
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

[] Rwanda : droit de réponse des FDU-Inkingi, le parti de Victoire Ingabire -


Rwanda : droit de réponse des FDU-Inkingi, le parti de Victoire Ingabire 

Par Jeune Afrique

Le parti de Victoire Ingabire, les FDU-Inkingi, nous a fait parvenir le droit de réponse suivant.

Dans son numéro du 25 novembre 2015, Jeune Afrique a, par la plume de Mehdi Ba, mis en cause la qualité de « prisonnière politique » de Victoire Ingabire, présidente des Forces démocratiques unifiées (FDU-Inkingi), parti d'opposition au FPR (au pouvoir au Rwanda).

Le journaliste estime qu'elle ne mérite pas ce statut puisqu'elle a été condamnée comme une criminelle. Les FDU-Inkingi voudraient exercer leur droit de réponse à l'article précité afin de mieux éclairer le public sur le bien-fondé du statut de « prisonnière politique » de Mme Ingabire et de demander au régime de Kigali de procéder à sa libération inconditionnelle.

Le journaliste s'attaque à elle essentiellement sur deux points : le discours au mémorial de Gisozi et sa participation alléguée à un groupe armé.

Le discours de Gisozi

Le discours de Victoire Ingabire au mémorial de Gisozi a été outrancièrement interprété et dénaturé par les dirigeants et les médias proches du pouvoir. L'acharnement subi montre une intention de faire taire une grande voix des sans-voix qui demandent justice et égalité des chances.

Mme Ingabire a commis le crime de demander un dialogue inclusif en vue de plus de justice, seule condition à la réconciliation des Rwandais. Oser proposer une alternative au système dictatorial en place a retenti comme une provocation dans l'esprit de Paul Kagamé et de son groupe.

Dans son livre Entre les 4 murs du 1930, Mme Ingabire déplore que des survivants du génocide se soient sentis blessés quand elle a, au mémorial des Tutsis, évoqué les crimes contre l'humanité perpétrés contre les Hutus. Mais elle les rassure : « Je demande même pardon à quiconque se serait senti offensé par mes mots. Mais je reste convaincue que pour arriver à une réconciliation effective du peuple rwandais, il faut qu'on parle explicitement de tous les crimes commis au Rwanda, sans tabou (p. 159). »

En tant que leader de l'opposition politique, elle a dénoncé l'opacité concernant les responsabilités dans le drame rwandais ainsi que la discrimination pratiquée entre les victimes du génocide et celles des massacres à grande échelle commis au Rwanda et au Congo. Les victimes hutues étant oubliées et dénigrées, aucune réconciliation ne peut être envisagée. Dans son discours, elle réclamait l'égalité des chances entre les vivants et un égal traitement entre les morts hutus et tutsis, véritable condition de l'apaisement et de la réconciliation. Cette quête de vérité et de justice soulèvera un tollé dans les milieux proches du pouvoir.

Est-ce un crime de réclamer plus de vérité et de justice pour le peuple opprimé ? Nous croyons qu'il s'agit, de la part de M. Mehdi Ba, d'une erreur de jugement qu'il corrigera à l'avenir. La démarche de Mme Ingabire vise à proposer au peuple rwandais une alternative crédible et pacifique. En cela, elle est une prisonnière politique.

La participation à un groupe armé

Dans son livre, la présidente des FDU-Inkingi précise : « Au moment où nous discutions de la mise en place de notre organisation, les Forces démocratiques unifiées, nous avons passé en revue toutes les options et tous les choix stratégiques… Mais au final, nous nous sommes mis d'accord pour une stratégie de lutte non violente, pour la survie de notre peuple. Les FDU-Inkingi et mon action répondent à cette seule et unique stratégie. Vos témoins peuvent dire ce que vous leur dites de dire, vous ne trouverez nulle part, ni dans mes écrits, ni dans mes discours, là où nous préconisons le recours à la lutte armée. De même, il sera difficile de prouver mon implication dans des actes de terrorisme (p. 160). »

Le FPR a pour stratégie de contrôler la preuve à charge par la délation et la fabrication de faux témoignages, via des associations chargées de fabriquer des accusations. Lesdites associations, couplées avec les forces de police et de renseignement ainsi que les administrations, identifient des témoins à charge potentiels. Mme Ingabire a subi des malversations de nature à casser son moral et à décourager tous ses témoins à décharge. Des preuves ont été inventées à partir des incidents mêmes qu'elle a connus au niveau des instances administratives où elle est allée chercher sa carte d'identité et un logement. Tout cela était orchestré d'avance. Elle fut l'objet de violences verbales et médiatiques, puis physiques (attaque au bureau de secteur de Kinyinya, le 3 février 2010).

