
Wednesday 17 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Kagame ati “Ntabwo njya nshoberwa na busa”. Ariko ibi sibyo.

Kagame ati "Ntabwo njya nshoberwa na busa". Ariko ibi sibyo. Nubwo ategeka ibinyamakuru byose  byo mu  gihugu, akaba kandi atanga  ruswa y'akayabo kugira ngo ibinyamakuru byo hanze bimuvuge neza,  ibyo ntabwo bihagije kuko yasabye abakoresha social media bigenga, ba bandi bakoresha mobile phones gusa, bakorera mu gikari, bakorera ku muhanda, batagira office, ko  bamufasha guhangana na social media zikoreshwa n'abamurwanya. Ibi ni ugushoberwa. Kuba ufite media zose z'igihugu ugasaba n'abokoresha social media bigenga ko bagufasha ni ugushoberwa.  Ikibazo ni uko abo ashaka ko bamufasha nibavuga neza Kagame gusa,  audience y'abashyigikiye Kagame bazitabira izo social media kuzumva no kuzireba bazaba ari bake cyanye mu gihe uwo  uyobora iyo social media aba ashaka audience nini kugira ngo iyo social media ye   imugirire akamaro.  Abantu benshi bashaka kumva ibibi kuri Kagame kurusha kumva ibyiza kuri we.

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Tuesday 16 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Ingabire Victoire: Discours à James Cook | Parcours d'une militante des droits humains au Rwanda

Ingabire Victoire: Discours à James Cook | Parcours d'une militante des droits humains au Rwanda.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Paul Kagame plébiscité à 99,15 %:

Lu pour vous sur Facebook:

Elections presidentielles au Rwanda, un non-événement qui n'indique rien sur la situation réélle du pays.

Depuis un demi-siècle, le pays connait de temps en temps des élections présidentielles qui ont toutes en commun le score stalinien des candidats véritablement uniques et le fait de masquer la situation politico-sociale du pays.

Ainsi, le Président qui était au pouvoir depuis 1973, après une transition de 5 ans , a été successivement élu comme suit:

1978: 98%

1983: 99 %

1988: 99 %

Pourtant, avant la fin de son mandat, il fut assassiné le 06 avril 1994 par Paul Kagame et donc remplacé par cet officier militaire de l'Armée de l'Ouganda voisin qui en octobre 1990 avait envahi le Rwanda à la tete des éléments de son ethnie Tutsi de l'armée ougandaise.

C'est ainsi que Paul Kagame désormais " président" du Rwanda militairement conquis et après une transition de 9 ans est chaque fois élu comme suit:

2003: 94 %

2010: 98 %

2017: 99 %

2024: 99%

Quel sera son sort et son héritage?

A la mort de sa victime et prédécesseur en 1994, le Rwanda a connu des troubles communautaires qui étaient jusque là conjurés ou contenus. Ces troubles déclenchés par l'acte de Paul Kagame ont dégénérés en massacres interethniques qui ont culminé en ce qui allait être décrété comme " génocide" , légitimant ainsi la conquête du pays et la prise du pouvoir par Paul Kagame et sa clique Tutsi venue d'Ouganda.

Aujourd'hui qu'il vient encore de se faire plébisciter pour rester " président à vie" du Rwanda, rares sont ceux qui connaissent la situation réelle du pays sous son régime dictatorial. Rares encore sont ceux qui peuvent oser en parler de l'intérieur ou de l'extérieur.

Mais le plus inquiétant pour ceux qui se réfèrent à 1994 plus précisément au sort de son prédécesseur et des suites de sa disparition, c'est le feu qui couve sous l'apparente unanimité populaire autour du dictateur et qui risque d'embraser tout le pays et sa population au départ ou à la disparition de Paul Kagame.

Avec Paul Kagame, l'avenir du Rwanda est sombre et plus grave, il s'acharne à tout faire pour que le pays et sa population ne lui survivent point. Et cela à la grande satisfaction et même les encouragements de la " Communauté Internationale" !

Sunday 14 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Frank Habineza n’ishyaka rye berekanye ko ntaho bahagaze.

