
Thursday, 3 July 2014

[RwandaLibre] SADC-CIRGL : Le Rwanda doit donner l’amnistie aux FDLR !


Réunion des experts de la SADC et de la CIRGL en Angola : Le Rwanda doit donner l'amnistie aux FDLR !
Luanda - Les experts de défense et sécurité et des ministères des Relations Extérieures de la Communauté de Développement de l'Afrique Australe (SADC) et de la Conférence internationale sur la région des Grands Lacs (CIRGL) se sont réunis, mardi, dans la capitale angolaise, pour évaluer la situation en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) et soumettre des propositions à la pacification de la région orientale de ce pays.
Le chef d'état-major des Forces armées angolaises (FAA), le général Sachipengo Nunda, a expliqué que le but était de préparer une réunion des ministres de la CIRGL et la SADC visant à harmoniser les efforts pour contribuer à la pacification complète de l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Le responsable militaire a dit que les participants avaient été informés sur les développements en cours dans la région des Grands Lacs afin de matérialiser la résolution issue du sommet de Chefs d'État et de gouvernement de l'Union Africaine.
"Tout converge vers le même point qui est d'appuyer la RDC à poursuivre l'effort de pacification et encourager les éléments de la FDRL de continuer à se rendre, évitant ainsi la continuité du conflit dans la région", a-t-il souligné. Il a également déclaré qu'on devrait encourager le Rwanda à rapatrier les éléments du groupe armé M-23 vers la RDC, afin de dissiper les suspicions entre les deux pays qui s'accusent de soutenir des forces rebelles, ou ne pas faire le nécessaire pour éviter les attaques contre les pays voisins partant de leurs territoires.
Selon lui, le Rwanda pense que la RDC soutient la FDRL ou ne déploie pas suffisamment d'efforts pour éliminer cette force et, d'autre part, la RDC pense que le voisin ne fait pas assez pour le rapatriement des éléments du M-23. Geraldo Nunda Sachipengo a souligné qu'il était prévu que le Rwanda établisse une amnistie pour permettre le retour des rebelles sans grande méfiance, à l'exception de ceux qui ont commis des crimes graves contre l'humanité.
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[RwandaLibre] La revendication de l'identité juive par des intellectuels Tutsis: une supercherie lucrative


3 Juillet 2014 La revendication de l'identité juive par des intellectuels Tutsis: une supercherie lucrative

Extrait de: Noël Ndanyuzwe, 2014, La guerre mondiale africaine, la conspiration anglo-américaine pour un génocide au Rwanda. Enquête dans les archives secrètes de l'armée ougandaise. Éditions Sources du Nil.

1.6. Revendication de l'identité juive et d’une grande région unifiée[1].

La revendication de l’identité juive par les Tutsis peut paraître comme une large fumisterie, mais l’idée adossée à la théorie migratoire hamito-couchitique[2] est surtout tactique en ce qui concerne la formation d’un empire nilotique le long du fleuve Nil. Elle n’a surtout rien à voir avec l’histoire des Falashas (Beta Israël), ces juifs éthiopiens descendants de la Reine de Saba dont une partie (14324 individus) fut évacuée en 1991 vers Israël par un pont aérien « l’Opération Salomon ». La revendication de l’identité juive ne vise pas le retour vers la Terre Promise mais la recolonisation des (Lire la suite...)


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[RwandaLibre] World Politics Review - 12 hours ago: Robust Peacekeeping, Diplomacy Put Peace in Reach in Eastern DRC


Robust Peacekeeping, Diplomacy Put Peace in Reach in Eastern DRC

World Politics Review - 12 hours ago
By Laura Seay, July 2, 2014

The Democratic Republic of Congo has changed. Five years ago, the
country's eastern provinces were entering a second decade of
low-intensity violence marked by the proliferation of armed groups
perpetrating atrocities that had enveloped the region since the
collapse of the Zairian state in 1996-1997. The ineffective, grossly
undersized United Nations peacekeeping mission struggled to keep track
of the chaos around it, and diplomatic efforts to address the conflict
had little impact. The national army, known as the Armed Forces of the
Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), was useless at best and actively
harmed the population at worst. When rebels from Gen. Laurent Nkunda's
militia, the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP),
advanced on Goma in late 2008, FARDC forces broke ranks and terrorized
the city's population for days, raping countless women and girls,
looting private property and destroying homes and businesses. Many
observers at the time suggested that the FARDC was responsible for as
many or more human rights violations as the rest of the DRC's armed
groups combined. [...]

