
Tuesday, 10 December 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Remarks by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Democratic Republic of Congo - United States Mission to the United Nations

We urge all parties to honor the ceasefire and direct their aligned armed groups to do the same.

On that note, we were alarmed by M23's recent violations of the ceasefire under the pretext of "defensive actions" violations supported by RDF troops. These actions, and the RDF's endorsement of them, must end.

Rwanda and the DRC agreed on what is required – the DRC must take action against the FDLR and cease its support to that group. Rwanda must withdraw its more than 4,000 troops from DRC territory and cease its support for M23.

In addition, MONUSCO must be allowed to implement its mandate.

We call on Rwanda to immediately remove its surface-to-air missile systems from North Kivu and cease GPS signal interference, which have effectively grounded MONUSCO air operations, not to mention, endangered the lives of UN and humanitarian personnel, as well as countless civilians.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

Monday, 9 December 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Négation du génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda : Onana condamné à Paris

Afrikarabia » Négation du génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda : Onana condamné à Paris

La XVIIe chambre du tribunal correctionnel de Paris par la voix de sa présidente Me Delphine Chauchis condamné Charles Onana à 1.400 euros d'amende pour négation du génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda. En cas de non-paiement de l'amende, le polémiste camerouno-italo-français risque 115 jours de détention. Son éditeur le Français Damien Serieyx (Editions de l'Artilleur) été condamné à 5.000 euros d'amende comme principal responsable des propos publiés. Ils étaient incriminés de « contestation de l'existence d'un crime contre l'humanité, en l'espèce un crime de génocide »

Négation du génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda : Onana condamné à Paris

La XVIIe chambre du tribunal correctionnel de Paris par la voix de sa présidente Me Delphine Chauchis a condamné Charles Onana à 1.400 euros d'amende pour négation du génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda. En cas de non-paiement de l'amende, le polémiste camerouno-italo-français risque 115 jours de détention. Son éditeur le Français Damien Serieyx (Editions de l'Artilleur) a été condamné à 5.000 euros d'amende comme principal responsable des propos publiés. Ils étaient incriminés de « contestation de l'existence d'un crime contre l'humanité, en l'espèce un crime de génocide »

Charles Onana © Capture YouTube

Par Jean-François Dupaquier

« La thèse conspirationniste d'un régime hutu ayant planifié un "génocide" au Rwanda constitue l'une des plus grandes escroqueries du XXe siècle ». C'est ce qu'écrit Charles Onana à la page 198 de son livre Rwanda, la vérité sur l'opération Turquoise – Quand les archives parlent, paru en 2019. Le journaliste y affirme également que « le conflit et les massacres du Rwanda n'ont rien à voir avec le génocide des Juifs » (p. 34). Ou encore : « Continuer à pérorer sur un hypothétique "plan de génocide" des Hutus ou une pseudo-opération de sauvetage des Tutsis par le FPR est une escroquerie, une imposture et une falsification de l'histoire » (p. 460). Parmi bien d'autres assertions du même genre…
Depuis plus de vingt ans, le polémiste camerouno-italo-français pérore sur les réseaux sociaux et dans ses livres pour nier le génocide commis contre les Tutsi du Rwanda en 1994. Il a aussi tenu des propos ignobles contre les femmes tutsi, essentialisées comme génétiquement espionnes et/ou prostituées. S'il a (provisoirement ?) mis un terme à ses délires virilistes et misogynes, il a répété jusqu'en 2019 en France sa doxa négationniste. Dans son dernier livre qui prétend reprendre sa thèse, soutenue à l'université Lyon III dans des conditions contestées, il assortit 160 fois de guillemets le mot génocide. Une méthode classique des négationnistes. Un procédé qui, malgré de filandreuses tentatives de justification de Auguste-Charles Onana et de Damien Serieyx, n'a pas échappé à la présidente Me Delphine Chauchis, Première vice-présidente adjointe au Tribunal judiciaire de Paris, agissant par délégation du Président du Tribunal.

