
Friday 31 July 2015

[] Burundi: Agathon Rwasa, un opposant à l'attitude ambiguë - Afrique - RFI


Burundi: Agathon Rwasa, un opposant à l'attitude ambiguë

Le leader de l'opposition burundaise Agathon Rwasa lors d'une interview le 22 juillet 2015 à Bujumbura. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

L'élection d'Agathon Rwasa au poste de vice-président de l'Assemblée nationale avec les voix du parti au pouvoir a semé le trouble au sein de l'opposition burundaise. Même si depuis le début de la contestation, Agathon Rwasa, principal opposant du pays, leader historique de l'ancienne rébellion des FLN, s'était singularisé par certaines prises de position. Au point que certains le soupçonnaient de vouloir faire cavalier seul. Une méfiance d'une partie de la classe politique burundaise vis-à-vis d'Agathon Rwasa qui ne date pas d'hier.

A Bujumbura, Agathon Rwasa est volontiers qualifié d' « ambigu », « changeant », « insaisissable ». Ambigu, l'ancien chef rebelle l'a été d'abord vis-à-vis des manifestations : il n'a jamais personnellement appelé à descendre dans la rue, tout en disant comprendre les motivations de ceux qui protestaient.

Il l'a ensuite été en décidant d'être candidat à la présidentielle tout en expliquant que le climat sécuritaire ne permettait pas d'organiser un scrutin crédible et qu'il concourrait à condition que Pierre Nkurunziza retire sa candidature. Mais finalement, quelques semaines plus tard, à la veille de la présidentielle, Agathon Rwasa est le seul des candidats de l'opposition à refuser d'annoncer formellement son retrait de la course tout en appelant au boycott du scrutin.

Ambigu, Agathon Rwasa l'a encore été en refusant la semaine dernière de soutenir le Conseil national pour la restauration de l'accord d'Arusha, une plateforme d'opposition destinée à poursuivre la lutte contre le président Pierre Nkurunziza. Expliquant, pour justifier ce choix, ne pas avoir été associé aux discussions préalables, quand d'autres lui reprochent au contraire ses absences répétées à certaines réunions d'opposition.

Finalement, c'est peut-être dans son refus de valider les résultats des élections qu'Agathon Rwasa avait jusqu'à présent été le moins ambigu, les qualifiant systématiquement de « fantaisistes ». Il l'avait répété en fin de semaine dernière encore. Savait-il déjà, alors, qu'il deviendrait le vice-président d'une Assemblée nationale issue de l'un de ces mêmes scrutins. Beaucoup aujourd'hui s'interrogent.

Il n'avait pas beaucoup le choix. Le boycotte de 2010 a laissé beaucoup de séquelles et la perspective d'être encore cinq ans sur le carreau a vaincu les dernières réticences face à un partie qui finalement a défié le monde entier.
Antoine KabuhareDirecteur de l'hebdomadaire Iwatchu31/07/2015 - par Anthony LattierÉcouter

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
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Thursday 30 July 2015




( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Mission d’appui Actions en France

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 05:48 AM PDT

Clowns Sans Frontières (CSF) est une association artistique et humanitaire qui intervient depuis 20 ans auprès de populations – en premier lieu des enfants – victimes de la guerre, de la misère ou de...

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( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Stage – Appui Finance solidaire

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 05:24 AM PDT

Contexte Coordination SUD – Solidarité Urgence Développement, la Coordination nationale des ONG françaises de solidarité internationale rassemble six collectifs d'ONG (CLONG-Volontariat, CNAJEP, CHD,...

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( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Head of Mission – Iraq

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 05:17 AM PDT

NGO PRESENTATION Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons...

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Posted: 30 Jul 2015 05:14 AM PDT

Présentation de l'association L'association CAMELEON a été créée en 1997 par Laurence Ligier. CAMELEON vient notamment en aide aux jeunes filles victimes d'abus sexuels aux Philippines. Elles sont...

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( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Un(e) Chargé(e) des Services Généraux et de l’Informatique au Siège

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 05:11 AM PDT

Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI) est une organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité internationale, à but non lucratif, apolitique et laïque. L'ensemble de ses personnels...

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( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Coordinateur Pays Bénin – Handicap International

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 04:58 AM PDT

Département : Direction de l'Action de Développement Service : Desk Afrique de l'Ouest et Amérique Latine   Référence : DIR-DIR-JTO-1901 Intitulé : Coordinateur Pays – Bénin H/F Nombre de...

