Article 7
The Executive
(a) The Constitution shall provide that, save for the very first election of a President, the President of the Republic shall be elected by direct universal suffrage in which each elector may vote for only one candidate. The President of the Republic shall be elected by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If this majority is not obtained in the first round, a second round shall follow within 15 days.
(b) Only the two candidates who have received the greatest number of votes during the first round may stand in the second round. The candidate who receives the majority of votes cast in the second round shall be declared the President of the Republic.
(c) For the first election, to be held during the transition period, the President shall be indirectly elected as specified in article 20, paragraph 10 below.
2. The President of the Republic shall exercise regulatory power and shall ensure the proper enforcement and administration of legislation. She/he shall exercise her/his powers by decrees, countersigned, where required, by a Vice-President or a minister concerned.
3. She/he shall be elected for a term of five years, renewable only once. No one may serve more than two presidential terms.
4. In the exercise of her/his functions, the President of the Republic shall be assisted by two Vice-Presidents. They shall be appointed by the President of the Republic, who shall previously have submitted their candidacy for approval by the National Assembly and the Senate, voting separately, by a majority of their members. The President of the Republic may dismiss the Vice-Presidents. They shall belong to different ethnic groups and political parties.
5. The President of the Republic, after consultation with the two Vice-Presidents, shall appoint the members of the Government and terminate their appointments.
6. Parties or coalitions thereof shall be invited, but not obliged, to submit to the President a list of persons to serve as ministers if such parties or coalitions have received more than one-twentieth of the vote. They shall be entitled to at least the same proportion, rounded off downwards, of the total number of ministers as their proportion of members in the National Assembly. If the President dismisses a minister, she/he must choose a replacement from a list submitted by the party or coalition of the minister in question.
7. The President of the Republic shall be the Head of State and Commander- in-Chief of the defence and security forces. She/he shall declare war and sign armistices following consultation with the Government and the bureaux of the National Assembly and of the Senate.
8. The President of the Republic may be impeached for serious misconduct, impropriety or corruption by resolution of two -thirds of the members of the National Assembly and the Senate sitting together.
9. The President of the Republic may be charged only with the crime of high treason. The case shall be heard by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court sitting together and presided over by the President of the Supreme Court.
10. The Supreme Court shall receive a written statement of the assets and property of the President, the Vice-Presidents and members of the Government when they assume and relinquish office.
From: "Anastase Gasana [fondationbanyarwanda]" <>
To: f <>; Amakuru yu Rwanda <>; "" <>; mahoro iwacu <>; UDAHEMUKA Eric <>; JACQUES KANYAMIBWA <>; GREAT-LAKES <>; Ikaze Iwacu <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>;; lafiancee armee <>; Muziraguhunga Elasto <>; Dukuze Vincent <>;;; "" <>; Maurice Niwese <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; f <>; Patriote Rwandais <>; Firmin Dusabe <>; Donatien Kwibeshya <>; "" <>; Kanyemera Gaspard <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Gerald Gahima <>; "" <>; journa <>; Journ Rda <>; Journ Rda <>; Magnifique Violette <>
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [fondationbanyarwanda] Re: *DHR* Re: Burundi:l'ex-président Pierre Buyoya contre un 3ème mandat
Fellow citizen Martin,
L'objectif de ma reaction etait de mettre en exergue l'idee de Semakweli que je trouve fondee comme quoi "Si on n'avait pas assassine le president Melchior Ndadaye, le Burundi n'en serait pas la".
Qui l'a assassine? L'ancien president Buyoya, le partron du FPR Paul Kagame, et le president Museveni.
Que se passe-t-il aujourd'hui? C'est toujours eux, les memes Kagame Buyoya Museveni qui sement la zizanie et la confusion dans la region. Qui a aide Radjabu a s'evader de prison et ou est-il? En Tanzanie? Non. Il a fait son premier coup de frein a Kigali et fait depuis la navette entre Kigali et Kampala. Kagame et Museveni veulent installer a Bujumura un president a leur solde.
Les membres du CNDD-FDD devraient rester vigilents, s'appliquer desormais a resoudre rapidement et d'une facon responsable leurs differends internes et presenter au peuple Burundais un seul candidat sorti de leurs rangs pour Juin 2015 qu'il soit Nkurunziza au cas ou le fait que sa 1ere election n'etait pas au sufrage universaire serait valide, ou quelqu'un d'autre. (Gasana Anastase, president de parti rwandais des moderes-Abasangizi, un parti politique qui prone un partage du pouvoir reel et sincere entre tous les fils et filles du Rwanda sans exclusion et sans discriminatipon aucune).