Le mot génocide 160 fois entre guillemets

La Ligue des droits de l'Homme, la Fédération internationale pour les droits humains et Survie avaient dénoncé les passages du livre de 2019 dorénavant condamnables Elles ont porter plainte contre Charles Onana et les éditions du Toucan (sous le label de L'Artilleur). S'y sont associées d'autres parties civiles : Ibuka France, la Ligue Internationale contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme, le Collectif des parties civiles pour le Rwanda et la Communauté rwandaise de France. Le procès s'et tenu du 7 au 11 octobre derniers.

Avocate d'Ibuka France, Me Rachel Lindon avait rappelé la définition du génocide en droit français  (Art. 211-1 du Code pénal) [2] et celle du crime contre l'humanité (Art. 212-1 du Code pénal)[3]. Elle soulignait que le délit de négationnisme, traditionnellement énoncé comme « contestation de crime contre l'humanité » est une infraction prévue par l'article 24 bis de la loi du 29 juillet 1881 sur la liberté de la presse, introduite par la loi dite Gayssot du 13 juillet 1990.

La négation, la minoration ou la banalisation outrancière d'autres génocides que la Shoah sont dorénavant réprimées de par la loi du 27 janvier 2017. Le génocide commis contre les Tutsi du Rwanda faisant l'objet d'une reconnaissance internationale et nationale, sa négation est incontestablement sanctionnable en droit français. Le « constat judiciaire » du 16 juin 2006 devant le TPIR rappelle que le génocide commis contre les Tutsi est un « fait avéré ». Il n'est plus à démontrer, contrairement à ce que prétendent M. Auguste-Charles Onana et d'autres négationnistes.


[1]Pour consulter les articles d'Afrikarabia sur le procès de Charles Onana et de Damien Serieyx tenu en octobre 2024 :

Le 1er :

Le 2e :

Le 3e :

Le 4e :

Le 5e :

[2] Article 211-1
Version en vigueur depuis le 07 août 2004 Modifié par Loi n°2004-800 du 6 août 2004 – art. 28 () JORF 7 août 2004Constitue un génocide le fait, en exécution d'un plan concerté tendant à la destruction totale ou partielle d'un groupe national, ethnique, racial ou religieux, ou d'un groupe déterminé à partir de tout autre critère arbitraire, de commettre ou de faire commettre, à l'encontre de membres de ce groupe, l'un des actes suivants :
atteinte volontaire à la vie ;
– atteinte grave à l'intégrité physique ou psychique ;
– soumission à des conditions d'existence de nature à entraîner la destruction totale ou partielle du groupe ;

– mesures visant à entraver les naissances ;
– transfert forcé d'enfants.
Le génocide est puni de la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité.
Les deux premiers alinéas de l'article 132-23 relatif à la période de sûreté sont applicables au crime prévu par le présent article.

[3] Article 212-1
Version en vigueur depuis le 07 août 2013 Modifié par LOI n°2013-711 du 5 août 2013 – art. 15
Constitue également un crime contre l'humanité et est puni de la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité l'un des actes ci-après commis en exécution d'un plan concerté à l'encontre d'un groupe de population civile dans le cadre d'une attaque généralisée ou systématique :
1° L'atteinte volontaire à la vie ;
2° L'extermination ;
3° La réduction en esclavage ;
4° La déportation ou le transfert forcé de population ;
5° L'emprisonnement ou toute autre forme de privation grave de liberté physique en violation des dispositions fondamentales du droit international ;
6° La torture ;
7° Le viol, la prostitution forcée, la grossesse forcée, la stérilisation forcée ou toute autre forme de violence sexuelle de gravité comparable ;
8° La persécution de tout groupe ou de toute collectivité identifiable pour des motifs d'ordre politique, racial, national, ethnique, culturel, religieux ou sexiste ou en fonction d'autres critères universellement reconnus comme inadmissibles en droit international ;
9° La disparition forcée ;
10° Les actes de ségrégation commis dans le cadre d'un régime institutionnalisé d'oppression systématique et de domination d'un groupe racial sur tout autre groupe racial ou tous autres groupes raciaux et dans l'intention de maintenir ce régime ;
11° Les autres actes inhumains de caractère analogue causant intentionnellement de grandes souffrances ou des atteintes graves à l'intégrité physique ou psychique.
Les deux premiers alinéas de l'article 132-23 relatif à la période de sûreté sont applicables aux crimes prévus par le présent article.


