
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

[RwandaLibre] Re: Re: Kagame ordonne à la fonction publique d'assassiner les opposants politiques.


En payerez pas le prix vous dites?
Eh bien Non. Je dirais plutot que Ntamunoza plus que vous, tu meurs!
Ainsi donc vous accusez la platforme FDU-RNC-AMAHORO d'avoir confondu le peupe rwandais aux opposants rwandais, avant de conclure votre posting qu'aucune ONG ne va risquer sa réputation dans la défense de la cause Karegeya.
Franchement, Chere Madame, de quoi accusez-vous l'opposition a ce propos?
Selon vous, la platerforme aurait pu denoncer cette chasse aux opposants rwandais sans toutefois mentioner le nom de Patrick Karegeya n'st-ce pas? 
J'espere que c'est pas la haine viscerale que vous nourrissez contre le RNC qui vous fait agir de la sorte.
Iryo, vogonyo, ubwo bwirasi, ukwo kunenga kutagira ibitekerezo byubaka, wumva koko aribyo abanyarwanda dukeneye muri iki gihe?
From: Kamaliza Adèle <>
To: fondationbanyarwanda <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [fondationbanyarwanda] Re: Kagame ordonne à la fonction publique d'assassiner les opposants politiques.


Sacrées retrouvailles ! J'espère que vous n'en payerez pas le prix.

Votre communiqué (que j'ai lue), nonobstant ses qualités, pèche par excès d'amateurisme. Kagame n'a pas déclaré la guerre au Rwandais ("declares war on rwandans"). Il a dit clairement qui il faut tuer et il a clairement donné l'ordre à ceux qui doivent le tuer. Ça n'a donc rien à avoir avec votre fantasmagorique guerre faites aux Rwandais. Kagame n'a pas déclaré la guerre à ses enfants que je sache ! Ils sont pourtant rwandais.

Hier Karegeya était de son côté comme chef en titre de ces tueurs, aujourd'hui il n'en est qu'une ridiculisée victime. - Quel gouvernement, quel chef d'état, quelle ONG va-t-il risquer sa réputation dans la défense de la cause Karegeya ? Aucun.

Vos communiqués fourre-tout ont fini par brouiller votre message. Personne d'autre que vous ne sait plus qui vous êtes.

A. Kamaliza

Le Mardi 14 janvier 2014 13h26, Nzinink <> a écrit :

"Mais ce que les réactions des netters révèlent, c'est la faiblesse politique si ce n'est l'incurie de ceux qui se présentent comme les opposants. Nombreux et divers qu'ils sont, on aurait pu s'attendre à ce que le focus ne soit pas mis uniquement sur le fait que c'est "Kagame qui avoue l'assassinat de Patrick Karegeya". C'est en soit un fait mineur. Répéter cela comme des sourds n'apporte ni analyse ni instruction politique", A. Kamaliza.
Je pense que vous ignorez le communique ci-dessous de la plateforme FDU-RNC-AMAHORO.
Ledit communique va meme jusqu'a appeler la communaute internationale n'invoquer la clause du conseil de securite "Responsabilite de Proteger" ( dans ce cas precis, proteger les Rwandais qui sont menaces par le regime de Kagame):
"In view of the above, we call upon:                                                                                                                                                 3) The international community to invoke "RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT", the new international security and human rights norm to address the international community's responsibility to prevent and stop genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity".
Voici le lien de ce communique qui est aussi sur ces fora depuis hier.


JANUARY 13, 2014  

On Jan 14, 2014, at 4:29, Kamaliza Adèle <> wrote:


Dans un autre message j'ai clairement écrit que j'attendais que "les religions"  (c-à-d) leurs représentants s'expriment sur le discours du président ordonnant aux fonctionnaires et à l'assistance d'assassiner (partout) les opposants politiques. C'est le minimum.  Attendons voir.

Mais ce que les réactions des netters révèlent, c'est la faiblesse politique si ce n'est l'incurie de ceux qui se présentent comme les opposants. Nombreux et divers qu'ils sont, on aurait pu s'attendre à ce que le focus ne soit pas mis uniquement sur le fait que c'est "Kagame qui avoue l'assassinat de Patrick Karegeya". C'est en soit un fait mineur. Répéter cela comme des sourds n'apporte ni analyse ni instruction politique.

Par contre ce qu'il dit, et surtout l'injonction qu'il fait à l'assistance pour qu'elle participe activement et sans complexe ni conscience aux assassinats constitue j'enjeu politique majeur. Sous couvert de prière ou pas, donner publiquement l'ordre d'assassiner les opposants politiques, sans même le prétexte d'une situation de conflit ou de troubles et de lutte armée est un fait rare. Peu de dirigeants ont eu cette outrecuidance. Voilà en quoi la dictature rwandaise est singulière.

Aujourd'hui ce n'est plus Kagame qu'il faut culpabiliser. Il est déjà coupable, immonde et ignoble. Il faut plutôt parler à tous ceux qui se soumettent à lui. Réécoutez ce qu'il dit (dans la même vidéo) sur le dialogue politique et vous y retrouverez point par point ce qu'un dénommé Patrick Ndengera a écrit il y a quelques jours. - Imaginons que les opposants se soient saisi de la question dans le but de faire prendre conscience à chaque fonctionnaire, entrepreneur ou colporteur de la bonne parole, que suite au discours du président, les Rwandais non-inféodés au régime verront en chacun d'eux un assassin en puissance. - Est-ce qu'un individu comme Patrick Ndengera pourrait obéir à l'ordre qui a été donné le 12 janvier 2014 ? Là est la question sur laquelle l'opposition est incapable de penser. - Imaginons que tous les fonctionnaires envoyés en mission à l'étranger aient cela en tête. C'est-à-dire que ceux qu'ils rencontrent ou qui les reçoivent les perçoivent comme de possibles assassins. Cela engendrerait chez eux un début de prise de conscience politique.

Je saluerai le prochain communiqué politique de l'opposition dont l'objectif sera de s'adresser aux fonctionnaires et autres affidés du régime pour leur dire que s'ils ne se dissocient pas de Kagame, ils seront accueillis partout comme des commandos d'assassins.
- Ceci n'est qu'un rêve quand on sait que chacun à son "ami" comme Patrick Karegeya pouvait en avoir.

Drôle de peuple !

