
Monday 31 August 2015

[amakurunamateka] FW: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe


Dear Ugandans that is a new discovery of lifestyle in that great Africa. Even sir Kagame of Rwanda that you know very well is said another-like-Jesus God sent to Rwandans!

Yes, we should accept that Africans are on way to western countries because of our very poor leadership that misuses everything;  and then western crooks/narcissic people take the opportunity to bring in weapons and wars so they fetch resources and establish their influence easily. Simply as that sir/madam.

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 19:03:35 +0000
Subject: Re: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe

True to what you said. I have traveled to Israel numerous times (work related). Man this guys are hard working, it reminded me of the time when  I was working in  finance New York City (NYC). Everyday is something new. But our Uganda (Africa) will not advance. Just look at some of the politicians talking. Didn't the Deputy speaker equate M7 to Jesus?.  It is the culture we have. If we just change a little bit of our culture may be there is going to be hope. Otherwise I am not hopeful.


On Friday, August 28, 2015 9:03 AM, 'Simon Okurut' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:

Edward Mulindwa!!!

" Muammar Abu Meniar el-Gaddafi was born in the North African desert, south of Sirte, Libya, in 1942 (the exact date is unknown; some sources day June 1, while others say sometime in September). The son of a poor Bedouin nomad, Gaddafi lived in his family's remote desert camp until he went away to school at age 9.

While a student at a secondary school at Sebha, Gaddafi was inspired by the speeches of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and became a committed Arab nationalist. Gaddafi organized his fellow students into revolutionary study groups at Sebha; he continued the practice at the University of Libya in Tripoli, where he received a history degree in 1963. Following his graduation, Gaddafi entered the Libyan Military Academy in Benghazi, where he found many of the cadets were sympathetic to his anti-Western nationalism."

Peter Simon

From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 8:15 AM
Subject: RE: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe

Akim Odong
Many times people make statements and degree holders simply ignore them flatly. The European immigration crisis reminds me a statement from a man that was made by a none degree holder, and his name was Gadhafi, he told the Europeans that if you dare remove me from power, I will send the sea of death to Europe. He made that statement while in South Africa. Europeans laughed him off as a mad man that needs to go. They removed him from power and threw his body into a freezer as chicken. Just yesterday a truck full of dead people was found in Austria. You never saw this happening in Europe when Gadhafi was in power. Has he started to send a sea of dead people to Europe?   Just asking !!!!!!! Europe better start to take/embrace the immigration crisis with the seriousness it deserves for it is a  problem here that is not going to go away with EU meetings.
And at this rate some of us now need Assad to go as well,  let us fuck this thing really nice when we are at it.
On the 49th Parallel          
                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko
From: [] On Behalf Of akim odong
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 5:17 AM
To: 'kaliro45' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>
Subject: Re: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Material is not worth it. What is being lost is human resources, human brain and body like yours and many others. What is left behind is is only represented by what one see of Uganda and many other third world entities. All the smart brains are leaving the country to plough their trade elsewhere. That is the concern. 

Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <> wrote:
Peter Simon
What is being stolen today was not left by colonialists, we are borrowing it from colonialists then steal it. We are sadly stealing from ourselves, our children and grand grandchildren.
Africa has a very sad story indeed
On the 49th Parallel          
                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Edward Mulindwa,
Thanks for the info. Yes, we can demand reparations be paid but we need real footwork. That tiny country called Israel is tiny in geographical size but extremely larger than life in other aspects, especially in resilience, innovation and unity; whether one is in Israel, USA, Europe, Russia etc, one is an Israeli and works for the success of their tiny nation.
Let us not even think of Africa but just look at Uganda; when Israelis built Nakasongola Air Base, they carried excavated soil to their country on which fruits are growing. For us Ugandans, we define ourselves by the regime in power and use that advantage to discriminate against those unfortunate to be outside the power house. 
Every successive regime we have had the misfortune to be under has bashed us hard and proper resulting in others uniting to remove it before embarking on their divisive lifestyles. We only partially unite to remove a regime we think was bad but even before the dust settles, we go back to where we are good at,i.e. hate of those others that belong to other groups. So, before we  think of recovering the stolen wealth from Europe, let us test ourselves by recovering  what we have stolen from one another, it is within Uganda, can we start from here?
I am not discouraging anyone who wants to recover those stolen assets, for me I rather focus on developing and harnessing what they left, if I can work smartly to avail Ugandans with skills in education, community development, applied technology, health management and conflict resolution, I think that will be a better contribution than spending my energy on recovering what was stolen from that far. Others can do that, we can divide ourselves into groups each to where he/she can contribute best.
Yours is a good project, go ahead with it as I focus on a narrow path of community development using the few available resources.
Peter Simon

