mw'isunzu ngo agire ubwigenge aho gukorera mu kwaha kwa Kagame na FPR, biriya Kagame yavugiye imbere yabo mu giterane cyabo agaha leta ye ku mugaragaro amabwiriza yo kwica abantu, bazabyirengerane hamwe na we. (AnastaseGasana, Chairman wa PRM/MRP-ABASANGIZI, ishyaka rigamije gusangiza abanyarwanda bose ibyiza by'igihugu cyabo ntawe uhejejwe inyuma y'urugi).

2014/1/13 Charles Rutagengwa <>

Ngaho namwe nimwiyumvire aya mahano yagwiriye u Rwandal cyane cyane, muhere ku munota wa 21:

Kuba Kagame atarakoranije inama y'abadepite cyangwa se iy'aba ministreS ngo abe ariho atangariza inkorashyano ze zidakwiriye guterwa ipfunwe no kwica abamurwanya;

Kuba ba Pastori Rutayisire, Rucyahana n'abandi badashaka aho bavugira ngo bitandukanye n'iyi vanjili ivuye ku ntebe ya Sekibi;

Ibigiye gukurikira iyi disikuru nkunguzi bazabyirengere bonyine ariko ntibizasige ibara izina ry'Imana Nyamana uyu mukozi wa Lusifero ashaka kwiyitirira.


Activités récentes:

Maître Innocent  TWAGIRAMUNGU
Té 0032- 495 48 29 21


"L'extrémisme dans la défense de la liberté n'est pas un vice; La modération dans la poursuite de la justice n'est pas une vertu".

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." (USA,Republican Convention 1964,Barry Morris Goldwater (1909-1998)).

"Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal mais par ceux qui regardent et refusent d'agir", Albert EINSTEIN.

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COMBATTONS la haine SANS complaisance, PARTOUT et avec Toute ENERGIE!!!!!!
Let's  rather prefer Peace, Love , Hope and Life, and get together as one!!! Inno TWAGIRA


[RwandaLibre] Rwanda ambassador to UK: Karegeya 'was enemy of the state'


Rwanda ambassador: Karegeya 'was enemy of the state'

13 January 2014 Last updated at 21:24 GMT
Williams Nkurunziza, Rwanda's high commissioner to the UK, has told
the BBC that former Rwandan intelligence chief Patrick Karegeya was an
"enemy of the state".

Mr Karegeya's body was discovered, apparently murdered, in a South
African hotel room.

South African police said the 53-year-old may have been strangled. A
rope and bloodied towel were found in the safe of the hotel room where
his body was discovered.

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“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.