A. Kamaliza

Le Lundi 13 janvier 2014 20h49, "" <> a écrit :
Au fait, A.Kamaliza,
Paul Kagame donne le meme message chaquefois qu'on lui pose la question de savoir s'il a assassine son predecesseur, Juvenal Habyarimana!
Ce qui m'indigne le plus, c'est qu'il donne cette mission de tuer alors que:
1. Il est a la Messe, devant des eveques/ il est applaudi!
2. Dieu Lui-meme dit qu'Il ne desire pas qu'un pecheur meure,mais qu'il se repente et sauve sa vie!
3.La peine de mort etant abolie au Rwanda, ce message  n'est que anticonstitutionnel!
4.Kabarebe dit qu' est chien qui devient refugie, ne croit-il pas que certains chiens apprenent mieux aboyer en exile? 
5.Paul Kagame n'a finalement pas compris le message donne par son Premier qu'il a tant felicite pourtant. Le PM aurait ecrit que "quiconque" attaque le Rwanda en subira des consequences. Ce que Kagame n'a pas compris du message de son Premier Ministre est que celui-ci parlait du Rwanda de ses ancetres et de ses enfants. Or, qui est le premier a en avoir subi des consequences? Pas Patrick Karegeya, mais Fred Rwigema et ses compagnons tombes comme en parle Kabarebe. Le message du Premier Ministre de Paul Kagame n'epargne pas Patrick Karegeya, certes, mais pas Kagame et Kabarebe non plus, car les deux ont aussi attaque le Rwanda et sont compris dans "quiconque". 
Pauvre Mushikiwabo! Sa diplomatie ne trouvant plus d'acheteurs, mieux vaudrait qu'elle jette l'eponge comme disait l'autre.
Ndi Semahoro 

On Monday, January 13, 2014 11:39 AM, Kamaliza Adèle <> wrote:
N.B. Les propos du président étant comme d'habitude décousus, il est préférable que chacun aille lui-même l'écouter et le voir vers la min 20.

C'est dans cette vidéo que je découvre avec l'image et le son qui glacent le sang, ce que le président Kagame a réellement dit au public réuni autour de lui le 12 janvier 2014.

Alors que ceux qui se disent ses opposant ont plutôt sauté sur le fait qu'il reconnaît à mi-mot que c'est bien son régime qui a fait assassiner le colonel Patrick Karegeya, la partie où le président invite les fonctionnaires à assassiner les opposants au régime, où qu'ils se trouvent et qui qu'ils soient, est presque passée sous silence.

Or, si un président peut ordonner qu'untel soit assassiné dans l'intérêt de l'état, c'est sans doute une des premières qu'un chef d'état, en assemblée publique, moque les fonctionnaires qui disent ne pas avoir trempé dans un assassinat, pour mieux les inviter à s'y adonner à cœur joie.

Si demain il y a un opposant politique rwandais qui se retrouve mort après "avoir été échanger les nouvelles" avec "un ami" ou un émissaire venu du pays, qu'on ne vienne pas dire que c'est à cause de Kagame. Lui il a annoncé la couleur. C'est flippant !!!

A. Kamaliza

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Fwd: Amasezerano ya RDI na FCLR Ubumwe

Icyo gikorwa cya PS na FDLR ni ukugishyigikira. Amakosa menshi dufite yo kutagira icyo tugeraho aterwa ni ubwoba. Andi mashyaka nayo yagombye gukurikira agakorana amasezerano na FDLR. Banyamashyaka musigaye nimushyira mu bikorwa iyi nama mbagiriye muzabona ko hashobora kugira ikintu gihinduka kandi kigaragara. Kagamwe bamwe abrega ko bakorana na FDLR. Byaba byiza ko bikorwa bwangu ku mugaragaro. Kutabishyira ku mugaragaro no kubishyiraho, byose ni kimwe , ntibizahindura Kagame uko afata bamwe n'amashaka amwe avuga ko akorana na FDLR.

From: Bakunzibake Alexis <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 January 2014, 9:02
Subject: *DHR* Fwd: Amasezerano ya RDI na FCLR Ubumwe

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Parti Social Imberakuri <>
Date: 2014/1/14
Subject: Amasezerano ya RDI na FCLR Ubumwe


Dukurikije inyandiko y'amasezerano y'ubufatanye hagati y'ishyaka
riharanira imibereho myiza y'abaturage (P.S Imberakuri) n'Urugaga
Ruharanira Demokarasi no kubohoza u Rwanda (FDLR) n'imigereka yayo
yashyizweho umukono tariki ya 12 Kanama 2012 ubwo iryo shyaka n'urwo
rugaga bibumbiraga mu IHURIRO rigamije kubohoza u Rwanda
n'Abanyarwanda (Front Commun pour la Libération du Rwanda,

.Dushingiye kandi ku biganiro n'imishyikirano IHURIRO FCLR-UBUMWE
n'Ishyaka RDI- Rwanda Rwiza bagiranye, cyane cyane imishyikirano yo
muri Gicurasi 2013 yakurikiwe n'iyabaye kuva tariki ya 24 kugeza
tariki ya 30 Ukwakira 2013,

.Ihuriro FCLR-UBUMWE n'Ishyaka RDI-Rwanda Rwiza, biyemeje kugirana
amasezerano y'ubufatanye ateye atya:

1.Ihuriro FCLR-UBUMWE n'Ishyaka RDI-RWANDA RWIZA byiyemeje gukorera
hamwe politiki ishingiye ku bitekerezo byo kubanisha Abanyarwanda bose
nta kurobanura, hashingiwe cyane cyane ku ngingo zikurikira:

-Kumvisha Abanyarwanda n'impunzi z'Abanyarwanda aho bari hose ku isi
kumenya ukuri ku bikorwa mu gihugu cy'u Rwanda, kubashishikariza
kujijukirwa n'amateka y'igihugu cyacu, guharanira ubwisanzure no
kwishyira ukizana mu bitekerezo byubaka demokarasi,

-Guharanira gushaka icyatuma ikibazo cy'Abanyarwanda gisobanuka kandi
kigakemuka burundu nta maraso yongeye kumeneka,

-Kurengera impuzi z'Abanyarwanda aho ziri hirya no hino kw'isi, no
guharanira ko zatahuka mu mutekano mu gihugu cy'u Rwanda, zigasubizwa
mu byazo nta mananiza.