Par la suite, une grande concertation au niveau national entre le parquet général, les services de renseignements, les services administratifs et les associations de rescapés a abouti à des accusations imaginaires et à des menaces à l'encontre des témoins à décharge pour les dissuader de témoigner. Des observateurs étaient ahuris lorsque l'avocat et professeur américain, Me Peter Erlinder, a été arrêté et empêché de défendre Victoire Ingabire. Le régime voulait signifier que nul ne serait libre de lui prêter main-forte. Si on arrête un avocat aussi réputé, un simple citoyen ne pourrait oser la défendre. De fausses preuves ont été produites, dont des e-mails supposés ; de vrais-faux officiers des FDLR devaient l'accuser de collaborer avec eux.

Pour le FPR, la justice acceptable est celle qui sert ses intérêts pour pourfendre ses adversaires réels ou supposés. Les enquêtes n'ont été menées qu'à charge. On soumettait à des témoins préalablement « formatés » les prémices accusatoires qu'ils devaient confirmer et répéter comme des perroquets. C'est sur cette base-là que Mme Ingabire a été condamnée. Le général Kagamé l'avait déjà condamnée dès le début de l'enquête avec des déclarations très incriminantes dans les médias, au mépris de la présomption d'innocence. Cet acharnement montre clairement que Victoire Ingabire est une prisonnière politique.

Quant au fameux groupe armé, ni la Haute Cour ni la Cour suprême n'ont prouvé son existence. Les rares témoins à charge se sont tous rétractés en appel. La Cour suprême a invalidé toutes preuves à ce sujet.

En conclusion, il est clair que le statut de « prisonnier politique » de Mme Ingabire ne peut être remis en doute, ainsi que l'avait laissé entendre l'auteur de l'article. Aussi exigeons-nous sa libération.



Dans six passages au moins, J.A. a relayé la conviction des partisans de Victoire Ingabire que celle-ci a été condamnée pour des motifs politiques. L'article évoque en revanche trois dimensions susceptibles d'entacher le mythe que son parti prétend imposer à l'opinion internationale.

1) Victoire Ingabire s'est engagée en politique au sein d'un parti en exil (le RDR, dont elle a été la présidente) qui comptait parmi ses mentors les principaux responsables du régime et de l'armée génocidaires, lesquels seront condamnés par la justice internationale.

2) Son discours au mémorial de Gisozi mettait sur un pied d'égalité le génocide des Tutsis et les crimes commis au Rwanda ou en RD Congo contre des Hutus. Comme nous l'avons écrit, il a donc pu être « interprété comme une volonté de réhabiliter […] la thèse d'un double génocide chère aux milieux négationnistes ».

3) Au vu de plusieurs documents saisis à son domicile personnel par la justice néerlandaise – certains annotés de sa main -, nous avons rendu compte des présomptions que Victoire Ingabire ait tenté de constituer un groupe armé destiné à déstabiliser le Rwanda.

J.A. s'est contenté d'éclairer ces zones d'ombre jusque-là occultées ou ignorées.



Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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[] Statement by NSC Spokesperson Ned Price on Rwandan Constitutional Referendum |


The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Ned Price on Rwandan Constitutional Referendum

The United States is disappointed that a referendum was called on short notice to amend the Rwandan constitution and introduce exceptions to term limits. While we commend the people of Rwanda for peacefully exercising their civic rights, we regret that the arrangements for the referendum failed to provide sufficient time and opportunity for political debate on the merits of the proposed provisions.

The United States continues to be concerned by long-standing restrictions on peaceful assembly, association, and free expression in Rwanda. We urge the Government of Rwanda to enable the full and unfettered exercise of these fundamental freedoms as the country moves toward local elections in 2016, presidential elections in 2017, and parliamentary elections in 2018.

