
Thursday 24 April 2014

[RwandaLibre] Kagame does Brandeis


Kagame does Brandeis

When Brandeis University withdrew its invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali to
appear at commencement for an honorary degree, I spoke with a
knowledgeable source on campus who told me that Rwandan President Paul
Kagame was scheduled to visit campus on April 23. I reported on the
information provided by my source in "Brandeis breakdown."

Many people believe that Kagame has a lot of blood on his hands and he
certainly talks like a throat slasher. Earlier this year, Kagame was
widely quoted expressing regret that he had not ordered the
assassination of Patrick Karegeya, the country's former spy chief who
had been found dead in Johannesburg the previous month.

"Rwanda did not kill this person - and it's a big no," Kagame said in
an interview with the Wall Street Journal. "But I add that, I actually
wish Rwanda did it. I really wish it." Kagame refused to rule out that
he would in principle order an assassination: "Well, that's a
different issue...I have said what I said."

Kagame's comments were reported in newspapers around the world; the
Telegraph picked them up here.

With the controversy at Brandeis over Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the scheduled
appearance of Kagame on campus became a sensitive matter. Could
Brandeis really honor Kagame while dissing an incredibly brave
advocate of women's rights from Africa?

I couldn't get a straight answer from the school. Looking around
online, I found that silence was golden. Not a word was to be heard.
If Kagame was coming, it was a secret.

The day after, the silence prevails, with one exception. Kagame has
posted numerous photos featuring his big day at Brandeis on Flickr. We
can't be sure of Brandeis's attitude, but Kagame is proud of what the
school has done for him. In the photo below, Kagame yuks it up with
Brandeis president Frederick Lawrence (at his left). A good time was
apparently had by all.

UPDATE: Jeryl Bier writes to point out that Brandeis has emitted a
(hilariously mealymouthed) comment on Kagame's visit. In the spirit of
the affair, it has a double secret quality to it. For the record, here
it is:

Rwandan President Paul Kagame's visit to Brandeis University this week
is part of appearances he is making at several Boston-area
universities, including Harvard and Tufts. President Kagame engaged in
a round-table discussion with invited guests and faculty and students
affiliated with the Sustainable International Development program at
the Heller School for Social Policy and Management and the Brandeis
University program in Peace, Conflict and Coexistence as well as with
Brandeis students originally from Rwanda.

To clarify, this event was not a public speaking engagement and was an
invitation-only, academic event.

President Kagame's visit is consistent with the principles of academic
freedom and a longstanding Brandeis tradition of hosting international
dignitaries, some controversial, in the interest of scholarly
understanding and academic dialogue.

Thank you for your inquiry.

Ellen de Graffenreid, MA, MBA
Senior Vice President for Communications
Brandeis University

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“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.