From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 3:32 PM
Subject: RE: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Peter Simon Okurut
The figure of 45% is a figure I feel is fair, it is very debatable and it is not crafted into a stone, but this needs to be an African discussion, on our local radio stations, in our forums and in our governments. Africa remains the only continent where you go and loot everything you want and move on to laugh, as The Boers are laughing their heads off today, smoking a cigar on a beach. When it becomes a continental discussion we all can agree on the percentage. Lastly the system to use to recover, is the very same system that has been used by The Israelis to be paid for the holocaust.
If a tiny country as Israel can do it why not an entire continent?
On the 49th Parallel          
                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Edward Mulindwa,
Could you please explain how you arrived at the 45% refund of our assets from thieves and what mechanism you can apply to talk to the thieves to recover that amount and be specific if you can manage.
Peter Simon

From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 12:06 AM
Subject: RE: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Peter Simon Okurut
Here is the larger problem of Africa. We spend zillions of time on none issues, and fail to follow up on major issues. Sit in UAH and only read the times Ugandans complain on Museveni has stolen money out of Uganda. But realistically how much money do you think Museveni has stolen? That man can very easily die a poor man, and here is my challenge to you, if I was Museveni today I would ask Ugandans how much money they think I have stolen and I would cut them a cheque, do you think that money would change Uganda let alone Africa? And the answer is no for it is chicken feed for real. But Ugandans have spent their entire lifetime lamenting on it, when they do not even know the amount let alone care to put a figure on it.
Peter this is what critical thinkers do if Africa had just one. We would compile all the  degree Africa has and find out actually how much money the Boers stole out of South Africa. We would go after them and ask only for a 45% refund. That would be a nice chunk of money to be reinvested into Africa for it was stolen in Africa. Instead of going after The Boers we go after Museveni and by pass the Boers. The British spent years looting Africa, they built massive safes in UK where they store gold stolen out of Africa. Peter we need to find the value of that gold, and ask for only 45% to be reinvested into Africa. We have left the British and we are going after Museveni who has chicken feed. A larger economy of North America and Europe was built through making Africans slaves. Africa has so many degrees to sit in a single room and put a monetary value on that slave trade, we go after these countries and we ask for only 45% to be reinvested into Africa. UK is today sucking Libya dry, they have been sucking South Sudan all along as the Janjaweed war has been rampaging the land, they are looting Tunisia, entire Middle East but Israel, France now owns Chad and CAR. We need a monetary value on all these loots then demand for a 45% return of those funds to be reinvested back into the continent.
We used to dig copper in Kilembe, send it to Jinja by train then smelt it. The factory in Jinja was leaving that copper at 85% purity. The best you can push copper is 95% so we were sending it to UK through Mombasa to be cleansed from 85% to the 95%  we were denied the tools to do the last 10%. The British them turned around and set the price of our copper for they pushed it the 10%. Peter just how much money did The British make out of our copper? We need a refund of 45% back to Uganda. That is a sum we need to go than crying Museveni is looting the country. We need a  new thinking and Africa degrees need to wake up and make intelligent argument for the continent than going after Museveni.
When an African fights or opposes Africans immigrating to where our resources are ending up and always, that African is voting for a war with Iran
On the 49th Parallel          
                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
From: []
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2015 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Herr Edward Mulindwa,
To be honest, other than what I get from immigration work and studies in which people claim to be fleeing bad governance that impinges on their human rights, wars, religious persecutions and/or political abuses,   I cannot claim to know why all Africans  go to Europe or America. May be you have conducted a research, I willing to learn more. 
Without going personal, if you don't mind, are you also following the resources that Canada stole from Uganda, and how much have you recovered so far? You are not obliged to answer but you can do so if you are comfortable answering.
Peter Simon