The peaceful transfer of power from one leader to another is the hallmark of stable, prosperous democracies. President Kagame, who in many ways has strengthened and developed Rwanda, now has an historic opportunity to enshrine his legacy by honoring his commitments to respect the term limits set when he entered office. By doing so, President Kagame would establish a credible foundation for democracy in Rwanda, reinforce the substantial progress that has been achieved towards sustained peace and prosperity for all Rwandans, and set a laudable example not only for Rwanda, but for the region and the world.

As President Obama has stated, great leaders throughout history "forged a lasting legacy not only because of what they did in office, but because they were willing to leave office and transfer power peacefully." The United States remains committed to supporting the people of Rwanda in their effort to ensure a strong, stable, democratic, and prosperous future.




Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
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Faites une Formation à distance à l’UQAT du Québec au Canada en 2016

Faites une Formation à distance à l’UQAT du Québec au Canada en 2016


Faites une Formation à distance à l’UQAT du Québec au Canada en 2016

Posted: 21 Dec 2015 09:16 AM PST

Faites une Formation à distance à l'UQAT du Québec au Canada en 2016 et décrochez un diplôme canadien tout en restant chez vous Je souhaiterais vous proposez une offre de Formation à distance à l'UQAT du Québec au Canada en 2016. Vous trouverez dans cet article toutes les informations pour faire une Formation à distance […]

ceci est un extrait, Cliquez sur le titre en bleu pour lire l'intégralité de l'offre

[] Re: {UAH} Rwanda's leader joins the African autocrats who rewrite the law to hold power


At least you, Kota, weren't surprised by what happened!!!! 

Sent from my iPad

On 22 Dec 2015, at 13:50, kota venant <> wrote:

Dear Ugandans and all others, try to use your brain only one second! 
Look. People fought and win a country, a territory. They kill/jail all opponents and keep alive only those who agree to bend/kneel to them and ask pardon. 
Then they invite such people to vote for them or their idea. Do you really want or wait for those conquered people say "no"  to the will of the masters? No, and of course no for ever. And, that is what you simply see in Rwanda for Kagame, in Uganda for Museveni, in Zimbambwe for Mugabe, in Burundi for Nkurunziza, etc. 
Peasants and other caught Rwandese are very clever in giving 100% to Kagame and his fundamental Law (FL). They well know that the man will lead during the first FL and after during the second FL; maybe his children will not, following this Arab proverb: "first generation creates richness/empire, second generation manages it and third generation loses it".  
We always wonder how and why our friend Westerners who fought since Troy up to 1945 and have many writings about consequences of this, come back telling us or pretending they are surprised with the behaviour of the African warriors/ heroes!  
Who lies to whom?


Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:37:33 -0800
Subject: {UAH} Rwanda's leader joins the African autocrats who rewrite the law to hold power

Rwanda's leader joins the African autocrats who rewrite the law to hold power

This year, Britain has given £321 million of aid to African countries where leaders have prolonged their dominance by dropping term limits from their constitutions

President Yoweri Museveni (left) led the way by rewriting Uganda's constitution to prolong his rule in 2006. President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi (centre) followed this year, driving his country into crisis. President Paul Kagame (right) is performing the same trick in Rwanda
President Yoweri Museveni (left) led the way by rewriting Uganda's constitution to prolong his rule in 2006. President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi (centre) followed this year, driving his country into crisis. President Paul Kagame (right) is performing the same trick in Rwanda Photo: Getty Images/Bloomberg
David Blair

By , Chief Foreign Correspondent

10:57AM GMT 19 Dec 2015

One of Africa's longest-serving leaders prolonged his dominance for decades on Saturday when 98 per cent of Rwandans were said to have voted "yes" to rewriting the constitution.

President Paul Kagame introduced a two-term limit on the head of state's rule when Rwanda adopted a new constitution in 2003. But he decided to drop this provision as soon it applied to him.

Rwandans were invited to endorse amendments that will allow Mr Kagame, 58, to seek another seven-year term as president in 2017 – and then two more terms of five years from 2024, thereby extending his rule until 2034.