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[RwandaLibre] RFI - 21 hours ago: Rwanda: Paul Kagame «dégoûté» par le traitement réservé aux FDLR


Rwanda: Paul Kagame «dégoûté» par le traitement réservé aux FDLR

RFI - 21 hours ago

Le président Paul Kagame a donné mardi sa première conférence de
presse depuis le début de l'année, à l'occasion de la fête de
l'indépendance du pays. Un exercice auquel, d'habitude, il se prête
plus régulièrement. De nombreux sujets ont été abordés, parmi lesquels
celui du désarmement des FDLR et des incidents frontaliers avec la

Parmi les sujets abordés par le chef de l'Etat rwandais, certains
intéressent particulièrement les ministres des Etats membres de la
SADC et de la CIRGL, réunis à Luanda jusqu'à ce mercredi. Notamment
désarmement des FDLR et des incidents frontaliers avec la RDC.

Le président rwandais s'est dit « dégouté » par la manière dont les
FDLR sont traités. Paul Kagame répondait à une question concernant le
transport jusqu'à Kinshasa, par l'ONU, du président par intérim des
FDLR. Victor Biyringiro n'a pas continué sa route mais le reste de sa
délégation s'est rendue à Rome pour rencontrer l'équipe des envoyés
spéciaux pour les Grands Lacs et des représentants du gouvernement
congolais sous l'égide de la communauté religieuse Sant'Egidio. Avec
pour objectif de trouver les voies et moyens d'accélérer leur
désarmement. La réunion avait déclenché l'ire du Rwanda.

« Le monde est cynique d'honorer ceux qui ont commis le génocide au
Rwanda », a déploré le chef de l'Etat rwandais alors qu'on lui assure,
a-t-il expliqué, que la question FDLR va être réglée. Il balaie du
revers de la main l'argument comme quoi les FDLR sont aujourd'hui les
fils et les filles de ceux accusés de génocide. «Ce qui est un
problème clair et simple a été transformé en un problème énorme. Et je
crois que c'est fait exprès par certains », a encore insinué le
président Kagame.

Egalement interrogé également sur les incidents frontaliers, le chef
de l'Etat rwandais a dit ne pas savoir sur quoi l'équipe du mécanisme
de vérification conjointe s'était basée pour faire son rapport. Un
rapport qui ne confirmait pas la version rwandaise des faits. «Si vous
êtes sur le terrain et que vous voyez certains faits et qu'après,
quand vous partez, les faits changent, ça dit quelque chose», explique
Paul Kagame ajoutant que les problèmes entre le Rwanda et le Congo
sont toujours très politisés. Kinshasa accusait Kigali d'avoir exécuté
cinq ressortissants congolais dont un militaire. «Les problèmes entre
le Rwanda et le Congo finissent toujours par se résoudre», a affirmé
le président rwandais.

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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

[RwandaLibre] Inter Press Service - 7 hours ago: A Third Term for DR Congo President Expected to Wreak Social Havoc


A Third Term for DR Congo President Expected to Wreak Social Havoc

Inter Press Service - 7 hours ago
By Badylon Kawanda Bakiman

Rose Fungulana, a 53-year-old farmer, fears that if DRC President
Joseph Kabila is allowed to serve a third term of office, there will
be a rebellion that will increase the risk of sexual assault against
women. Courtesy: Badylon Kawanda Bakiman

KIKWIT, DR Congo, Jul 2 2014 (IPS) - Proposals to review the
Democratic Republic of Congo's constitution to permit President Joseph
Kabila to seek a third term of office, if accepted, will only plunge
the Congolese further into poverty and insecurity, experts warn.