From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Peter Simon
On our back out of East Africa we were held in Nairobi for 4 hours for there were 8 cargo planes out of DRC heading to both UK and France. These are daily flights through Krnya Uganda Rwanda and many times DRC, these ones had to land in Nairobi to refuel. Do you know how many Congolese have died to today? 8 million and that is a UN number that has been standing on its website now for 14 months. How much money has UK and France stolen out of DRC to today?

And you think it is criminal for Congolese to follow it up? Is tha the reasoning here sir?
On the 49th Parallel          
                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
From: []
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2015 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Herr Edward Mulindwa,
This is an interesting observation which someone can easily buy. But seriously, is that  why our people run to Europe, to follow the resources that were looted? I think that kind of approach encourages our leaders to continue with their poor governance, ignore innovation, research and development all of which are necessary for resource development which would address many challenges the continent and other developing countries face.
Edward, Africa has still many resources that the Europeans did not have enough time to loot. Let us take Uganda for example; we have several fresh water lakes (Victoria, Kyoga,) to mention just a few; tell me about water consumption in the country, are our people well served with safe water? How much water did the British take away from Uganda during their colonial rule? What is curtailing adequate water use in Uganda?
I strongly argue that we are just using foreigners as scapegoats to cover our weaknesses and failure. It is easier to blame an outsider for your own failures when the problem lies within. Have you wondered why to date most vocal African leaders have not commented on the refugee influx to Europe issue, even our journalists like Mwenda and Hajji Ahmed Kateregga do not ask those leaders when they meet, Ahmed is concerned with his Makindye Municipality, praying only so that he becomes MP to serve people who get very little water yet they are surrounded by L.Victoria.
No, those people are fleeing poor governance which has failed all kinds of development.
Peter Simon

From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
Whenever I read these reports I remain wondering why European countries are that slow. When you go to a continent  and loot it to its roots, the citizens of those countries have a Godly right to follow the wealth you have stolen out of their countries. There are countries like France and UK that simply cannot survive if Africa is blocked off them, how do they expect nationals of those countries to survive? So keep on flying the wealth out of Africa and Africans will follow up on it. Just a simple mathematics.
And any African debating this issue without raising the millions these countries loot out of Africa, he is voting for war with Iran.
On the 49th Parallel          
                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
From: [] On Behalf Of Robukui .
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2015 9:21 AM
To:;; John L <>
Subject: {UAH} African refugee influx to Europe
African refugee influx to Europe
Thousands of Africans are undertaking the perilous journey across the Mediterranean in pursuit of a better life. We take a look at their countries of origin and reasons for their flight.
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[amakurunamateka] Re: RWANDA DAY MU BUHOLANDI, LEONARD NYANGOMA YARI I KIGALI KU WA 26-08 muri camp Kami mu gutegura intambara.


"Amakuru IKAZE IWACU ikesha bamwe mu basirikari ba RDF avuga ko za nyeshyamba zateye Uburundi tariki ya 10-07-2015, zari zifite intumbero yo gushinga ibirindiro mw'ishyamba ryo mu Kibira, ariko ku bw'amahirwe make yazo, ingabo z'Uburundi zaratabaye. Izi nyeshyamba zari kompanyi 3, zari ziherekejwe n'umuhanga mu byo gutumanaho wo muri RDF. Ingabo z'Uburundi zashoboye kwivugana hafi ikompanyi yose y'izo nyeshyamba, abandi barahunze, ndetse bagera n'aho bari bagamije kujya, ubu bafite ibirindiro mu Kibira. Ubu bava muri ibi birindiro bakajya gutega abasirikari b'Uburundi imitego, banakira abaje babagana bavuye mu ngabo z'Uburundi, n'abandi basore bashya bagenda bashakwa hirya no hino.