2.Ihuriro FCLR-UBUMWE n'Ishyaka RDI-RWANDA RWIZA byiyemeje gufatanya
urugamba rwo gusobanura no kumvikanisha neza ikibazo cy'Abanyarwanda,
imiterere n'intandaro zacyo mu ruhando rw'amahanga,mu bihugu byo mu
karere k'ibiyaga bigari n'ibyo hirya no hino ku isi no mu miryango
mpuzamahanga (diplomatie).

gushishikariza andi mashyaka atavuga rumwe n'ubutegetsi bw'u Rwanda
guhuriza hamwe imbaraga kugirango haterwe intambwe ikomeye muri
politiki yo guhindura vuba imiyoborere mibi y'igihugu.

4.IHURIRO FCLR-UBUMWE n'Ishyaka RDI-RWANDA RWIZA byiyemeje kunonosora
bidatinze gahunda y'ibikorwa byihutirwa mu rwego rw'ubufatanye.

5.Aya masezerano y'ubufatanye hagati ya FCLR-UBUMWE na RDI-RWANDA
RWIZA ashyizweho umukono n'Umuyobozi w'IHURIRO FCLR-UBUMWE muri iki
gihe (Président en exercice) n'uw'Ishyaka RDI-RWANDA RWIZA.

Bikorewe i Buruseli n'i Walikale ku wa 14 Mutarama 2014

Mu izina ry'IHURIRO FCLR-UBUMWE, Umuyobozi wa FDLR (ai)
Gen Maj BYIRINGIRO Victor (sé)

Mu izina ry'Ishyaka RDI-RWANDA RWIZA ,Umuyobozi wa RDI

[RwandaLibre] Stephen Rapp: Whitewashed Rwandan Genocide to absolve US culpability