"More than 60 percent of Congolese live on less than one dollar a day.
Our compatriots are struggling to access our natural resources. DRC
risks [looting] of stores as it was in 1991 in Mobutu [Sese Seko's
reign]," Raymond Kitako, a civil society leader in DRC, told IPS.
Mobutu ruled the country for 31 years in a reign that was synonymous
with corruption. In 1991 people looted stores and shops as the economy

Mobutu was overthrown in 1997 by current President Joseph Kabila's
father, Laurent Kabila, who was assassinated in 2001. Joseph Kabila
replaced his father as head of state and was later elected president
in 2006 and 2011.

"If this decision is applied, it places the country at risk for a
serious political crisis," Kitako added.

Article 70 of the constitution specifies that the presidential mandate
of five years is only renewable once. And article 220 of the
constitution specifically states there should be no review of the
constitution when it comes to the presidential mandate. However, the
ruling coalition Presidential Majority was said to be discussing the
possibility of reviewing the limits placed on the term of office.

"If the presidential [term] is reviewed, the DRC will register a step
backwards of 60 years. We don't like it," said Vital Kamerhe, Joseph
Kabila's main political opponent and chairman of the opposition Union
for Congolese Nation, during a meeting with journalists.

Raymond Kitako, a civil society leader in DRC, said if DRC President
Joseph Kabila is allowed to serve a third term of office, it would
result in a serious political crisis. Courtesy: Badylon Kawanda

For Kamerhe, "Burundi's example where members of parliament refused to
review the constitution [after being asked to do so] by President
Pierre Nkurunziza must be a lesson to the presidential majority in

Ernest Malonda, a member of the opposition Union for Democracy and
Social Progress, told IPS that if the president was allowed to seek a
third term of office, "DRC will lose its national unity. Congolese
will not circulate freely. Bandits called 'Kuluna' will become very
numerous and the people will suffer."

"Where have you seen a country at war receive economic investors?"
asked Germaine Tangolo, an economist.

Many here remember the rebellion of 1997 where more than six million
Congolese died when Laurent Kabila overthrew Mobutu. And they don't
want to relive it.

"The war will start and as a consequence so will sexual violence and
gender-based violence as people look for natural resources," feared
Rose Fungulana, a 53-year-old farmer.

She said that in the 1997 war, her 23-year-old sister was raped by
Mobutu's soldiers in eastern DRC.

A 2013 report published by Ministry of Gender, however, shows sexual
violence remains very high in the country, as "29,354 cases of sexual
violence and gender-based violence were registered in seven provinces
of DRC from 2011 to 2013."

Fungulana worries that women will be even more at risk should there be
a rebellion against the president serving a third term of office.

Jean Claude Katenda, president of the African Association for Human
Rights in DRC, told IPS that the "people will contest the results and
people will die [protesting against it]. It's dangerous for the
democracy. Corruption will circulate."

However, Luzanga Shamandevu, spokesman of presidential majority,
denied this would happen and said that they would accept the outcome
if the constitution was reviewed.

However, some are willing to take their chances with a changed constitution.

"I don't understand why political opposition and Presidential Majority
are divided! Let us see what the country will become if the Congolese
constitution is reviewed," Simon Kapalay, a teacher at Kikwit, in the
southwest of DRC, told IPS.

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[RwandaLibre] Atlanta Black Star - 1 hour ago: 10 Most Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Patrice Lumumba


10 Most Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Patrice Lumumba

Atlanta Black Star - 1 hour ago
Patrice Lumumba: Poet, Revolutionary, and Freedom Fighter

Patrice Lumumba (July 2, 1925 –Jan. 17, 1961) was the first elected
prime minister of the Republic of Congo. He ascended to power on June
30, 1960, the date of Congo's independence from Belgium. Lumumba had a
a vision of a united Congo with complete control over its economy and

In December 1958, revolutionaries such as Lumumba, Shirley Graham
DuBois, George Padmore and Kwame Nkrumah came together at the
All-African Peoples Conference to plan a strategy for the total
liberation of Africans and people of African descent worldwide. It was
at the AAPC in Ghana that Lumumba became a known figure within
liberation movement circles in Africa and the United States.

He wrote poems and essays such as May Our People Triumph and Dawn in
the Heart of Africa for publication in Congolese journals, earning him
acclaim nationally.