Ntushobora gutsinda intambara igihe uhora mu kurinda ibirindiro byawe. Ni nako Paul Kagame akunze kuvuga: « sinzigera nemera ko intambara iza mu Rwanda, nzajya mpora nyitangira kandi nyihagarikire ku butanga bw'ikindi gihugu ». Niba Nkurunziza yibwira ko azatsinda intambara akoresheje uburyo bwo kurinda ibirindiro bye (defensive mechanism) aribeshya cyane.

Iyo Kagame yamaze kwishyiramo ikintu cyane cyane iyo ari ukwica, aruhuka aruko abigezeho. Umugambi Kagame yihaye ni ukuvana Nkurunziza ku butegetsi binyuze mu nzira zose, kandi ntazigera asinzira atabigezeho", Uwimana Joseph,

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

On Aug 31, 2015, at 5:49 AM, itwagira71 [Democracy_Human_Rights] <> wrote:



Mu cyumweru gishize abanyarwanda biboneye ubwirasi n'ubwikunde bw'abayobozi ba FPR mu nzego z'ibanze. Twabonye amafoto y'umusaza wo mu cyahoze ari Gikongoro (Gasarenda), uba mu mwobo nk'inyamaswa, ariko nubwo ari uriya musaza amafoto ye yageze hanze, hari ibihumbi by'abanyarwanda bariho kuriya. Ikindi twabonye ni uburyo ingirwabayobozi bo mu nzego z'ibanze biraye mu baturage ngo bari kugenzura isuku, maze inzirakarengane z'abakene mu karere ka Gicumbi, bakanikwa ku gasozi, bagakorerwa ibyamfurambi ngo bari kubakarabya.

Inzu za Kagame nizo FPR yita iterambere ry'u Rwanda

Inzu za Kagame nizo FPR yita iterambere ry'u Rwanda

Icyo tugomba kumenya nuko bariya bantu bose batawe muri yombi, ari abantu bakora imirimo nko guhinga, ubwubatsi, kwikorera imizigo n'indi mirimo ivunanye kandi yanduza abayikora. Abanyarwanda kandi bagomba kumenya ko ukwezi kose gushize amazi yari yarabuze mu karere ka Gicumbi, aho ijerikani y'amazi yaguraga amafaranga hagati ya 300-500. Uku gutesha abaturage agaciro byatangiriye i Kigali muri 2007, none ubu byakwiriye igihugu cyose. Ikintu gikomeye cyane nuko uku guteshwa agaciro no gufatwa nk'inyamaswa bihora bikorerwa abahutu kugira ngo bumve ko bagomba gupfukamira ubutegetsi.

Ibi bikorwa by'ubwibone, ivanguramoko no gukandamiza, biri gukorwa na FPR mu gihe iri kubona ko ubukungu bwifashe nabi mu gihugu. Amafaranga y'u Rwanda ubu yataye agaciro, ubu amacumbi arahenze, ibikoresho by'ubwubatsi birakosha, noneho wagera ku biribwa ho bigahumira ku mirari. Ubu amadolari yarabuze ku isoko i Kigali, abacuruzi bari kurira ayo kwarika, niyo ayo madolari abonetse aba ari guhenda cyane. Nubwo ministeri y'imari ikomeza guhimba imibare ibeshya ko ubukungu buzamuka, u Rwanda ruri mu kaga gakomeye, ndetse hari n'ibikorwa by'ubucuruzi byinshi biri hafi kuzafunga imiryango, ikindi nuko na leta itagifite ubushobozi bwo kuba yasaba n'amadeni mu mahanga, kuko itacyubahiriza amasezerano yo kwishyura amadeni yafashe mu myaka ishize.

Hejuru y'ibi byose hari n'ikibazo cy'abashomeri benshi batari kubona akazi. Urubyiruko rwinshi rurangiza amashuri nta kazi rubona, ahubwo n'akazi gake kabonetse gatangwa binyuze mu kimenyane na ruswa ishingiye ku gitsina. Ubu abakobwa mu Rwanda bishora mu busambanyani kubera ikibazo cy'ubukene. Abanyarwandakazi nibo basigaye ari indaya zigezweho mu mihanda ya Kampala, Nairobi, Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Bujumbura, ubu noneho batangiye no kwisuka mu bihugu byo muri SADC. Birababaje kubona leta y'amabandi ya FPR, ikomeza kubeshya isi yose yishimira izamuka ry'ubukungu, ridafite shinge na rugero.

