
Thursday, 1 May 2014

[RwandaLibre] FW: [fondationbanyarwanda] quelques conseils/Re: *DHR* "Rwanda : le rôle de la France dénoncé par les rebelles"


Prof Filip Reintjens, que pensez vous de cette information phare de Survie combattante? 
Est-elle conforme aux vues de l'organisation FIDH ou vous futes consultant?
Ne vous en faites au reste, Professeur, il y a beaucoup d'ecrits bizarres ounuls dont l'humanite  normale ne se soucie guerre ou qu'elle ne considere jamais. Mais nous devons bien reconnaitre et accepter que c'est le droit des auteurs d'ecrire ainsi et s'etre probablement consoles dans leurs fantasmes.  La France est championne dans le respect de ce droit et Dieu merci.

From: Agnès Murebwayire <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 7:28 PM
Subject: *DHR* "Rwanda : le rôle de la France dénoncé par les rebelles"



Car le groupe d'officiers et de politiciens extrémistes hutu qui s'est emparé du pouvoir par un coup d'Etat dans les jours qui ont suivi la mort du président Habyarimana est parvenu en deux semaines à mettre en œuvre dans l'ensemble du Rwanda son projet de génocide des Tutsi. Un gouvernement intérimaire rwandais (GIR) a été formé et a reçu l'aval de l'ambassadeur de France à Kigali, Jean- Michel Marlaud. Ce gouvernement de tueurs est soutenu par les autorités françaises qui reçoivent officiellement, le 27 avril 1994, le ministre des Affaires étrangères du GIR, Jérôme Bicamumpaka, et son directeur des affaires politiques, le dirigeant de la CDR Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza.

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[RwandaLibre] Re: *DHR* Paris :Joseph Kabila attendu à l’Elysée le 21 mai prochain !


Je pense que Kabila mérite cet honneur. La RDC est en bonne voie pour la démocratisation par rapport aux autres pays de la région. Kabila a montré un calme et une maitrise  de la situation des conflits alimentés et imposés  par le Rwanda et l'Uganda sur son pays
Francois Hollande est le meilleur ami de l'Afrique. La politique de la France en Afrique est correcte et porte sur les intérêts des Africains.
Francois Hollande  ne doit plus écouter les ONG et des media français qui sont la plupart corrompus pendent qu'ils dénoncent la corruption en Afrique. 

Francois Hollande ne doit plus écouter les propagandes négatives   a l'égard de la France   basées sur   les mauvaises interprétations des relations traditionnelles France-Afrique. Ces propagandes étant véhiculées par les Anglo-Saxons qui cherchent une influence accrue en Afrique.

From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 1 May 2014, 9:08
Subject: *DHR* Paris :Joseph Kabila attendu à l'Elysée le 21 mai prochain !

, le 30 avril 2014


L'axe Paris-Kinshasa baigne sous un ciel radieux comme le confirme l'invitation que le président François Hollande vient d'adresser à son homologue congolais Joseph Kabila qu'il invite à une visite officielle pour un tête-à-tête à l'Elysée entre les deux dirigeants le 21 mai prochain pour resserrer davantage les relations franco-congolaises.
François Hollande est disposé à dérouler le tapis rouge pour son homologue congolais Joseph Kabila. La date choisie par les deux personnalités pour cette visite officielle est le 21 mai 2014 à Paris. Un grand jour pour l'espace francophone après le 14ème sommet tenu à Kinshasa. Déjà, les deux hommes avaient brisé la glace lors du sommet de l'Elysée. Mais cette fois-ci, c'est en tête-à-tête que les deux chefs d'Etat ont convenu de se revoir et de régler définitivement toutes les questions qui fâchent. Normalisation en vue !

Plusieurs questions d'intérêt commun préoccupent tant Joseph Kabila que François Hollande, en plus de celles traditionnelles liées à la coopération bilatérale. D'abord, le conflit en République centrafricaine (RCA), qui partage plus de 1.500 km de frontière avec la RDC. La RCA fait face à une guerre civile qui oppose les chrétiens aux musulmans.

La situation est tellement préoccupante qu'un important contingent de policiers (PNC) et militaires(FARDC) congolais participe aux opérations de rétablissement de la paix en RCA, dans le cadre de la mission africaine, Misca. Le professionnalisme des FARDC et de la PNC Sur le terrain de même que leur comportement exemplaire sera abordé, sans aucun doute, par les deux hommes d'Etat. La France est présente en RCA dès les premières heures de la déstabilisation, avec des troupes aguerries. Deux chefs des armées œuvrant dans une même zone opérationnelle ont des informations et des renseignements à échanger.