Frank Habineza n'ishyaka  rye  berekanye ko ntaho bahagaze.

Frank Habineza n'ishyaka rye berekanye ko umwanya bafite mu Rwanda ntabwo muwukwiye. Mwarabyerekanye. Nta n'umudepite n'umwe mwagombye kugira. Twamaze kubona   dukomeje kubibeshyaho. Kwiyamamaza kwanyu kwerekanye ko abantu  bashoboye kujya mu iyamamaza ryanyu ari abashobora gukwira mu gisharagate cya metero kare 20 gusa. Abandi  bake bari hanze  bari abo kurebera gusa, bafite amatsiko yo kureba ibiba.

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Saturday 13 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Gén. Innocent SAGAHUTU: INZIRABWOBA ku rugamba muri Byumba na RUHENGERI. Itandukaniro ry'UMUTARA n'Ibirunga | Igice cya Kabiri

Gén. Innocent SAGAHUTU: INZIRABWOBA ku rugamba muri Byumba na RUHENGERI. Itandukaniro ry'UMUTARA n'Ibirunga | Igice cya kabiri

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.



"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Paul Kagame dismisses Victoire Ingabire as a "small woman

Paul Kagame dismisses Victoire Ingabire as a "small woman

Paul Kagame dismisses Victoire Ingabire as a "small woman

In an interview President Kagame had with social media Influencers on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, President Paul Kagame undermined and dismissed Ingabire Victoire as a "small woman" his speech targeting opposition leader Victoire Ingabire left the world in shock, raising serious questions about his behavior and commitment to democratic principles

Kagame said " You see this small woman, of a genocidaire; they want the whole world to believe she is an opponent. Actually, they wish for her to be the president of Rwanda. She also believes it and is everywhere giving lectures, but it is not Rwandans who believe this story.

Paul Kagame must understand that not all Rwandans share his negative views of Victoire Ingabire. Many people see her as a symbol of hope and a strong candidate for president. She could likely be elected if elections were fair, reflecting what the people truly want in a democracy.

Victoire Ingabire, a key figure in Rwandan politics, stands for democratic participation and representation. Despite her dedication to justice and the rights of all Rwandans, Kagame undermines her, dismissing her as a "small woman" and falsely claiming she is delusional about becoming president

Paul Kagame, Rwanda's long-time president, is known for speaking to the nation's youth with arrogance, manipulation, and falsehoods. His recent negative remarks about Victoire Ingabire illustrate a persistent strategy to discredit genuine political opposition.

Kagame's refusal to allow Ingabire and other serious candidates, like Diane Rwigara, and Thomas Nahimnana a fair opportunity to participate in elections reveals a deep-seated fear of true democratic competition. His behavior undermines Rwanda's political development and disenfranchises those who seek genuine democratic reforms.

Kagame's recent speech reflects his ongoing efforts to silence opposition and maintain his grip on power. By attacking Ingabire and questioning her legitimacy, he not only disrespects her but also the democratic process. His actions suggest an authoritarian approach that is at odds with the principles of fair governance and open political dialogue.

This rhetoric is problematic for several reasons:

  1. Character Assassination: By referring to Ingabire as a genocidaire, Kagame is engaging in character assassination without providing concrete evidence. This undermines democratic principles and the rule of law, as accusations should be substantiated through legal processes rather than public vilification.

  2. Suppression of Political Dissent: Kagame's speech reflects an attempt to delegitimize political opposition. In a healthy democracy, opponents should be allowed to express their views and compete fairly in the political arena. Suppressing dissent stifles political debate and hinders progress.

  3. Manipulation of Public Perception: By suggesting that international observers are misled about Ingabire's intentions, Kagame implies that only his narrative is valid. This manipulative approach aims to control public perception and maintain power by discrediting any opposition.

  4. Dismissal of Legitimate Criticism: Kagame's remarks dismiss the concerns and criticisms raised by Ingabire and others. Instead of addressing these issues constructively, he resorts to attacking the character of his opponents, which detracts from addressing the real challenges facing Rwanda.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.