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Un(e) Consultant(e) Evaluation Externe du Projet Europeaid au Tchad

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 02:10 AM PDT

Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale est présente au Tchad depuis avril 2004, date à partir de laquelle elle a travaillé avec les réfugiés soudanais hors camps et les populations...

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( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Un Chargé(e) de Missions Internationales

Posted: 29 Jul 2015 04:30 PM PDT

Crée en 1983, l'Institut Bioforce est une association qui a pour vocation d'accroître l'impact et la pertinence des interventions d'urgence et des programmes de développement par la formation et...

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( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Emergency Operations Coordinator – Republic of South Sudan – Handicap International

Posted: 29 Jul 2015 04:28 PM PDT

Référence : DIR-COO-URH-1885 Position: Emergency Operations Coordinator – Republic of South Sudan Beginning : ASAP Duration : 3 months  Handicap International is an independent and impartial...

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( OFFRES D’EMPLOIS ) Coordinateur Inclusion et Droit H/F

Posted: 29 Jul 2015 03:57 PM PDT

Handicap International est une organisation de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d'exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes....

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[] Obama: Investing in minority men is not charity, its lucrative


Obama: Investing in minority men is not 'charity,' it's lucrative

Liz Goodwin
Senior National Affairs Reporter
Obama: Investing in minority men is not 'charity,' it's lucrative
Students with President Obama at the launch of My Brother's Keeper alliance at Lehman College in the Bronx, N.Y., in May. (Susan Watts/The Daily News via AP, Pool)
If you can't appeal to their hearts, appeal to their pocketbooks.
That's what the president and his administration are doing to sell his My Brother's Keeper initiative, which seeks to help minority boys and young men succeed at school and in the workforce.
In May, the president said the business and nonprofit leaders who support My Brother's Keeper are "not doing this out of charity" or to assuage societal guilt.
"They're doing this because they know that making sure all of our young people have the opportunity to succeed is an economic imperative," Obama said.
Now the White House has released a report highlighting the potential economic gains the country would sustain if persistent educational gaps between boys of color and white boys were closed, one of the key goals of My Brother's Keeper. Minority men would earn $170 billion more each year, the total U.S. gross domestic product would spike by 1.8 percent and all American workers would see a 3.6 percent raise, the White House predicts. The more productive workers on the job, the more the economy will grow, the report argues, and investing in education for minority boys would be a fast way to get there.
The alternative is to allow more and more young men of color to continue to drop out of the labor force, adding to a long list of what the New York Times has called "Missing Black Men."
"For every [minority man] who was born 25 years ago, only half of them are employed today," said Betsey Stevenson, a member of the president's Council of Economic Advisers who helped write the report. "That means there are half of them we have lost — that's a lot of talent we are losing. When you think about it that way, it becomes obvious the toll it's taken on our nation."
The boys are lost to jail, early death and high unemployment, all societal problems My Brother's Keeper hopes to urge private businesses and local governments to tackle. Though the president's initiative has attracted hundreds of millions of dollars in pledges, the daunting goal of closing education and achievement gaps would take significantly more investment to solve.
The president started My Brother's Keeper last year, in part prompted by the death of teen Trayvon Martin, who was shot by a neighborhood watchman in an Orlando suburb. Obama was unusually vocal about Martin's death, arguing that stereotypes about minority boys and men being dangerous make them more likely to face violence themselves. "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago," Obama told the press two years ago, recalling how he would hear car doors locking as he walked down the streets. "We need to spend some time in thinking about how do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys."
The president will make the goals of My Brother's Keeper a major part of his post-presidency. ("This will remain a mission for me and for Michelle not just for the rest of my presidency but for the rest of my life," he said in May.) Private-sector leaders have formed an independent nonprofit, called the MBK Alliance, that will continue the work long after Obama leaves office.
The initiative comes at a time when police shootings of young black men have roiled race relations across the country and reignited a debate about how the criminal justice system treats people of color. Activists have started a movement that asserts "Black lives matter" — and have pressured presidential candidates to weigh in on the issue. Meanwhile, a recent poll found that most Americans believe race relations in the country are bad — a steep increase from 2009, right after Obama took office.
Broderick Johnson, cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, says the White House has been pleased by how the initiative has drawn bipartisan support. Cities run by white Republican mayors, such as Indianapolis, have embraced the call and pledged to help young minority men succeed.
"My Brother's Keeper was not designed to be a panacea on race relations by any means, but there's no question that it's having an impact on getting people across the country to see the importance of investing in boys and young men of color, whether for economic reasons or moral considerations," Johnson said. "What the president is very clear about in the wake of Trayvon Martin and other things that have happened in communities across the country is that we can't leave folks behind in this society and we have to invest in them."
My Brother's Keeper urges the hundreds of communities that have signed on to the program to make specific action plans. It recommends mentorship programs, expanding access to preschool, which shows lifelong benefits in later employment, and also reducing the use of suspensions and expulsions in kindergarten and elementary school, which are disproportionately doled out to boys of color.
The program has come under fire for its focus on men to the exclusion of women. More than 1,000 women of color, including civil rights leader Anita Hill, signed a letter last year urging the president to include girls in the program. "We simply cannot agree that the effects of these conditions on women and girls should pale to the point of invisibility, and are of such little significance that they warrant zero attention in the messaging, research and resourcing of this unprecedented Initiative," the women wrote.
"We don't leave them out — I think that stems from a bit of a misunderstanding," Johnson said of girls and young women. He said that helping boys and young men of color helps girls too, because they face many of the same disparities.
"Nevertheless, the emphasis on boys and young men of color is quite deliberate because that's where I think the most startling and glaring gaps are," he added.
"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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[] Re: Obama's Speech. Willy Nyamitwe sur "Straight Talk Africa" VOA