"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Bashar al-Assad given asylum in Moscow, Russian media say

Bashar al-Assad given asylum in Moscow, Russian media say
Bashar al-Assad and his family have arrived in Moscow and been granted asylum "out of humanitarian considerations", Russian news agencies are quoting a Kremlin source as saying.

Bashar al-Assad and family given asylum in Moscow, Russian media say

The article discusses the sudden departure of Bashar al-Assad, the former president of Syria, and his family to Moscow, Russia. The move comes after rebel forces seized control of Damascus, leading to the collapse of Assad's government. Russia, a staunch ally of Assad, has been involved in the Syrian civil war for nine years, supporting Assad's forces.

Reuters Bashar al-Assad (R) meets Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi in Damascus, Syria (1 December 2024)Reuters

Bashar al-Assad's last public appearance as president was last Sunday, when he met Iran's foreign minister in Damascus

Bashar al-Assad and his family have arrived in Moscow and been granted asylum "out of humanitarian considerations", Russian news agencies are quoting a Kremlin source as saying.

Russian state TV also reported the news, which put an end to speculation about the whereabouts of Syria's former president after rebel forces seized control of Damascus.

Earlier, the Russian foreign ministry had announced that Assad "decided to resign the presidency and left the country, giving instructions for a peaceful transfer of power".

Russia, which has two key military bases in Syria, is a staunch ally of Assad and had intervened in Syria's 13-year civil war in an effort to keep him in power.

But it was unable to stop the collapse of his government in the face of a lightning rebel offensive that took advantage of his other key allies, Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, being distracted by other conflicts.

Assad has not been pictured since he met the Iranian foreign minister in Damascus a week ago. That day, he vowed to "crush" the rebels seizing territory with dizzying speed.

Early on Sunday morning, after their fighters entered the city without resistance, the Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies declared that "the tyrant Bashar al-Assad has fled".

With no official confirmation from the Syrian presidency, military or state media, rumours swirled about Assad's whereabouts.

The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based monitoring group, reported that a plane believed to be carrying Assad "left Syria via Damascus international airport before the army security forces left" the facility. Rami Abdul Rahman said he had information that the plane was meant to take off at 22:00 (20:00 GMT) on Saturday.

People also followed flights in and out of Damascus to work out when Assad might have left and where he might have gone.

Reuters news agency cited two unnamed senior Syrian army officers as saying that Assad had boarded a Syrian Air plane at Damascus airport early on Sunday.

It noted that a Syrian Air Ilyushin Il-76T cargo plane took off from the airport at 03:59 local time (01:59 GMT) with an undisclosed destination.

According to data from Flightradar24, the plane initially flew towards the Mediterranean coast, which is a stronghold of Assad's Alawite sect and is also home to two key Russian military bases - Hmeimim airbase and the naval base in Tartous.

But after flying over Homs, the plane made a U-turn and started flying eastwards again while also losing altitude. The plane's signal was lost at around 04:39 (02:39 GMT), when it was about 13km (8 miles) west of Homs and flying at an altitude of only 1,625ft (495m).

It was not clear what happened to the plan, but Flightradar24 said the aircraft "was old with an older transponder generation, so some data might be bad or missing", that it was "flying in an area of GPS jamming, so some data might be bad", and that the aircraft tracker was not aware of any airports in the area where the signal was lost. There were also no reports of any plane crashes.