Le départ des militaires tchadiens, la mise en place d'une force onusienne s'inviteront également aux discussions d'autant plus que la France ne pourrait déployer davantage des troupes en RCA. Obtenir de Joseph Kabila la promesse d'un appui conséquent en hommes pour la mission onusienne en RCA serait une grande avancée lors de cette rencontre au sommet. La France est le premier Etat membre permanent du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies qui est allé au secours de la Centrafrique.  Elle ne devrait pas porter seule le poids de cette crise.

Rechercher les convergences

L'organisation du 14ème sommet de la Francophonie à Kinshasa a connu des grincements pendant la période qui a précédé la tenue effective de cette grande rencontre. Le succès remporté à cette occasion par la République démocratique du Congo a convaincu la France sur le sérieux du pays dans la voie qu'il s'est choisi. En lieu et place de rechercher des points de divergences et les amplifier, les deux chefs d'Etat semblent avoir compris la nécessité de privilégier l'essentiel, à savoir, le bien-être des populations.

Ce qui passe absolument par les échanges économiques et les investissements. Les investisseurs français sont disposés à apporter des capitaux frais en RDC. Les matières premières enfouies dans le sous-sol congolais, celles sur le sol, etc., ne pourront bénéficier aux Congolais qu'à la condition de les valoriser.  Le besoin des financements et de la technologie est immense et pressant pour la RDC. La France qui est relativement en crise comme d'autres pays européens, ne se priverait pas d'une synergie avec la RDC, en investissant dans l'économie réelle.

L'une des voies pour résorber la montée du chômage à l'Hexagone et, en même temps, participer à l'amélioration du vécu quotidien des Congolais, reste les échanges commerciaux et les investissements massifs. François Hollande mettra donc à profit cette opportunité pour apporter un soutien à l'économie de son pays. La rencontre officielle se transformera ainsi en une opportunité d'échanges gagnant-gagnant pour les deux Etats.

Les questions qui fâchent

En sa qualité de partenaire de la République démocratique du Congo, la République française ne se dérobera pas du devoir de s'informer sur les questions d'actualité brulante. Sans s'immiscer dans la politique interne de la RDC, le président François Hollande aimerait bien savoir de la bouche de son hôte congolais comment évoluer le processus électoral en cours en RDC.

Il en sera de même de la question des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales. A la veille de la tenue du 14ème sommet de la Francophonie à Kinshasa, le président français avait posé un certain nombre de problèmes pour lesquels il voudrait des réponses, dans un cadre apaisé et respectueux de la souveraineté de la RDC.

Quant au président Kabila, qui pilote un pays très convoité dans la sous-région, l'occasion lui sera offerte de faire la démonstration de l'avancée acquise par la RDC en matière de démocratie et de bonne gouvernance. Il est vrai que le chemin est encore long, mais ce qui est enregistré comme avancée est plutôt acceptable. Cet argument, le président Kabila le fera prévaloir afin d'obtenir de Paris le soutien logistique et financier nécessaire à l'organisation des bonnes élections !

Au final, entre la France et la RDC, des divergences sont plutôt minimes. Les questions qui fâchent tiennent plus aux humeurs du moment qu'à des positions tranchées. La vraie amitié étant basée sur la vérité et la franchise, Kabila et Hollande construiraient au bénéfice de leurs pays respectifs s'ils s'engageaient dans une démarche sincère d'œuvrer ensemble pour le bien-être des peuples congolais et français. Dans le respect mutuel et la vérité
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[RwandaLibre] Attentat contre Habyarimana: les parties civiles de l’enquête française en appellent au gouvernement


Attentat contre Habyarimana: les parties civiles de l'enquête française en appellent au gouvernement

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[RwandaLibre] STAND protests speech by Rwandan president | Stanford Daily


STAND protests speech by Rwandan president


Courtesy of Paul Kagame

Around a dozen members of Stanford STAND, a human rights group, demonstrated outside a Graduate School of Business event featuring Rwandan President Paul Kagame last Friday, in an effort to prompt conversation of and raise awareness about allegedly repressive actions by Kagame's administration.

According to Jared Naimark '14, the STAND students demonstrated at the event because the Stanford chapter of the national STAND organization focuses explicitly on human rights in Sudan, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwanda has repeatedly intervened in Congo in recent years.