Abambari ba FPR birirwa baririmba za nzu esheshatu zubatse i Kigali nk'ikimenyetso cy'ubukungu bwifashe neza, ariko ntibigera batinyuka ngo bavuge ko ziriya nzu 6 zose ari iza Paul Kagame n'umuryango we, James Kabarebe n'abo bafatanyije ubucuruzi; kandi bose barabizi neza. 70 % by'ubukungu bw'u Rwanda biri mu maboko y'10 % by'abaturage batuye u Rwanda. Ubusumbane buri mu Rwanda burakabije, imitungo yose yikubiwe n'abatutsi bake bafatanyije n'abahutu batoranyijwe bo kubacungira imitungo. Mu gihe Kagame n'abambari be baba baririmba iterambere bamaze kugeraho kubera gusahura imari y'igihugu, abaturage benshi baryama batariye, abandi barya rimwe ku munsi, ndetse hari n'abamara iminsi myinshi batarya. 

Nubwo ariko u Rwanda rufite ibibazo bikomeye by'ubukungu, umunyagitugu Paul Kagame aherutse gutegeka ministeri y'ububanyi n'amahanga gutegura wa munsi we wo kwiyerekana no gusesagura,« Rwanda day », ngo uzabere mu Burayi. Amakuru agera ku IKAZE IWACU, aturutse ahantu hizewe neza, yemeza ko Kagame yari yahagaritse itegurwa rya Rwanda day, kubera nyine biriya bibazo by'ubukungu, ariko Jack Nziza amaze kumuha amakuru ya Congres y'urubyiruko rwa RNC iherutse kubera i Bruxelles, anamaze kubona amafoto kuri za facebook yerekana uko byagenze, Kagame yahise yisubiraho atageka ko Rwanda day igomba kuba byanze bikunze. 

Bari bateguye ko Paul Kagame azakora ikiganiro mbwirwaruhame i Bruxelles mu Bubiligi, ariko kubera gutinya imyigaragambyo, bahinduye gahunda, ahubwo bimurira uwo mucezo wabo mu Buholandi. Ubu amakuru agera ku IKAZE IWACU avuga ko za ambasade zose z'u Rwanda mu Burayi zahawe amabwiriza na ministeri y'ububanyi n'amahanga ko zigomba gukora ibishoboka byose zikazana abanyarwanda benshi bazakomera intore yabo amashyi.

Ubu abakozi ba za ambasade n'abamaneko bakwiye imishwaro, birirwa bazenguruka mu ngo z'abanyarwanda, babakangurira kuzitabira uwo munsi mukuru wo gusesagura uzabera mu Buholandi.Amatike ya za bus n'ay'indege yatangiye kugurirwa bamwe mu bemeye kuzaza. Aya yose ni amafaranga y'abanyarwanda ari gupfa ubusa kandi baba bayatanze mu misoro, babanje kwiyuha akuya, none agiye gusesagurwa gusa mu kubyinira ubwami bwa Paul Kagame.

Ibi bibazo by'ubukungu bwifashe nabi mu Rwanda twavuze haruguru kandi ntibibuza umunyagitugu Paul Kagame gukoresha akayabo k'amafaranga mu guhungabanya umutekano mu bihugu by'abaturanyi. Arakoresha akayabo mu Burundi, Tanzaniya na RDC, aho aba aneka abategetsi b'ibyo bihugu ngo abone uko azabirenza maze ashyirisheho abazajya bamwumvira.Ariko ku wa kane tariki ya 20-08-2015, Kagame yabonye ko yibeshya cyane ubwo Petero Nkurunziza yarahiriraga kuyobora Uburundi, abo bamaneko be buzuye i Bujumbura, batigeze bamenya n'amakuru na make kuri uwo muhango.  