Data from Flightradar24 also showed that a Russian military plane took off on Sunday from Latakia's international airport, next to Hmeimim, and flew to Moscow. Once again, it was not known who was on board.

As well as reporting the arrival of Assad in Moscow, Russian state TV said Russian officials were in contact with representatives of "the Syrian armed opposition" and that they had guaranteed the security of Russian military bases and diplomatic missions.

Russia insisted its air strikes only targeted "terrorists" during its nine-year air campaign in support of Assad, but they regularly killed civilians and destroyed civilian infrastructure.

The SOHR said in September that more than 21,000 people, including 8,700 civilians, had been killed in Russian military operations.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.



"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Bachar al-Assad a-t-il quitté la Syrie par les airs ? Un avion disparaît des radars peu de temps après son décollage, "l'appareil aurait été abattu" - La Libre

"L'avion a disparu du radar, le transpondeur a peut-être été désactivé, mais je pense que la plus grande probabilité est que l'avion ait été abattu…", a déclaré une source syrienne auprès de Reuters sans donner plus de détails.

Bachar al-Assad a-t-il quitté la Syrie par les airs ? Un avion disparaît des radars peu de temps après son décollage, "l'appareil aurait été abattu"

Ce dimanche matin, les rebelles menés par des islamistes radicaux ont annoncé à la télévision publique syrienne la chute du président al-Assad.

"Assad a quitté la Syrie via l'aéroport international de Damas avant que les membres des forces armées et de sécurité ne quittent le site", a indiqué à l'AFP le directeur de l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'homme (OSDH), Rami Abdel Rahmane.

D'après les informations communiquées par Al Jazeera, dès l'instant où les rebelles ont mis la main sur l'aéroport de Damas, les radars de contrôle aérien ont aperçu un seul avion circulant dans l'espace aérien syrien. Il s'agit du vol Syrian Air 9218, dernier appareil qui a quitté Damas et dont le signal a disparu alors qu'il survolait Homs, une ville de Syrie.

La trajectoire de l'avion montre qu'il a d'abord volé vers l'est avant de bifurquer vers le nord, annonce l'agence Reuters précisant ne pas savoir actuellement qui se trouvait à bord.

À lire aussi

EN DIRECT - Bachar al-Assad a fui la Syrie, les rebelles annoncent la chute du président et la "libération" de la capitale Damas

Deux sources syriennes ont déclaré qu'il y avait une très forte probabilité que Bachar al-Assad ait été tué dans un accident d'avion, car la raison pour laquelle l'avion a fait un demi-tour surprise et a disparu de la carte, selon les données du site web Flightradar, reste un mystère.

"Il a disparu du radar, le transpondeur a peut-être été désactivé, mais je pense que la plus grande probabilité est que l'avion ait été abattu…", a déclaré une source syrienne auprès de Reuters sans donner plus de détails.

Syrian Air 9218, dernier appareil qui a quitté Damas et dont le signal a disparu alors qu'il survolait Homs, une ville de Syrie.
Syrian Air 9218, dernier appareil qui a quitté Damas et dont le signal a disparu alors qu'il survolait Homs, une ville de Syrie. ©FlightAware

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Syrian insurgents enter Damascus, President Assad flees Syria  | AP News

Syrian insurgents enter Damascus, President Assad flees Syria  | AP News
Syrian insurgents enter Damascus, President Assad flees Syria  | AP News

Syrian government falls in stunning end to 50-year rule of Assad family


BEIRUT (AP) — The Syrian government fell early Sunday in a stunning end to the 50-year rule of the Assad family after a sudden rebel offensive sprinted across government-held territory and entered the capital in 10 days.

Syrian state television aired a video statement by a group of men saying that President Bashar Assad has been overthrown and all detainees in jails have been set free.