The group also works with Friends of the Congo, an organization based in Washington, D.C. that works to raise awareness about challenges faced by people in the Congo and to support Congolese institutions.

Demonstrators emphasized, however, that their efforts were not intended to interrupt the procession of the event.

"We [were] not planning to disrupt the event in any way," Naimark said. "We're curious to hear what he had to say. The goal is to get information in people's hands."

The demonstrators handed out informational factsheets and flyers that detailed human rights violations allegedly perpetrated by the Kagame administration, as well as printed copies of aneditorial article that they had published in The Daily that day, according to Melanie Langa '16, a member of STAND and one of the demonstrators.

"STAND was interested in changing the dialogue around this event because we felt it wasn't representative of the whole story," Langa said. "There are whole stories and perspectives that you can take to this event. Since he's been president, Rwanda has made many strides and has improved and [Kagame's] done a good job in a lot of cases and scenarios but it's also important to recognize that his government has been destabilizing Eastern Congo and because of that we are interested in making sure that side of the story people knew about."

Scott St. Marie MBA '15, one of the student coordinators of Kagame's address, stated that he thought the STAND students' presence at the event was beneficial.

"I'm glad that they were there to help broaden our dialogue about Kagame and Rwanda," St. Marie said. "Rwanda has a tumultuous and complex history, and I'm glad we were able to talk about multiple perspectives."

In fact, St. Marie later approached the students and ensured that one of the STAND representatives could engage in the audience participation portion of the event. Audience questioning, according to St. Marie, included queries about term limits and whether Kagame has plans to run for a third term.

"We passed out all the flyers we brought and people were very receptive," Langa said. "I think it was very successful. We got people to think of other issues that we didn't think would be addressed without some kind of push and we're contributing to what might be missing from that conversation."

Nitish Kulkarni contributed to this report

Contact Catherine Zaw at czaw13 'at' Stanford 'dot' edu.

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[RwandaLibre] Kagame’s charm offensive in American universities


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Kagame's charm offensive in American universities

April 29, 2014

by Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa

Paul Kagame has been touring top American universities giving speeches deceiving unsuspecting students and uncaring top brass at these academic institutions about what he calls accomplishments of his reign: peace, human rights, democracy, development etc. This is vintage Kagame. He has the whole Rwandan population under lock and key, assassinates and imprisons dissenting voices, and then goes to the land of his benefactors to taunt the West as if to say, "I do what I want; you can go to hell!"

Rwandan President Paul Kagame receives honorary doctorate William Penn University 051212

President Kagame basks in the glory of an honorary doctorate in humane letters from William Penn University, but on the way to the ceremony, his motorcade passed a noisy protest – Rwandans, Burundians and Congolese chanting, "Kagame criminal!"

Other than his love of million-dollar-a-trip luxury travel – money that ends up in his private pockets because he rents the private jets bought on public money to the Rwandan state – and expensive $20,000-a-night hotel rooms and an opportunity to visit his children studying here in the USA, Kagame seems to be thrilled to receive honorary doctorates and rub shoulders with academics. For a man who never stepped in a university out of indiscipline and not lack of intelligence, has he discovered that universities are useful centers of learning, contributing to human progress?

Universities have historically been places where intellectual freedom, openness and innovation have been nurtured. It is then ironic that Kagame, the enemy of freedom and openness in Rwanda, would be welcomed to Harvard, Tufts, MIT, Brandeis and Stanford to extol the same values that he lacks and fights. He should be grateful to Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Michael Porter, Rick Warren, Michael Fairbanks and other hired mercenaries whose greased hands can return favors that enable dictator Kagame to hobnob with academics who do not care about the plight of Africans.

Of late, Kagame has not been received with fervor at the U.S. State Department and the White House. He must be secretly lamenting that. Universities provide an alternative opportunity to be around here and to continue his campaign of deceptions and denials. On this particular trip, he seems to be indirectly telling his strongest supporter, the United States, that he will change the Constitution and run for as long as he wants, and nobody will stop him.

Universities have historically been places where intellectual freedom, openness and innovation have been nurtured. It is then ironic that Kagame, the enemy of freedom and openness in Rwanda, would be welcomed to Harvard, Tufts, MIT, Brandeis and Stanford to extol the same values that he lacks and fights.

Nobody should ever not take Kagame's threats seriously. He has killed and waged wars with impunity.

He is fond of saying privately that the West and the so-called international community lack the interest and will to stop him from doing what he wants.

He is right in this regard but wrong in another sense. Rwandans have the interest and will to stop and reverse the effects of his murderous madness.

Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa

Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa

And when that happens, and Kagame survives the coming change in Rwanda, Tufts, Harvard, Brandeis, MIT and Stanford should perhaps crown him with a tenured professorship of dictatorship. After all, he has stolen enough money to offer generous endowments to these otherwise prestigious but heavily commercialized institutions.

Shame on you Tufts, Harvard, MIT, Brandeis and Stanford!

Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa is an alumnus of the Fletcher School at Tufts University, former ambassador of Rwanda to the United States, chief of staff to President Paul Kagame and secretary general of the ruling party, Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). His latest book is "Healing a Nation: A Testimony: Waging and Winning a Peaceful Revolution to Unite and Heal a Broken Rwanda." He can be reached at


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[RwandaLibre] Youtube video: Teaching Intolerance in Rwanda


Elisabeth King: Teaching Intolerance in Rwanda

18:38 Ayant aimé : 2 - N'ayant pas aimé : 0
111 vues
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Regarder la vidéo
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This April marks the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the Rwandan
genocide, an event that saw 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus
killed over the course of three months. According to some, much of the
ethnic conflict can be traced back to an educational environment that
enforced divisions within the small African country. CIGI consultant
and author Elisabeth King sits down with Steve Paikin to discuss what
Rwanda's education system sees, 20 years later.

YouTube Channel:
***Online Time:15H30-20H30, heure de Montréal.***Fuseau horaire
domestique: heure normale de la côte Est des Etats-Unis et Canada

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[RwandaLibre] STAND protests speech by Rwandan president.


STAND protests speech by Rwandan president

By: Catherine Zaw
April 29, 2014

Around a dozen members of Stanford STAND, a human rights group,
demonstrated outside a Graduate School of Business event featuring
Rwandan President Paul Kagame last Friday, in an effort to prompt
conversation of and raise awareness about allegedly repressive actions
by Kagame's administration.

Courtesy of Paul Kagame

According to Jared Naimark '14, the STAND students demonstrated at the
event because the Stanford chapter of the national STAND organization
focuses explicitly on human rights in Sudan, South Sudan, Burma, Syria
and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwanda has repeatedly intervened
in Congo in recent years.

The group also works with Friends of the Congo, an organization based
in Washington, D.C. that works to raise awareness about challenges
faced by people in the Congo and to support Congolese institutions.

Demonstrators emphasized, however, that their efforts were not
intended to interrupt the procession of the event.

"We [were] not planning to disrupt the event in any way," Naimark
said. "We're curious to hear what he had to say. The goal is to get
information in people's hands."

The demonstrators handed out informational factsheets and flyers that
detailed human rights violations allegedly perpetrated by the Kagame
administration, as well as printed copies of an editorial article that
they had published in The Daily that day, according to Melanie Langa
'16, a member of STAND and one of the demonstrators.

"STAND was interested in changing the dialogue around this event
because we felt it wasn't representative of the whole story," Langa
said. "There are whole stories and perspectives that you can take to
this event. Since he's been president, Rwanda has made many strides
and has improved and [Kagame's] done a good job in a lot of cases and
scenarios but it's also important to recognize that his government has
been destabilizing Eastern Congo and because of that we are interested
in making sure that side of the story people knew about."

Scott St. Marie MBA '15, one of the student coordinators of Kagame's
address, stated that he thought the STAND students' presence at the
event was beneficial.

"I'm glad that they were there to help broaden our dialogue about
Kagame and Rwanda," St. Marie said. "Rwanda has a tumultuous and
complex history, and I'm glad we were able to talk about multiple

In fact, St. Marie later approached the students and ensured that one
of the STAND representatives could engage in the audience
participation portion of the event. Audience questioning, according to
St. Marie, included queries about term limits and whether Kagame has
plans to run for a third term.

"We passed out all the flyers we brought and people were very
receptive," Langa said. "I think it was very successful. We got people
to think of other issues that we didn't think would be addressed
without some kind of push and we're contributing to what might be
missing from that conversation."

Nitish Kulkarni contributed to this report. Contact Catherine Zaw at
czaw13 'at' Stanford 'dot' edu.

About Catherine Zaw
Catherine Zaw is the Managing Editor of News at The Stanford Daily.
She is a junior from Miami, FL, double majoring in biology and
linguistics. To contact her, please email

YouTube Channel:
***Online Time:15H30-20H30, heure de Montréal.***Fuseau horaire
domestique: heure normale de la côte Est des Etats-Unis et Canada

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“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.