Tariki ya 18-08-2015, ibiro bya perezida Nkurunziza, byohereje za faxes na za E-mails ku bahagarariye ibihugu byabo mu Burundi, abarundi bakomeye, abadepite, abasenateri n'abandi barundi batoranyijwe, batumirwa mu Kigobe kumva ijambo rikomeye perezida azabagezaho, ariko bose nta numwe wamenye ko iryo jambo kwari ukurahira kwa Nkurunziza. Tariki ya 20-08-2015 mu gitondo, nibwo ibiro bya perezida byahisemo kumenyesha bariya batumiwe ko mu by'ukuri rya jambo batumiriwe ari ukurahira kwa Nkurunziza. I Kigali, umunyagitugu Paul Kagame yamenye ayo makuru mu gitondo, ayabwiwe na Jack Nziza, nawe wari wayabwiwe na Hussein Radjabu, wari wakurikiraniye hafi, ibyaberaga i Bujumbura.

Igihe Nkurunziza yarimo arahira, Paul Kagame nawe yahise atumiza inama ikitaraganya y'abajenerali bakuru. Paul Kagame wari umeze nk'uwasaze yatukaguye abo bicanyi b'abajenerali, ariko cyane cyane yibanda kuri James Kabarebe na Jack Nziza, ababwira ko ntacyo bamaze, ko no kuneka bibananiye.

Amakuru aturuka muri Village Urugwiro aremeza ko Paul Kagame atangiye kuvana icyizere kuri James Kabarebe, kubera ko niwe yari yashinze gutunganya neza opposition yo mu Burundi kugeza ihiritse leta ya Nkurunziza. Ubu rero Kagame ari kubona ko Kabarebe byose byamunaniye. Muri iyo nama Paul Kagame yabwiye abajenerali be ko atakwihanganira ko habaho leta zitamwemera mu Burundi no muri Tanzaniya.

Léonard Nyangoma i Kigali mu nama yo gutegura intambara ku Burundi

Tariki ya 26-08-2015Léonard Nyangoma, perezida wa CNARED, yageze i Kanombe, ku kibuga mpuzamahanga cya Kigali ahagana mu ma satanu z'ijoro (23:00), mu ndege ya Turkish airlines yari ivuye Istambul. Nyangoma yari aherekejwe n'abandi barundi 2 hamwe n'abamaneko bo muri ambasade y'u Rwanda muri Turkey. Mu ngendo zose Léonard Nyangoma akorera mu Rwanda, acumbika mu nzu ya James Kabarebe iri iruhande rwa CAIMAN RESTAURANT i KIBAGABAGA, hagati ya KG 10 Ave na KG 294 ST, ni inzu icunzwe na za camera (CCTV) ku marembo, kandi izengurutswe n'urugo hose (clôture).

Léonard Nyangoma, perezida wa CNARED

Léonard Nyangoma, perezida wa CNARED

Iyi nzu ya Kabarebe, ubusanzwe ikodeshwa na ministeri y'ingabo, mu bihe byahise yagiye ikoreshwa mu gucumbikira abamaneko bo mu Buganda n'abandi bavuye mu bihugu bitandukanye by'Afrika bikorana na RDF. Aya makuru IKAZE IWACU ikesha umu ofisiye mukuru wo muri DMI, utarashatse ko amazina atangazwa kubera umutekano we akomeza avuga ko tariki ya 27-08-2015habaye inama yamaze amasaha menshi cyane ibera mu kigo cya gisirikari cya KAMI.

Iyi nama yahuje Gen James Kabarebe, Gen Jack Nziza, Gen Fred Ibingira, Col Francis Mutiganda, Brig Gen Joseph Damali, Gen Godefroid Niyombare, Col Bernard Busokoza, Col Jacques Nzomukunda, Gen Moise, Hussein Radjabu na Leonard Nyangoma. Iyi nama yamaze amasaha arenga 8. Aya makuru akomeza avuga ko iyi nama yari iyo gutegura intambara ku Burundi; kandi akenshi inama nk'izi iyo zirangiye abari bazirimo bakunze gusohokamo bamwenyura.