Yesterday, Willy Nyamitwe was not among the distinguished guests of VOA Straight Talk Africa.

The guests were:
Major Robert Higiro of Democracy in Rwanda Now and Kenneth KMwenda, American University Washington School of Law Professor.

Here is the link to the video:

Next week Frederick Nkundikije will be the distinguished guest of VOA Straight Talk Africa

On Jul 30, 2015, at 5:00 AM, innocent_twagiramungu [Democracy_Human_Rights] <> wrote:


African Union /Obama's Speech on  Term Limits.
Willy Nyamitwe sur "Straight Talk Africa" VOA - Audio 

Envoyé depuis mon appareil Samsung


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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Wednesday 29 July 2015

[] Joseph Kabila Forever--The dangers of an extended presidency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Joseph Kabila Forever

The dangers of an extended presidency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • By Ken RothKenneth Roth is executive director of Human Rights Watch. Follow him on Twitter @KenRoth. , Ida Sawyer<p> Ida Sawyer is a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch who has lived in Congo for the past six years. < /p>
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Joseph Kabila Forever
KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of the Congo — Joseph Kabila, the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, faces a historic choice: Does he step down when his constitutionally limited two terms in office come to an end in December 2016, or does he succumb to the delusion of indispensability that is making the rounds in parts of Africa and try to cling to power?
The issue is the subject of intense debate in Congo. When we met with Kabila last week in Kinshasa, he pointed out — correctly — that he has not yet publicly stated his position about what he will do in 2016. "Let's wait and see what will happen," he cautioned. But he has done little to stem intense speculation about his possible reluctance to relinquish office.
If Kabila chooses to abide by the constitution, he would become the first Congolese president to step down voluntarily for another elected president — arguably making him the "father of democracy" in Congo. That would be a major step forward for a nation that suffered brutal colonial rule under King Leopold II of Belgium, decades of post-colonial dictatorship under Mobutu Sese Seko, and then years of deadly war in which a constellation of rebel groups and armies from nine African states battled on Congolese soil.
Kabila came to power in 2001 at the age of 29, following the assassination of his father, Laurent Désiré Kabila. He is not without his accomplishments in office. Under his leadership, Congo has emerged from the dark years of war, and he led a transitional government that in 2006 brought about the country's first democratic elections in more than 40 years, which he won. With mixed success, he has sought to stabilize the eastern part of the country, which has been plagued by armed groups that continue to kill, rape, and pillage, and he has sought to end the impunity that underwrites these atrocities. His government asked the International Criminal Court to investigate the crimes committed in Congo and has surrendered more suspects to that court than any other government in the world.
His "zero tolerance" policy toward sexual violence by security forces — announced two days after we ncouraged him to take this step at a meeting in the eastern Congolese city of Goma in 2009 — has led to a spate of domestic prosecutions and a notable reduction in complaints about rape by government soldiers. And in late 2013, he succeeded in ridding eastern Congo of the last of a succession of abusive Rwandan-sponsored rebel groups that operated in the region for 15 years.
Yet if Kabila chooses to try to hang on to power, his reputation will be tarnished not only by the failure to respect the unamendable constitutional two-term limit but also by the likelihood of a violent and abusive chain reaction. To envision how a downward spiral of protest and violent repression might unfold in Congo over a disputed extended presidential term, one need look no further than neighboring Burundi, where President Pierre Nkurunziza's insistence on a constitutionally questionable third term has yielded the deadly suppression of mass protests.
In January, when Kabila's government attempted to change the electoral law to enable extending his time in office, thousands of people took to the streets of Congo's major cities to protest. Government security forces responded with violence and repression, killing at least 38 protesters in Kinshasa and five in Goma, and jailing — and sometimes beating and torturing — politicians and activists who were seen to challenge the idea of an extended presidency.