Syrians celebrate the arrival of opposition fighters in Damascus, Syria, Sunday Dec. 8, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)


Syrian opposition fighters remove a government Syrian flag from an official building in Salamiyah, east of Hama, Syria Syria, Saturday Dec. 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Ghaith Alsayed)

The man who read the statement said the Operations Room to Conquer Damascus, an opposition group, called on all opposition fighters and citizens to preserve state institutions of "the free Syrian state."

The statement emerged hours after the head of a Syrian opposition war monitor said Assad had left the country for an undisclosed location, fleeing ahead of insurgents who said they had entered Damascus following the remarkably swift advance across the country.

Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghazi Jalali said the government was ready to "extend its hand" to the opposition and turn its functions over to a transitional government.

"I am in my house and I have not left, and this is because of my belonging to this country," Jalili said in a video statement. He said he would go to his office to continue work in the morning and called on Syrian citizens not to deface public property.


He did not address reports that Assad had fled.

Rami Abdurrahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told The Associated Press that Assad took a flight Sunday from Damascus.

State television in Iran, Assad's main backer in the years of war in Syria, reported that Assad had left the capital. It cited Qatar's Al Jazeera news network for the information and did not elaborate.

There was no immediate statement from the Syrian government.


A giant banner of Syrian President Bashar Assad hangs on the facade of a building, as pedestrian walk through an the empty streets of Damascus, Syria, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)


An image of Syrian President Bashar Assad, riddled with bullets, is seen on the facade of the provincial government office in the aftermath of the opposition's takeover of Hama, Syria, Friday, Dec. 6, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Albam)


Syrian opposition fighters drive past a burning government armored vehicle south of Hama, Syria, on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Ghaith Alsayed)


A boy steps over pictures of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his late father, Hafez Assad, right, Salamiyah, east of Hama, Syria, Saturday Dec. 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Ghaith Alsayed)

As daylight broke over Damascus, crowds gathered to pray in the city's mosques and to celebrate in the squares, chanting "God is great." People also chanted anti-Assad slogans and honked car horns. In some areas, celebratory gunshots rang out.

Soldiers and police officers left their posts and fled, and looters broke into the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

"My feelings are indescribable," said Omar Daher, a 29-year-old lawyer. "After the fear that he (Assad) and his father made us live in for many years, and the panic and state of terror that I was living in, I can't believe it."

Daher said his father was killed by security forces and his brother was in detention, his fate unknown. Assad "is a criminal, a tyrant and a dog," he said."

"Damn his soul and the soul of the entire Assad family," said Ghazal al-Sharif, another reveler in central Damascus. "It is the prayer of every oppressed person and God answered it today. We thought we would never see it, but thank God, we saw it."

The police headquarters in the capital appeared to be abandoned, its door left ajar with no officers outside. An Associated Press journalist shot footage of an abandoned army checkpoint where uniforms were discarded on the ground under a poster of Assad's face. Footage broadcast on opposition-linked media showed a tank in one of the capital's central squares.

It was the first time opposition forces had reached Damascus since 2018, when Syrian troops recaptured areas on the outskirts of the capital following a yearslong siege.

The pro-government Sham FM radio reported that the Damascus airport had been evacuated and all flights halted.


Syrians celebrate the arrival of opposition fighters in Damascus, Syria, Sunday Dec. 8, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

The insurgents also announced they had entered the notorious Saydnaya military prison north of the capital and "liberated" their prisoners there.

The night before, opposition forces took the central city of Homs, Syria's third largest, as government forces abandoned it. The city stands at an important intersection between Damascus, the capital, and Syria's coastal provinces of Latakia and Tartus — the Syrian leader's base of support and home to a Russian strategic naval base.

The rebels had already seized the cities of Aleppo and Hama, as well as large parts of the south, in a lightning offensive that began Nov. 27. Analysts said rebel control of Homs would be a game-changer.