Amakuru IKAZE IWACU ikesha bamwe mu basirikari ba RDF avuga ko za nyeshyamba zateye Uburundi tariki ya10-07-2015, zari zifite intumbero yo gushinga ibirindiro mw'ishyamba ryo mu Kibira, ariko ku bw'amahirwe make yazo, ingabo z'Uburundi zaratabaye. Izi nyeshyamba zari kompanyi 3, zari ziherekejwe n'umuhanga mu byo gutumanaho wo muri RDF. Ingabo z'Uburundi zashoboye kwivugana hafi ikompanyi yose y'izo nyeshyamba, abandi barahunze, ndetse bagera n'aho bari bagamije kujya, ubu bafite ibirindiro mu Kibira. Ubu bava muri ibi birindiro bakajya gutega abasirikari b'Uburundi imitego, banakira abaje babagana bavuye mu ngabo z'Uburundi, n'abandi basore bashya bagenda bashakwa hirya no hino.

Ntushobora gutsinda intambara igihe uhora mu kurinda ibirindiro byawe. Ni nako Paul Kagame akunze kuvuga: « sinzigera nemera ko intambara iza mu Rwanda, nzajya mpora nyitangira kandi nyihagarikire ku butanga bw'ikindi gihugu ». Niba Nkurunziza yibwira ko azatsinda intambara akoresheje uburyo bwo kurinda ibirindiro bye (defensive mechanism) aribeshya cyane.

Iyo Kagame yamaze kwishyiramo ikintu cyane cyane iyo ari ukwica, aruhuka aruko abigezeho. Umugambi Kagame yihaye ni ukuvana Nkurunziza ku butegetsi binyuze mu nzira zose, kandi ntazigera asinzira atabigezeho. AGAPFA KABURIWE N'IMPONGO.


Uwimana Joseph


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Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



[amakurunamateka] Re: *DHR* Impunzi nyafrika zirukanywe muri Israeli


Nk'uko Maziyateke yabitugejejeho mu minsi ishize, ngiyo inyandiko yasohotse mu kinyamakuru Le Soir cyo kuwa 28 Kanama 2015, urupapuro rwa 11.
Nongeye kumushimira cyane.
Cyokora mwihanganire amagambo menshi musanga yanditse nabi (aciyemo akarongo). Sinzi uko byagenze ubwo nakororaga iyi nyandiko nkayomeka kuri izi mbuga.

Bon de sortie vers nulle part pour les migrants africains d'Israël PROCHE-ORIENT Plus d'un millier de clandestins, libérés ces trois derniers jours sur ordre de la justice, errent sur les routes




Comment s'en dépêtrer?» C'est la question que se posent les diri- geants israéliens suite à l'arrêt du 11 août de la Cour suprême ordonnant au gouvernement de Binyamin Netanya- hou de libérer 1178 demandeurs d'asile africains détenus depuis plus d'un an dans le centre semi-ouvert de Holot, dans le désert du Néguev, à proximité de la frontière égyptienne. Depuis le 26 août, ces migrants rejoignent donc les dizaines de milliers d'autres clandestins d'origine africaine installés dans l'Etat hébreu depuis le début des années 2000 et dont les gouvernements d'Ariel Sharon, d'Ehoud Olmert, puis de Neta- nyahou, n'ont jamais su que faire.

Silencieux, hagards, les anciens de Holot errent par groupes de dix à vingt personnes le long des routes israé- liennes. Sous un soleil de plomb. Cer- tains ont passé leur première nuit d'«homme libre» à même la rue et dans des parcs publics. Voire dans des décharges publiques ou dans des cime- tières, comme à Beer Sheva, à Natanya, et à Petah Tikva.

Les migrants africains, détenus depuis plus d'un an, sortent par centaines du centre de Holot. Mais ils n'ont nulle part où poser leurs maigres bagages... © AFP.

où des dizaines de milliers de clandes- tins majoritairement originaires d'Ery- thrée et du Soudan s'entassent déjà dans des taudis et immeubles insa- lubres.