Stephen Rapp: Whitewashed Rwandan Genocide to absolve US culpability

By Daya Gamage - Asian Tribune News Analysis
Washington, D.C. 12 January (
The United States' Global war crimes investigator Ambassador Stephen Rapp, head of the State Department's Office of Global Criminal Justice, was in Sri Lanka last week on a fact finding mission in preparation of the UN Human Rights Commission session this March which will scrutinize Sri Lanka's military engagement during the final months of its battle with separatist Tamil Tigers. Ambassador Stephen Rapp
Mr. Rapp released a bombshell using Colombo's American Embassy Twitter Account to post in its web portal identifying an area as the location that Sri Lanka military used it firepower to kill thousands of Tamil civilians during those final battle with the LTTE.
This statement in the official American Embassy web portal was in fact a declaration that Sri Lanka committed war crimes and genocide.
Ambassador Rapp's visit comes ahead of the UN Human Rights Council Session due in early March in which the United States is expected to move a resolution on Sri Lanka possibly asking for an international probe.
Mr. Rapp used ambiguous and conflicting information and data to accuse Sri Lanka of violating International Humanitarian Laws (IHL) in a report released to the US Congress in October 2009 about the military battle between the government forces and the Tamil Tiger fighting cadre during final - January to May 2009 - stages of the Eelam War 4.
Ambassador Stephen Rapp undertook his official tour in Sri Lanka in search of answers to what happened during those five months and the government's accountability and reconciliation process with a very heavy baggage;his own culpability of covering-up Rwanda's 1994 genocide as an attempt to white-wash the United States involvement in that episode as the Chief Prosecutor of the United Nations-appointed International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda (ICTR).
In October 1990, the Ugandan army and the Rwandan Patriotic Front/Army (RPF) led by Major General Paul Kagame (who is now the president of Rwanda) invaded Rwanda from Uganda. The guerrillas who violated international laws and committed massive war crimes were backed by Britain, Belgium, the United States and Israel, according to many investigators and researchers. By July 1994, the RPF completed its coup d'etat and consolidated its power in Rwanda.
On April 6, 1994, the governments of Rwanda and Burundi were decapitated when the plane carrying the two presidents and top military staff was shot down over Kigali, Rwanda's capital.
The well-planned assassinations of Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira sparked a massive escalation of warfare that is falsely portrayed as the result of meaningless tribal savagery. These assassinations were major war crimes, and the RPF was largely responsible, but almost every attempt to honestly investigate the double presidential assassinations has been blocked by the U.S. and its allies.
Professor Peter Erlinder, of the William Mitchell College of Law in Pennsylvania (USA) who was very much involved in defending some at the ICTR which was functioning in Arusha in Tanzania has come out with an array of evidence and interpretations of the direct culpability of the current Rwandan president Paul Kagame in the Rwandan genocide, how he and his colleagues were given military training in the U.S., how Kagame as the head of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a proxy force of the Pentagon according to Erlinder, invaded Rwanda to unleash a genocide with tacit approval of the United States, and in the following years how the United States took covert and overt steps to cover up its involvement in the Rwandan mass massacre.
It is here that Ambassador-at Large Stephen Rapp's name emerge. Mr. Rapp who was in Sri Lanka last week and also in 2012 as the head of the State Department's Office of Global Criminal Justice, in his previous position as the chief prosecutor of the Rwandan genocide, according to Peter Elinder, and many other investigators, was one of the main person who was involved in the cover up of US involvement in the Rwandan Genocide.
Prof. Elinder outlined the United States endeavor in the cover up of its own culpability in the Rwandan genocide, and the role played by Stephen Rapp as the Chief Rwanda Prosecutor of the United Nations.
He said: "The July 9, 2009 New York Times reported that the Obama administration had selected Stephen Rapp to replace the Bush administration Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes, Pierre Prosper. Rapp began his international career at the UN Security Council Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in 2001, while Carla Del Ponte was Chief Rwanda Prosecutor. Rapp's nomination just a few months after Del Ponte's of her memoir of her years as Chief UN Prosecutor, Madam Prosecutor: Confronting Humanity's Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity was published in English.
"Del Ponte's book describes in detail the systematic U.S.-initiated cover-up of crimes by the current Rwandan government, a U.S. ally, committed during the Rwanda Genocide, and how she was removed from her ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) position in 2003 by U.S. Ambassador Prosper, himself, when she refused to cooperate with the U.S.-initiated "cover-up."
According to Del Ponte, her ICTR Office had the evidence to prosecute Kagame for "touching-off" the Rwanda Genocide by ordering the assassination of Rwanda's former President Juvenal Habyarimana, long before 2003.
She also details the dozens of massacre sites, involving thousands of victims, for which the current Rwandan President, Paul Kagame and his military, should be prosecuted. The well-publicized canard, that "the identity of the assassins of Habyarimana is unknown" is a bald-faced lie, well -known by ICTR Prosecutors, according to Ms. Del Ponte, writes Prof. Elinder in a popular/well read web site Global Research.
Two years after Del Ponte was removed from office, Stephen Rapp became "Chief" of ICTR Prosecutions with access to all of the evidence known to Ms. Del Ponte, and more that has been made public in the past few years. During his four years at the ICTR, Ambassador Rapp like Del Ponte, also was in a position to prosecute Kagame and members of the current government of Rwanda but, not one member of Kagame's military has been prosecuted at the ICTR, to date...and the "cover-up" revealed by Del Ponte, continues today. And, unlike, Ms. Del Ponte, who was fired by the U.S., Mr. Rapp was first rewarded with an appointment as Chief Prosecutor at the U.S.-funded Sierra Leone Tribunal and now, a coveted ambassadorship by the Obama administration as the chief of the Office of Global Criminal Justice at the United States Department of State.
In February 2009, the ICTR issued its Judgment the Military-1 case, that main case at the ICTR, in which Mr. Rapp personally appeared for the Prosecution. Although massive violence did occur in Rwanda, the court certainly recognized that blaming only one side WAS a falsehood, when it acquitted all of the "architects of the killing machine" (as Mr. Rapp called the defendants in court) of conspiracy or planning to kill civilians. The highest ranking military-officer was acquitted of all charges.
And, although it is now clear from Ms. Del Ponte's memoirs that Mr. Rapp had the evidence to clear the ICTR defendants of the assassination charges and only the losing side has been blamed for all crimes committed in Rwanda in 1994. Simply put, Mr. Rapp and other ICTR prosecutors have withheld evidence that would be beneficial to the defense, contrary to Tribunal Rules; have prosecuted defendants for crimes they knew were committed by Kagame's forces; and, have created a system of "judicial impunity" that has permitted Kagame to kill millions in the eastern Congo.
It is in this context that Prof. Peter Elinder writing to Global Security questioned President Obama's wisdom in appointing Stephen Rapp as the head of the Office of War Crimes Issue (as was known before) at the State Department in this manner: "This 'inconvenient-African-truth,' raises an uncomfortable question regarding President Obama's nomination of Mr. Rapp, in the first place: Are Obama and his advisors ignorant of the public record regarding Rapp's complicity in the ICTR Cover-up....or do they just not give a damn?"
Ambassador Stephen Rapp was also privy to the following information when he was the Chief Prosecutor of the ICTR:
The US Ambassador to Rwanda, and declassified US documents from 1994, establish that:
(a) the assassination of the President of Burundi in October 1993 triggered a "genocide of 150,000 Burundian Hutus;"
(b) hundreds of thousands of Burundian Hutu refugees then poured into Rwanda;
(c) Rwandan Patriotic Front military aggression displaced 1.5 million Rwandans in early 1993; and
(d) the Rwandan Patriotic Front assassinated the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi in April 1994.
And, that these were the actual causes of the Rwanda Genocide.
The U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda personally warned Kagame in November 1993 that, if he resumed the war, he would be responsible for mass violence in Rwanda in 1994, like that in Burundi in 1993. This was confirmed by cables from the State Dept on April 7, 1994;
UN documents show that the RPF was militarily dominant as of February 1993 and, according to UN Gen. Dallaire's cables to the UN in April-June 1994, Kagame refused to stop the violence because he was winning;
Former ICTR Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte's 2009 memoirs document then–Gen. Kagame's culpability for the assassination of the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi of April 6, 1994 that began the Rwandan Genocide, as does the 2008 indictment issued by Spanish Judge Fernando Abreu Merelles and the 2006 indictment of French Judge Jean-Louis Bruguière;
The Spanish indictment also describes, prefecture-by-prefecture, 325,000 murders of Hutus and Tutsis for which Kagame and the RPF are responsible, not including the massive killing after 1994, in both Rwanda and neighboring Congo;
In 2009 published Edward S. Herman and David Peterson's investigative/research book The Politics of Genocide said: "The United States and its allies worked hard in the early 1990s to weaken the Rwandan government, forcing the abandonment of many of the economic and social gains from the social revolution of 1959, thereby making the Habyarimana government less popular, and helping to reinforce the Tutsi minority's economic power. Eventually, the RPF was able to achieve a legal military presence inside Rwanda, thanks to a series of ceasefires and other agreements. These agreements led to the Arusha Peace Accords of August 1993, pressed upon the Rwandan government by the United States and its allies, called for the "integration" of the armed forces of Rwanda and (Kagame's) RPF, and for a "transitional," power-sharing government until national elections could be held in 1995. These Peace Accords positioned the RPF for its bloody overthrow of a relatively democratic coalition government, and the takeover of the Rwandan state by a minority dictatorship."
The chief of the U.S. State Department's Office of Global Criminal Justice Stephen Rapp knew this entire Rwandan episode, the U.S. interests in Paul Kagame, the UN concealment of the 1994 report at the behest of the Clinton administration, the U.S. military assistance to Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front and the entire exercise of the 'Rwandan cover up' to conceal the U.S. culpability in the Rwandan genocide when he focused his attention elsewhere; Sri Lanka.
- Asian Tribune –

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[RwandaLibre] Kigali Working Hard to Divide and Confuse the Opposition


Jan-13-2014 12:40printcomments

Kigali Working Hard to Divide and Confuse the Opposition

"In a time of Universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"-Orwell
Rwandan President Paul Kagame
Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
Photo by Jennifer Fierberg