The rebels' moves into Damascus came after the Syrian army withdrew from much of southern part of the country, leaving more areas, including several provincial capitals, under the control of opposition fighters.

The advances in the past week were by far the largest in recent years by opposition factions, led by a group that has its origins in al-Qaida and is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the United Nations. In their push to overthrow Assad's government, the insurgents, led by the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group, or HTS, have met little resistance from the Syrian army.

The U.N.'s special envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, called Saturday for urgent talks in Geneva to ensure an "orderly political transition." Speaking to reporters at the annual Doha Forum in Qatar, he said the situation in Syria was changing by the minute. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, whose country is Assad's chief international backer, said he feels "sorry for the Syrian people."

In Damascus, people rushed to stock up on supplies. Thousands went to Syria's border with Lebanon, trying to leave the country. Lebanese border officials closed the main Masnaa border crossing late Saturday, leaving many stuck waiting.

Many shops in the capital were shuttered, a resident told The Associated Press, and those still open ran out of staples such as sugar. Some were selling items at three times the normal price.

The U.N. said it was moving noncritical staff outside the country as a precaution.


A man passes on a pedestrian bridge in Damascus, Syria, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

Assad's status

Syria's state media denied social media rumors that Assad left the country, saying he was performing his duties in Damascus.

Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Ghazi al-Jalali said Sunday he does not know where Assad or the defense minister are. He told Saudi television network Al-Arabiyya early Sunday that they lost communication Saturday night.

He has had little, if any, help from his allies. Russia is busy with its war in Ukraine. Lebanon's Hezbollah, which at one point sent thousands of fighters to shore up Assad's forces, has been weakened by a yearlong conflict with Israel. Iran has seen its proxies across the region degraded by regular Israeli airstrikes.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday posted on social media that the United States should avoid engaging militarily in Syria. Separately, President Joe Biden's national security adviser said the Biden administration had no intention of intervening there.

Pedersen said a date for talks in Geneva on the implementation of a U.N. resolution, adopted in 2015 and calling for a Syrian-led political process, would be announced later. The resolution calls for the establishment of a transitional governing body, followed by the drafting of a new constitution and ending with U.N.-supervised elections.

Later Saturday, foreign ministers and senior diplomats from eight key countries, including Saudi Arabia, Russia, Egypt, Turkey and Iran, along with Pederson, gathered on the sidelines of the Doha Summit to discuss the situation in Syria.

In a statement, the participants affirmed their support for a political solution to the Syrian crisis "that would lead to the end of military activity and protect civilians."

The insurgents' march

A commander with the insurgents, Hassan Abdul-Ghani, posted on the Telegram messaging app that opposition forces had begun the "final stage" of their offensive by encircling Damascus.


A man rides his motorcycle past a burning government armoured vehicle south of Hama, Syria, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Ghaith Alsayed)


Syrian opposition fighters drive past a damaged government vehicle south of Hama, Syria, on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Ghaith Alsayed)

HTS controls much of northwest Syria and in 2017 set up a "salvation government" to run day-to-day affairs in the region. In recent years, HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani has sought to remake the group's image, cutting ties with al-Qaida, ditching hard-line officials and vowing to embrace pluralism and religious tolerance.

The shock offensive began Nov. 27, during which gunmen captured the northern city of Aleppo, Syria's largest, and the central city of Hama, the country's fourth-largest city.

The Syrian government has referred to opposition gunmen as terrorists since conflict broke out in March 2011.

Qatar's top diplomat, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, criticized Assad for failing to take advantage of the lull in fighting in recent years to address the country's underlying problems. "Assad didn't seize this opportunity to start engaging and restoring his relationship with his people," he said.


Karam reported from London. Associated Press writers Abdulrahman Shaheen and Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria; Abby Sewell in Beirut; Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad; Josef Federman and Victoria Eastwood in Doha, Qatar; and Ellen Knickmeyer in Washington contributed to this report.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.