Why might Kabila want to stay past his mandate? Beyond the perks of power, many assume that he fears for himself and his family. For example, in our meeting, he raised the specter of Congo's first democratically elected leader, Patrice Lumumba, who was executed after an apparently Western-backed coup. "Have I been successful? I don't know. Lumumba is the real father of democracy, and he was assassinated."
Moreover, according to political insiders and investigative journalists, the Kabila family has amassed a considerable fortune, which could make them vulnerable to future investigations . Plus, Kabila in 2016 would be only 45 years old; those close to him say he has no desire to leave Congo, but there is no Congolese precedent of a former president assuming an elder statesman role of the sort played by South Africa's Nelson Mandela or Nigeria's Olusegun Obasanjo.
Yet Kabila has little room to maneuver. A broad consensus has emerged in the country that a formal third presidential term is constitutionally impossible, so Congolese speak instead of a possible "glissement" — the use of some pretext to allow the prescribed limits for his second term to "slide." The pretext might be intensifying armed conflict in the east, making the prospect of genuinely national elections difficult. It might be the seemingly deliberate lack of preparations for elections: little of the budget has been funded, and no steps have been taken to register more than 5 million youth who have come of age since the last national election in 2011. Or it might be the government's insistence on proceeding with complicated plans to subdivide the country's 11 provinces into 26 and then hold local and provincial elections before national ones — a sequencing that could lead to significant glissement.
But it's hard to imagine how any of these scenarios would buy Kabila more than another year or two in office. That would accomplish little for him, while significantly undermining his interests. Prosecutors, for example, would be far less likely to proceed against a former president who is respected for having reinforced the foundation of Congolese democracy by handing power to a newly elected leader in timely fashion, than one who oversaw intensifying rounds of brutality against a public that seemed clearly to want a constitutionally mandated handover of power. A tumultuous period of repression would also make it less likely that Kabila's endorsement of a friendly successor would succeed — another option that might help Kabila safeguard his interests.
We made these arguments to him directly in our meeting last week, but the president was coy in answering them: "Why are you trying to anticipate what will happen?"
He was more responsive when we stressed the importance of allowing people to protest and criticize the government, especially in an electoral period, though he hedged his commitment to democratic principles: "People want to hold demonstrations and protests, good enough. But if the idea is to go beyond free protests and create mayhem and anarchy, that's completely unacceptable." We noted that democracy can be messy yet, short of violence, shouldn't be equated with anarchy. He let the point hang.
Kabila put a special stress on the need to ensure stability. "The issue in Congo is about stability. Stepping down — anyone can step down." But, again, it's far from clear how a contested extension of his term in office coupled with likely protest and repression would contribute to Congo's stability.
Kabila has proposed a national dialogue to iron out electoral questions. If he were to state clearly his intention to relinquish office at the appointed time and indicate that the dialogue would discuss only the modalities for the next round of elections consistent with the constitution, Congolese would most likely welcome the opportunity. But in his typically cryptic fashion, he has left people speculating that dialogue might be just another ploy for glissement.
That we left our meeting with Kabila cordially suggests that the arguments we made are not beyond the pale. He listened politely and even joked: "You say 'father of democracy.' You're not the first one to say this and you won't be the last." But he gave no indication that he accepted or rejected our suggestions. He simply asked: "As for my future, continue to pray for me." For the sake of democracy's future in Congo, we can only hope Kabila understands that his personal interest, not to mention his country's, lies in accepting, rather than abusively fighting, the limits that the Congolese constitution so clearly impose.
Image credit: CARL DE SOUZA/AFP/Getty Images
"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.