(WASHINGTON, DC) - The murder of Patrick Karegyea of the Rwandan National Congress (RNC) has left the political opposition as well as Rwandans in the diaspora who support them raw yet determined. His murder continues to be investigated by the South African Police who have refused to comment on an open investigation. Back in Rwanda President Kagame and his political leaders have had a lot to say about the death of Karegeya both in the press and on social media outlets. The comments started with Louise Mushikiwabo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, abusing the children of Patrick Karegeya on Twitter in this conversation; further, she went on local radio stations in Rwanda continuing to accuse the late Karegeya of grenade attacks inside Rwanda and stating that Mr. Karegeya had "declared war" on the country. None of these statements is true. The RNC has always maintained that they are a peaceful group and they have no intentions of violent or forceful means of making political change in Rwanda.
Rwanda's Defense Minister, James Kabarebe, last week in an speech referred to the late Karegeya as a "dog" and stated, "When you choose to be a dog, you die like a dog, and the cleaners will wipe away the trash so that it does not stink for them. Actually, such consequences are faced by those who have chosen such a path.
There is nothing we can do about it, and we should not be interrogated over it." His overt mention of "the cleaners will wipe away the trash" was a clear warning to all Rwandan opposition groups, specifically the Rwanda National Congress leaders, and other who criticize the Government of Rwanda  that they are not safe no matter where in the world they are.
Many journalists and activists have received death threats via phone, email and in online discussions.  The accusations of these sending threats are that those who criticize the government are trying to "destabilize the country" by feeding "false information to the public." This is a hardline statement from the Government of Rwanda regarding all those who choose to speak the truth about  what the Government of Rwanda is doing "behind the façade" of what they portray to the world as  the Eden of Africa. There are numerous publications that have continued to expose President Kagame and his crimes and how the UK and US continue to cover up his record of destabilization in the region, particularly in the DRC through his most recent proxy army, the M23.  Ambassador Stephen Rapp has now, also, come out with tough evidence that President Kagame was behind the 1994 genocide in Rwanda along with the backing of the US and UK.
Kagame confusing a prayer breakfast as a confessional
For further evidence that President Kagame and his government are behind the murder of the late Karegeya, look no further than the National Prayer Breakfast that he attended in Rwanda on Sunday January 12, 2014. He gave a lengthy speech and admitted to the elimination of Karegeya. He stated to the group attending that, "you are a bunch of cowards if you dare to deny my involvement in the murder of Col. Karegeya". President Kagame then added, "shouldn't we actually be murdering more of Karegeya's type?" If this is not a clear confession of his involvement, I do not know what is.
The Investigative team in South Africa refused to comment on these statements and continues to investigate in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. 
In a press release on the same day as the Prayer Breakfast/Confessional, the Amahoro People's Congress released a statement stating in party that:
"This presidential confession strengthened similar statements made earlier by other Rwandan government officials. Rwandan Prime Minister Pierre Habumuremyi tweeted on Monday, 6th January, 2014: "Betraying citizens and their country that made you a man shall always bear consequences to you." Foreign Affairs Minister, Madam Louise Mushikiwabo tweeted and later confirmed in an interview that Karegeya was a "self-declared enemy" of her government and that what happens to its enemies should not make it lose sleep. In her interview, she insisted that late Patrick deserved to be killed because of betraying the country that created him. Speaking at a governmental controversial "Ndi Umunyarwanda" campaign in Rubavu district on 11th January, 2014, the Defence Minister, General James Kabarebe, joined other officials in confirming the regime's role in the assassination. "Do not waste your time on reports that so and so was strangled with a rope on the 7th floor in whatever country." "When you choose to be a dog, you die like a dog, and the cleaners will wipe away the trash so that it does not stink for them. Actually, such consequences are faced by those who have chosen such a path. There is nothing we can do about it, and we should not be interrogated over it."
Further they stated that, "Rwandan democratic voices have, over the last several years, called for a peaceful settlement of Rwanda's problems through dialogue. President Kagame has rejected peace and dialogue, and opted for a violent path, by assassinating and jailing his opponents, and declaring war on all Rwandans who demand freedom.
Patrick Karegyea
In view of the above, we call upon:
  1. President Paul Kagame and his criminal regime to resign immediately since he has lost all legitimacy to govern;
  2. The Rwandan people to reject fear and intimidation, remain calm, united, and be more determined to continue the just and legitimate struggle for freedom;
  3. The international community to invoke "RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT", the new international security and human rights norm to address the international community's responsibility to prevent and stop genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity;
  4. The international community to compel President Paul Kagame and his agents of terror to account for the crimes they have committed before, during and after 1994; and,
  5. The international community to support the Rwandan people who seek a new political dispensation characterised by truth, justice, the rule of law, genuine reconciliation and healing.
We would like to assure the Rwandan people that though the struggle for freedom, unity, democracy, justice and shared prosperity is long and difficult, ultimately, freedom will triumph over dictatorship, and pursuit of a better life for all over imposition of death." Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana, Coordinator, FDU-Inkingi; Etienne Masozera, President, AMAHORO People's Congress and Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, Coordinator, Rwanda National Congress (RNC), signed the press statement. They end their press statement with an important message to all Rwndans:
"We would like to assure the Rwandan people that though the struggle for freedom, unity, democracy, justice and shared prosperity is long and difficult, ultimately, freedom will triumph over dictatorship, and pursuit of a better life for all over imposition of death."
Lies about the RNC and Kayumba
In an anonymous blog post published today an author by the name of Miley Jameson made outlandish claims entitled; "Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa negotiating return to Rwanda." This post reads like a bad propaganda attempt to further divide and confuse activists and political opposition members.
This writer contacted Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa for his response and he asked to be quoted directly:
"Quote me:
a. The death of Patrick has strengthened our resolve to fight the dictatorship. b. The confession by President Kagame that he killed Patrick gives credence to what Patrick and the opposition has all along accused Kagame of. c. Kagame calls his critics, enemies of the country. He does not distinguish between himself and the country. His personal opponents are enemies of the country!! c. If Kagame wants negotiations, let him talk to the opposition. I have no personal deals to negotiate with Kagame because our differences are national including: lack of democracy and rigging of elections, meddling with the judiciary, lack of liberty and freedom culminating in an influx of refugees, imprisonment of opposition politicians, extra judicial killings of opponents and the general personalisation of state institutions especially parliament and security organisations. He should also stop machinations to change the constitution to allocate himself a 3rd term. d. In his speech, he said my death is a matter of time, now how do I negotiate with such a person? e. Who is Miley Jameson and which media house does he/she write for? This publication is without identity. Most dictatorships operate like that. You cannot expect anything better from a President who goes for prayers and boasts how he has murdered and intends to murder other people."
Final words from Col. Patrick Karegeya
"In the absence of democratic reforms, the policies of the present government of Rwanda are likely to lead to a return to violence in the country. A system of government that deprives citizens of fundamental human rights, especially the right to political participation and the integrity of the person, cannot last indefinitely. Change in Rwanda is inevitable; the issue is whether change will be negotiated and peaceful, or violent and imposed, again, by the victors of a bloody armed conflict. Political change is necessary to avert violent conflict that repressive government in Rwanda has made almost inevitable. A return to violent conflict in Rwanda would further destabilize the Great Lakes region of Central Africa."