De l'argent et des armes

Bien sûr, l'injonction n'est pas respec- tée, car c'est à Tel-Aviv et à Eilat que les migrants ont le plus de chance de trou- ver un petit boulot occasionnel, mal payé et non déclaré. « Au lieu de lâcher les gens au hasard, le gouvernement de Netanyahou aurait mieux fait de pré- voir une structure permettant à ces gens-là de subsister dans des conditions décentes, d'avoir accès à des soins médi- caux, et même de travailler un mini- mum », affirme l'ONG « Hotline for mi- grant workers », la seule association is- raélienne à apporter une aide légale aux migrants et aux demandeurs d'asile. « Mais il ne faut pas rêver, ce ne sera ja- mais le cas car les responsables israé- liens ne veulent pas de ces Africains à l'intérieur de leurs frontières. »

Combien sont-ils ? Au moins 35.000 selon les autorités de l'Etat hébreu, 53.000 selon l'ONU et «environ

100.000 » selon les ONG. La quasi-to- talité des clandestins vivant en Israël sont en tout cas chrétiens ou musul- mans. Mais pas juifs. Ce qui explique également pourquoi Israël met tout en œuvre pour les pousser dehors.

En 2013 et 2014, environ 7.000 ont accepté de quitter l'Etat hébreu en échange d'une petite formation profes- sionnelle et d'une prime de 3.500 dol- lars. Puisqu'ils ne pouvaient retourner dans leur pays sans y risquer des ennuis, ils se sont retrouvés au Rwanda, en Ou- ganda et au Sud-Soudan, trois pays avec lesquels les dirigeants israéliens ont mené des négociations secrètes afin de se débarrasser de ces « indésirables ».

On s'en doute, Kigali, Kampala et Ju- ba – les trois capitales concernées – n'ont pas entrouvert leurs frontières pour faire plaisir à l'Etat hébreu : ils ont également trouvé leur intérêt dans ce « deal ». Il se dit d'ailleurs à Jérusalem que d'importantes sommes d'argent, évaluées en millions de dollars, ont été versées à ces pays et que du matériel mi- litaire « made in Israël » leur a discrète- ment été livré.


Dans certaines villes telles Hadera, Gedera et Arad, les édiles leur ont inter- dit de pénétrer sur le territoire munici- pal. « Nous croulons déjà sous les cas so- ciaux, vous n'imaginez quand même pas que nous allons accueillir des cen- taines d'Africains chez nous? Ce n'est tout simplement pas envisageable », as-

sène le maire d'Arad. «Je comprends que la vie est dure pour ces migrants mais, après tout, personne ne leur a de- mandé de venir en Israël. »

En recevant l'autorisation de quitter Holot, les anciens du centre ont été in- formés qu'il leur était interdit de se rendre à Tel-Aviv et à Eilat, deux villes. 

On Aug 28, 2015, at 8:51 PM, Roza Maziyateke [Democracy_Human_Rights] <> wrote:


Ikinyamakuru LE SOIR cyagarutse ku inkuru ivuga ko Urwanda, Uganda, Sudani y'Amajyepfo na Israeli byagiranye mu minsi yashize imishyikirano ya rwihishwa yari igamije kwemerera icyo gihugu cya Israeli kwohereza mu bihugu navuze bamwe mu mpunzi z'abirabura kidashaka kwakira.
Kirakomeza kandi kivuga ko nka « contre-partie », Israeli yemereye ibyo bihugu kuzabaha miriyoni nyinshyi z'amadolari n'ibikoresho bya gisirikare bikorerwa mu nganda zayo.

Nimba iyo nkuru ariyo koko, ese abo mu Rwagasabo mujya muhura n'abo bavandimwe aho mu migi cyangwa mu giturage mutuye ?
Ese ayo mafaranga yaba yarageze muri BNR cyangwa inkuba yayatwikiye mu kirere ahantu hataramenyekana hagati ya Tel-Aviv n'i Kigali ?
Hanyuma, izo ntwaro zikomeza kurundwa...hari ukuntu zizashoboza umunyarwanda kwiteza imbere mu mibereho ye ya buri munsi ?
                                                                                    Source : Le Soir, Vendedi le 28-08-2015, p.11


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.