In a 2001 report by the Belgian Commission, there had been previous
U.S. and Belgian plots to kill Lumumba. Among them was a Central
Intelligence Agency-sponsored attempt to poison him, which may have
come on orders from U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Lumumba's
dream, however, was not accomplished. After his assassination on Jan.
17, 1961, Mobutu Sese Seko, a pro-Westerner, was installed and
supported in office, primarily by Belgium and the United States.
During his 30-plus-year reign, Congo amassed large debts, massive
currency devaluations and civil unrest.

Lumumba's legacy lives on. Countless streets, statues and buildings in
countries such as Mali, Russia, Hungary and Cuba have been named in
his honor. In 2003, the BBC reported that naming your child "Lumumba"
in Africa was likely to give the child a head start in life.

After Lumumba's assassination, protesters clashed with Belgian
embassies and local police in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and at Trafalgar
Square in London. Protestors in London shouted and cheered as the
speakers criticized the new Congo regime, and then began shouting
"Down with Belgium" and "Down with the United Nations".

Lumumba's political philosophy remains relevant and is embraced as a
symbol of African independence efforts. In the 2006 elections, a
number of the running parties affiliated themselves with Lumumba's
political philosophy.

On June 28, 1964, U.S. human rights activist Malcolm X gave a speech
at a rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (a movement he
founded) at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City. During this speech,
Malcolm X proclaimed "Lumumba [is] the greatest black man who ever
walked the African continent. He didn't fear anybody. He had those
people so scared they had to kill him. They couldn't buy him; they
couldn't frighten him; they couldn't reach him."

His life and works have been celebrated through books and films.
Lumumba is a 2000 film directed by Raoul Peck that focused on Lumumba
in the months before and after the Republic of the Congo achieved
independence. Africa's Lost Leader (Life and Times) and The
Assassination of Lumumba are perhaps the most popular books
celebrating his life.

Lumumba's last letter to his wife is written as if he knew he was
going to die fighting for his country. He ends the letter with the
phrase "Long live the Congo! Long live Africa."

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[RwandaLibre] New Vision - 26 minutes ago: No funds to return Ugandans executed in China


No funds to return Ugandans executed in China

New Vision - 26 minutes ago
Publish Date: Jul 02, 2014

By Francis Kagolo

Uganda's ambassador to China, Charles Wagidoso had said efforts are
being made to return the remains of the two men

The ministry of foreign affairs has said they do not have funds to
return the remains of two Ugandan men executed in China over drug

The ministry said today that Government does not offer funds for
returning bodies of Ugandans who die from abroad. Andrew Ham Ngobi,
39, and Omer Ddamulira were executed on June 25, in the city of
Guangzhou over possession of cocaine worth $2.6m (about sh6.6b). Their
bodies were later cremated.

Sources at the Uganda mission in Beijing said that at the time of
arrest, Ddamulira was carrying 28kg of cocaine while Ngobi had 15kg.

Addressing the press in his office, the ministry publicist Fred Opolot
said they do not have funds to return the remains of the two men
because "financially it would be an extremely heavy burden" to budget
for such incidents.

"That is why we are engaging the bereaved families very closely to
ensure that they get back the remains of their people," he said. There
is an ongoing process to have bilateral agreements allowing transfer
of prisoners between Uganda and China. Even then, Opolot also
expressed pessimism whether the agreements would also cater for
'extremely dangerous" offenders like drug traffickers.

He made the remarks after meeting Ngobi's wife, Marriam Nabbanja, who
spent hours at the ministry seeking for ways of returning the remains
of her husband.

Nabbanja said Ngobi was a production manager in one of the local soda
companies. He started travelling to China when his uncle (name
withheld) introduced him a more lucrative business of importing
clothes and supplying them in Kampala.

On his third trip, on the fateful Friday October 8, 2010, Ngobi did
not return with his uncle. When he communicated with the wife on
January 30, 2011, he said he had embarked on another job in China and
that he was okay.

Nabbanja recounted spending close to nine months in 2011 without
knowledge of Ngobi's whereabouts until she inquired from the
International Police (Interpol) in Kampala.

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“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.