Col. Patrick Karegeya
28 December, 2013

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[RwandaLibre] Could Karegeya assassination speed up change in Rwanda?



Could Karegeya assassination speed up change in Rwanda?

The answer is YES according to the scenario put forward by AFRICOM study undertaken in 2011.
Jennifer G. Cooke, author of the study
One of the thousands of victims of ongoing humanitarian crisis   caused by M23 in Eastern Congo
One of the thousands of victims of ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by M23 in Eastern Congo
, bases her hypothesis on 3 Key Points:
  1. The Rwandan government inability to manage political competition within a democratic framework may ultimately radicalize opponents who have no legitimate means to challenge the regime. Mutual suspicion and fear along ethnic lines – the product of more than a century of state manipulation-abide. But new coalitions that are united in opposition to the current ruling party may also emerge.
  2. The government's strategy of "development without politics," on which it has staked its domestic and international legitimacy, has important limitations, leaving the cornerstone of the country's fragile social compact vulnerable to economic shocks, possible setbacks, and growing economic inequality.
  3. Rwanda's continued interests and involvement in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo could have destabilizing effects, both in that country and within Rwanda.
One would here wonder if the author of the study knew that Patrick Karegeya was going to be assassinated. NO she did not, but his murder on 1/1/14 in South Africa fall in one of the scenario that she envisaged that could trigger rapid change. This is how she puts it in one of the hypothesis that could cause instability in Rwanda in the coming years:
The assassination of a high level figure within the RPF or in the opposition could provoke on the one hand a disproportionate security response from the RPF, or on the other hand, a spontaneous popular uprising. 
Understandably the assassination of Patrick Karegeya did not occur in a vacuum. That explains the probable chain of events that it might influence.
In January 1994, the CIA Kigali Desk apparently presented to Washington the scenario of what would happen if the president Juvenal Habyarimana was to be killed. In terms of number of victims, the estimation was between 300,000 and 500,000. The figures were based on what had happened in the neighboring Burundi when the first elected Hutu president Melchior Ndadaye had been assassinated a few months earlier. Most exactly this was on 21/10/1993. In the case of Rwanda CIA estimates of casualties were widely and somehow exceeded.
If the predictions of AFRICOM were to materialize, the question to ask would be: "Are the stakeholders to the Rwandan case ready to embrace the predicted and predictable change?" Their level of readiness can save or waste lives. And these concerned parties include Rwandan politicians pro ad against Kagame, civil society, ordinary Rwandans inside and outside, and of course as well the famous international community which does not have a known postal address when it is critically needed.
The majority of Rwandans, in front of the political scenery, are behaving like ostriches. It is like they don't want to see the reality unfolding in their face, gradually bu surely. Are they ready if something was to happen to the Rwandan president as this was the case for Juvenal Habyarimana. They seem not to be. They don't not want to envisage that eventuality. But I consider that not to be the right attitude. Preparedness is everything. It is the solution to change. So if the assassination of Karegeya had effectively to speed up change in Rwanda, virtually my Rwandan compatriots might be the only ones not ready for it. Others appear to be prepared as the mentioned study demonstrates.