Rwanda President Paul Kagame is guided by polling assistants as he votes in Rwanda's capital Kigali Rwanda President Paul Kagame is guided by polling assistants as he votes in Rwanda's capital Kigali   Photo: Getty Images

Mr Kagame, who has already been in power as president or vice-president for 21 years, would then have ruled Rwanda for 40 years. The referendum on constitutional change was called at 10-days notice in an authoritarian state where the media is tightly controlled and the opposition suppressed.

The official results duly suggested that 98 per cent of Rwandans had backed Mr Kagame's plan. Britain is the second-largest bilateral aid donor to Rwanda, giving £75 million this year.

Mr Kagame is following in the footsteps of a raft of African leaders who have rewritten their constitutions to stay in power. In neighbouring Burundi, President Pierre Nkurunziza's decision to seek a third term is driving the country back into civil war.

In neighbouring Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni removed term limits in 2006, meaning that he will be able to seek re-election in February after 30 years in power. Meanwhile, the president of Rwanda's biggest neighbour – Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo – is expected to remove term limits next year in order to prolong his 15-year rule.

Uganda President Yoweri Museveni Uganda President Yoweri Museveni   Photo: Reuters

This year, Britain has given £321 million of aid to African countries where the president is either in the throes of changing the constitution – or has already done so. Whether by rewriting the law or not, seven African leaders have held office for longer than 20 years.

"The longer somebody stays in power, the less effective they are and breaking the rule of law and the constitution weakens the state," saidRichard Dowden, the director of the Royal African Society.

"Someone like Kagame has made a huge difference to Rwanda. He's had to do some pretty terrible things – he doesn't believe in human rights or democracy – but he stopped the genocide and he's built a development state. In one way, he's done a good job, so let him continue. But we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes in Rwanda. And what happens when he finally does go?"

Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza walks to a polling station in July 2015Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza walks to a polling station in July 2015  Photo: AP

Mr Dowden added: "It may not be tomorrow, it may not be next week, but when he goes the risk is that everything gets wrecked."

James Duddridge, the Foreign Office minister responsible for Africa, visited Rwanda on Wednesday, but without meeting Mr Kagame. The Foreign Office said that neither Mr Duddridge nor any other British minister had made a public statement about Rwanda's referendum.

Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall Building", Jim Hightower

"But this I know, UPC believed and still believes in
very high education. We can call Obote all bad names we have, but the bottom line remains that he got more scholarships for Buganda than all previous Uganda leaders combined. That includes Sir Edward Mutesa, President Lule, President Binayisa, up to and into Ssabasajja Mutebi. Who all happen to be Baganda leaders." Mulindwa

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Disclaimer:Everyone posting to this Forum bears the sole responsibility for any legal consequences of his or her postings, and hence statements and facts must be presented responsibly. Your continued membership signifies that you agree to this disclaimer and pledge to abide by our Rules and Guidelines.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to:


Posted by: Ssekajja <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



[] FW: {UAH} Rwanda's leader joins the African autocrats who rewrite the law to hold power


Dear Ugandans and all others, try to use your brain only one second! 
Look. People fought and win a country, a territory. They kill/jail all opponents and keep alive only those who agree to bend/kneel to them and ask pardon. 
Then they invite such people to vote for them or their idea. Do you really want or wait for those conquered people say "no"  to the will of the masters? No, and of course no for ever. And, that is what you simply see in Rwanda for Kagame, in Uganda for Museveni, in Zimbambwe for Mugabe, in Burundi for Nkurunziza, etc. 
Peasants and other caught Rwandese are very clever in giving 100% to Kagame and his fundamental Law (FL). They well know that the man will lead during the first FL and after during the second FL; maybe his children will not, following this Arab proverb: "first generation creates richness/empire, second generation manages it and third generation loses it".  
We always wonder how and why our friend Westerners who fought since Troy up to 1945 and have many writings about consequences of this, come back telling us or pretending they are surprised with the behaviour of the African warriors/ heroes!  
Who lies to whom?


Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:37:33 -0800
Subject: {UAH} Rwanda's leader joins the African autocrats who rewrite the law to hold power

Rwanda's leader joins the African autocrats who rewrite the law to hold power

This year, Britain has given £321 million of aid to African countries where leaders have prolonged their dominance by dropping term limits from their constitutions

President Yoweri Museveni (left) led the way by rewriting Uganda's constitution to prolong his rule in 2006. President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi (centre) followed this year, driving his country into crisis. President Paul Kagame (right) is performing the same trick in Rwanda
President Yoweri Museveni (left) led the way by rewriting Uganda's constitution to prolong his rule in 2006. President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi (centre) followed this year, driving his country into crisis. President Paul Kagame (right) is performing the same trick in Rwanda Photo: Getty Images/Bloomberg
David Blair

By , Chief Foreign Correspondent

10:57AM GMT 19 Dec 2015

One of Africa's longest-serving leaders prolonged his dominance for decades on Saturday when 98 per cent of Rwandans were said to have voted "yes" to rewriting the constitution.

President Paul Kagame introduced a two-term limit on the head of state's rule when Rwanda adopted a new constitution in 2003. But he decided to drop this provision as soon it applied to him.

Rwandans were invited to endorse amendments that will allow Mr Kagame, 58, to seek another seven-year term as president in 2017 – and then two more terms of five years from 2024, thereby extending his rule until 2034.

Rwanda President Paul Kagame is guided by polling assistants as he votes in Rwanda's capital Kigali Rwanda President Paul Kagame is guided by polling assistants as he votes in Rwanda's capital Kigali   Photo: Getty Images

Mr Kagame, who has already been in power as president or vice-president for 21 years, would then have ruled Rwanda for 40 years. The referendum on constitutional change was called at 10-days notice in an authoritarian state where the media is tightly controlled and the opposition suppressed.

The official results duly suggested that 98 per cent of Rwandans had backed Mr Kagame's plan. Britain is the second-largest bilateral aid donor to Rwanda, giving £75 million this year.

Mr Kagame is following in the footsteps of a raft of African leaders who have rewritten their constitutions to stay in power. In neighbouring Burundi, President Pierre Nkurunziza's decision to seek a third term is driving the country back into civil war.

In neighbouring Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni removed term limits in 2006, meaning that he will be able to seek re-election in February after 30 years in power. Meanwhile, the president of Rwanda's biggest neighbour – Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo – is expected to remove term limits next year in order to prolong his 15-year rule.

Uganda President Yoweri Museveni Uganda President Yoweri Museveni   Photo: Reuters

This year, Britain has given £321 million of aid to African countries where the president is either in the throes of changing the constitution – or has already done so. Whether by rewriting the law or not, seven African leaders have held office for longer than 20 years.

"The longer somebody stays in power, the less effective they are and breaking the rule of law and the constitution weakens the state," saidRichard Dowden, the director of the Royal African Society.

"Someone like Kagame has made a huge difference to Rwanda. He's had to do some pretty terrible things – he doesn't believe in human rights or democracy – but he stopped the genocide and he's built a development state. In one way, he's done a good job, so let him continue. But we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes in Rwanda. And what happens when he finally does go?"

Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza walks to a polling station in July 2015Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza walks to a polling station in July 2015  Photo: AP

Mr Dowden added: "It may not be tomorrow, it may not be next week, but when he goes the risk is that everything gets wrecked."

James Duddridge, the Foreign Office minister responsible for Africa, visited Rwanda on Wednesday, but without meeting Mr Kagame. The Foreign Office said that neither Mr Duddridge nor any other British minister had made a public statement about Rwanda's referendum.

Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall Building", Jim Hightower

"But this I know, UPC believed and still believes in
very high education. We can call Obote all bad names we have, but the bottom line remains that he got more scholarships for Buganda than all previous Uganda leaders combined. That includes Sir Edward Mutesa, President Lule, President Binayisa, up to and into Ssabasajja Mutebi. Who all happen to be Baganda leaders." Mulindwa

Disclaimer:Everyone posting to this Forum bears the sole responsibility for any legal consequences of his or her postings, and hence statements and facts must be presented responsibly. Your continued membership signifies that you agree to this disclaimer and pledge to abide by our Rules and Guidelines.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to:


Posted by: kota venant <>
Reply via web post Reply to sender Reply to group Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (1)
-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
-More news:
-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.