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AMAHORO People's Congress – FDU-INKINGI – RNC
Tariki ya 12 Mutarama, 2014
Ku itariki ya 1 Mutarama 2014 nibwo umurambo wa nyakwigendera Koloneli Patrick Karegeya, umwe mu batavuga rumwe na Leta y'I Kigali wabonetse muri Hoteli Michelangelo yo mu mujyi wa Johannesburg, ho muri Afurika y'Epfo,banasanga yarahotowe aterewe ku munigo. Leta ya Afurika y'Epfo yahise isaba inzego zibishinzwe kwihutisha iperereza.
Nk'uko tubikesha Associated Press, uyu munsi Pawulo Kagame yavuze ko : " Uzagambanira u Rwanda uwo ariwe wese, n'ukiriho bizamugaruka." Yongeyeho ati:"Ni igihe gusa; ugambanira igihugu cye uwo ari we wese ntabwo yabikira, biramugaruka." Ibyo Kagame akaba yabivugiye mu masengesho ngarukamwaka yo gusabira igihugu "national prayer breakfast.". Perezida Kagame yabwiye abari bateraniye aho ko abatavuga rumwe n'ubutegetsi bwe bazajya bafatwa kimwe, kandi ko nta mpavu n'imwe y'uko hari umuntu uri muri Leta ayoboye wari ukwiriye guterwa agahinda n'ibigwirirye abanzi b'ubutegetsi bwe.
Uko kwemera icyaha kwa Perezida kuje gushimangira ibyari byatangajwe mbere n'abandi bayobozi b'u Rwanda. Nko muri tweeter yo kuwa mbere tariki ya 6 Mutarama 2014 ya Minisitiri w'Itebe Bwana Petero Habumuremyi, aravuga ngo 2014: "Kugambanira abaturage n'igihugu cyabo cyakugize uwo uri we, iteka ryose bikugiraho ingaruka." Naho minisitiri w'Ububanyi n'Amahanga, Madamu Louise Mushikiwabo yanditse kuri tweeter kandi anavuga ko kuba Karegeya yari "yarihinduye umwanzi" wa guvernoma ye, ibyamubayeho bitari bwikwiriye kugira uwo bibuza gusinzira. Mu kiganiro yagiranye n'abanyamakuru, yashimangiye ko nyakwigendera Karegeya yari akwiriye urupfu kubera kugambanira igihugu cyamugize uwo ari we. Noneho, mu muhango wo kwamamaza gahunda "Ndi umunyarwanda" wabereye muri District ya Rubavu ku itariki ya 11 Mutarama, Minisitiri w'Ingabo, Generali James Kabarebe, we yaragaciye, yemeza uruhare rwa gunernoma y'u Rwanda muri kiriya gikorwa cy'ubuhotozi. Ati" Mwirinde abasakuza hirya no hino ngo umuntu kanaka yanizwe n'umugozi ari muri etage ya karindwi mu gihugu runaka. Iyo uhisemo kuba imbwa upfa nk'imbwa abashinzwe isuku bagakuraho umwanda bagashyira aho imyanda ijya ngo utabanukira, kandi abo bibaho nibyo bahisemo ntacyo twabikoraho ntidukwiye no kubibazwa."
Kwica no gufunga abanyarwanda muri rusange, by'umwihariko abatavuga rumwe na Leta bimaze gufata intera idashobora kwihanganirwa. Abacamanza barasya batanzitse mu guhana abanyepolitiki n'abanyamakuru bigenga, ibyo birimo igihano cyo gufungwa burundu cyahawe Deo Mushayidi (PDP Imanzi); igifungo cy'imyaka 15 cyahawe Madamu Victoire Ingabire (Perezidante wa FDU-INKINGI); igifungo cy'imyaka 4 cyahawe Bernard Ntaganda (Perezida wa PS Imberakuri); imyaka 2 bakatiye Sylvain Sibomana (Umunyamabanga Mukuru wa FDU-INKINGI); imyaka 15 bakatiye Dr. Theoneste Niyitegeka (kandida perezida wa Republika mu 2003), n'abandi… Kuva muri 1994, ubutegetsi bwa Perezida Kagame bwohonyoye by'indegakamere uburenganzira bwa kiremwamuntu haba mu Rwanda, haba muri Republika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Kongo. Muri ibyo hakaba harimo ibyaha by'intambara, ibyaha byibasiye inyoko-muntu, bitaretse n'ibikorwa bishobora kwitwa jenoside. Urubuga rwa politiki ruradanangiye, itangazamakuru ryigenga ryaranize, sositeye sivile yararuciye irarumira, u Rwanda ni igihugu gihora mu bihe nk'iby'intambara, tutaretse ubwoba n'umutekano muke bisa n'ibyo mu gihe cyabanjirije amarorerwa yo muri 1994. Aho Leta y'u Rwanda yakarengeye kandi ngo anarinde abaturage, ahubwo yahisemo kwishora mu bikorwa by'iterabwoba mu karere k'Ibiyaga Bigari ndetse na kure yaho. Kuba umuryango mpuzamahanga warahisemo kwicecekera ntiwamaganire ahabona amarorerwa akorwa na Perezida Kagame, byabaye nko kumukingira ikibaba, bituma umuco wa kudahana wimakazwa, noneho igitugu gisya kitanzitse.
Hashize imyaka n'imyaniko abaharanira demokarasi mu Rwanda bavuza iya bahanda basaba ko ibibazo byugarije u Rwanda byacyemurwa mu nzira y'imishyikirano. Inzira y'amahoro n'imishyikirano Perezida Kagame yabiteye utwatsi, ahitamo inzira yo gukoresha umurya, yica anafunga abo batavuga rumwe, none ageze aho gushoza intambara ku muntu wese usaba ubwisanzure.
Dushingiye kuri ibi byose, turasaba:
1) Perezida Pawulo Kagame n'ngoma mpotozi ye guhita begura ntayandi mananiza kuko batakaje icyizere cyo kuyobora igihugu;
2) Abanyarwanda gushirika ubwoba, bagatuza, bagashyira hamwe, bakiyemeza gukaza umurego mu rugamba rwo kwibohora bagaruza uburenganzira bwabo;
3) Umuryango mpuzamahanga gushyiraho icyo bita "INSHINGANO YO KURINDA/RESPONSIBILITE DE PROTEGER", arizo ngamba nshya zo kubungabunga umutekano n'uburenganzira bwa kiremwamuntu mu rwego mpuzamahanga, zigamize gukumira no guhagarika jenoside, ibyaha by'intambara, n'ibyo kwibasira inyokomuntu;
4) Umuryango mpuzamahanga gushyikiriza ubutabera Perezida Kagame n'izindi nkozi z'ibibi akoresha kubera ibyaha ndengakamere bakoze haba mbere ya 1994, haba muri 1994, haba na nyuma yahoo;
5) Umuryango mpuzamahanga gushyikira no gufasha abanyarwanda gushyiraho ubutegetsi burangwa n'ukuri, ubutabera, igihugu kigendera ku mategeko, ubwiyunge no gusana imitima bya nyabyo.
Tuboneyeho umwanya wo kwongera kwizeza abanyarwanda ko n'ubwo urugamba rw'ubwisanzure, ubumwe, demokarasi, ubutabera n'uburumbuke busangiwe ari rurerure kandi rutoroshye, uko bimera kose, ukwishyira tukizana bizasezerera ingoma y'igitugu izuba riva, urupfu rutwugarije rwimukire ubuzima buzira umuze.
Mu izina rya Plateforme,
Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana, Umuhuzabikorwa
Lausanne, Switzerland
Etienne Masozera, Umuhuzabikorwa
AMAHORO People's Congress
Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, Umuhuzabikorwa
Ihuriro Nyarwanda (RNC)
Washington DC, USA

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AMAHORO People's Congress – FDU-INKINGI – RNC
Tariki ya 12 Mutarama, 2014
Ku itariki ya 1 Mutarama 2014 nibwo umurambo wa nyakwigendera Koloneli Patrick Karegeya, umwe mu batavuga rumwe na Leta y'I Kigali wabonetse muri Hoteli Michelangelo yo mu mujyi wa Johannesburg, ho muri Afurika y'Epfo,banasanga yarahotowe aterewe ku munigo. Leta ya Afurika y'Epfo yahise isaba inzego zibishinzwe kwihutisha iperereza.
Nk'uko tubikesha Associated Press, uyu munsi Pawulo Kagame yavuze ko : " Uzagambanira u Rwanda uwo ariwe wese, n'ukiriho bizamugaruka." Yongeyeho ati:"Ni igihe gusa; ugambanira igihugu cye uwo ari we wese ntabwo yabikira, biramugaruka." Ibyo Kagame akaba yabivugiye mu masengesho ngarukamwaka yo gusabira igihugu "national prayer breakfast.". Perezida Kagame yabwiye abari bateraniye aho ko abatavuga rumwe n'ubutegetsi bwe bazajya bafatwa kimwe, kandi ko nta mpavu n'imwe y'uko hari umuntu uri muri Leta ayoboye wari ukwiriye guterwa agahinda n'ibigwirirye abanzi b'ubutegetsi bwe.
Uko kwemera icyaha kwa Perezida kuje gushimangira ibyari byatangajwe mbere n'abandi bayobozi b'u Rwanda. Nko muri tweeter yo kuwa mbere tariki ya 6 Mutarama 2014 ya Minisitiri w'Itebe Bwana Petero Habumuremyi, aravuga ngo 2014: "Kugambanira abaturage n'igihugu cyabo cyakugize uwo uri we, iteka ryose bikugiraho ingaruka." Naho minisitiri w'Ububanyi n'Amahanga, Madamu Louise Mushikiwabo yanditse kuri tweeter kandi anavuga ko kuba Karegeya yari "yarihinduye umwanzi" wa guvernoma ye, ibyamubayeho bitari bwikwiriye kugira uwo bibuza gusinzira. Mu kiganiro yagiranye n'abanyamakuru, yashimangiye ko nyakwigendera Karegeya yari akwiriye urupfu kubera kugambanira igihugu cyamugize uwo ari we. Noneho, mu muhango wo kwamamaza gahunda "Ndi umunyarwanda" wabereye muri District ya Rubavu ku itariki ya 11 Mutarama, Minisitiri w'Ingabo, Generali James Kabarebe, we yaragaciye, yemeza uruhare rwa gunernoma y'u Rwanda muri kiriya gikorwa cy'ubuhotozi. Ati" Mwirinde abasakuza hirya no hino ngo umuntu kanaka yanizwe n'umugozi ari muri etage ya karindwi mu gihugu runaka. Iyo uhisemo kuba imbwa upfa nk'imbwa abashinzwe isuku bagakuraho umwanda bagashyira aho imyanda ijya ngo utabanukira, kandi abo bibaho nibyo bahisemo ntacyo twabikoraho ntidukwiye no kubibazwa."
Kwica no gufunga abanyarwanda muri rusange, by'umwihariko abatavuga rumwe na Leta bimaze gufata intera idashobora kwihanganirwa. Abacamanza barasya batanzitse mu guhana abanyepolitiki n'abanyamakuru bigenga, ibyo birimo igihano cyo gufungwa burundu cyahawe Deo Mushayidi (PDP Imanzi); igifungo cy'imyaka 15 cyahawe Madamu Victoire Ingabire (Perezidante wa FDU-INKINGI); igifungo cy'imyaka 4 cyahawe Bernard Ntaganda (Perezida wa PS Imberakuri); imyaka 2 bakatiye Sylvain Sibomana (Umunyamabanga Mukuru wa FDU-INKINGI); imyaka 15 bakatiye Dr. Theoneste Niyitegeka (kandida perezida wa Republika mu 2003), n'abandi… Kuva muri 1994, ubutegetsi bwa Perezida Kagame bwohonyoye by'indegakamere uburenganzira bwa kiremwamuntu haba mu Rwanda, haba muri Republika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Kongo. Muri ibyo hakaba harimo ibyaha by'intambara, ibyaha byibasiye inyoko-muntu, bitaretse n'ibikorwa bishobora kwitwa jenoside. Urubuga rwa politiki ruradanangiye, itangazamakuru ryigenga ryaranize, sositeye sivile yararuciye irarumira, u Rwanda ni igihugu gihora mu bihe nk'iby'intambara, tutaretse ubwoba n'umutekano muke bisa n'ibyo mu gihe cyabanjirije amarorerwa yo muri 1994. Aho Leta y'u Rwanda yakarengeye kandi ngo anarinde abaturage, ahubwo yahisemo kwishora mu bikorwa by'iterabwoba mu karere k'Ibiyaga Bigari ndetse na kure yaho. Kuba umuryango mpuzamahanga warahisemo kwicecekera ntiwamaganire ahabona amarorerwa akorwa na Perezida Kagame, byabaye nko kumukingira ikibaba, bituma umuco wa kudahana wimakazwa, noneho igitugu gisya kitanzitse.
Hashize imyaka n'imyaniko abaharanira demokarasi mu Rwanda bavuza iya bahanda basaba ko ibibazo byugarije u Rwanda byacyemurwa mu nzira y'imishyikirano. Inzira y'amahoro n'imishyikirano Perezida Kagame yabiteye utwatsi, ahitamo inzira yo gukoresha umurya, yica anafunga abo batavuga rumwe, none ageze aho gushoza intambara ku muntu wese usaba ubwisanzure.
Dushingiye kuri ibi byose, turasaba:
1) Perezida Pawulo Kagame n'ngoma mpotozi ye guhita begura ntayandi mananiza kuko batakaje icyizere cyo kuyobora igihugu;
2) Abanyarwanda gushirika ubwoba, bagatuza, bagashyira hamwe, bakiyemeza gukaza umurego mu rugamba rwo kwibohora bagaruza uburenganzira bwabo;
3) Umuryango mpuzamahanga gushyiraho icyo bita "INSHINGANO YO KURINDA/RESPONSIBILITE DE PROTEGER", arizo ngamba nshya zo kubungabunga umutekano n'uburenganzira bwa kiremwamuntu mu rwego mpuzamahanga, zigamize gukumira no guhagarika jenoside, ibyaha by'intambara, n'ibyo kwibasira inyokomuntu;
4) Umuryango mpuzamahanga gushyikiriza ubutabera Perezida Kagame n'izindi nkozi z'ibibi akoresha kubera ibyaha ndengakamere bakoze haba mbere ya 1994, haba muri 1994, haba na nyuma yahoo;
5) Umuryango mpuzamahanga gushyikira no gufasha abanyarwanda gushyiraho ubutegetsi burangwa n'ukuri, ubutabera, igihugu kigendera ku mategeko, ubwiyunge no gusana imitima bya nyabyo.
Tuboneyeho umwanya wo kwongera kwizeza abanyarwanda ko n'ubwo urugamba rw'ubwisanzure, ubumwe, demokarasi, ubutabera n'uburumbuke busangiwe ari rurerure kandi rutoroshye, uko bimera kose, ukwishyira tukizana bizasezerera ingoma y'igitugu izuba riva, urupfu rutwugarije rwimukire ubuzima buzira umuze.
Mu izina rya Plateforme,
Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana, Umuhuzabikorwa
Lausanne, Switzerland
Etienne Masozera, Umuhuzabikorwa
AMAHORO People's Congress
Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, Umuhuzabikorwa
Ihuriro Nyarwanda (RNC)
Washington DC, USA

“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.