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Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Your questions to President Kagame
“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.
"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”
“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."
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- [] Your questions to President Kagame
- Your questions to President Kagame
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- Re: [fondationbanyarwanda] Re: [] Re: ...
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Liens Utiles
- Slate Afrique, actualité de l'Afrique, information sur le Maghreb
- Magazine Afrique Asie : journal d'informations sur l'Afrique
- Communauté économique des Etats de l'Afrique centrale (CEEAC)
- C o m m u n a u t é E c o n o m i q u e D e s E t a t s d e l ' A f r i q u e d e l ' O u e s t ( C E D E A O )
- Annuaire Afrique - Les annuaires des pays d'Afrique
- famafrique, le site web des femmes d'Afrique francophone
- Organisations humanitaires - Liens Utiles
- Afrique Index
- Institut Panafricain pour le Développement (IPD)
- Institut Euro-Africain de Droit Economique (INEADEC)
- African Manager
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- L'Expansion
- GriGri News
- Jeune Afrique actualité
- Radio France Info
- France TV infos Afrique
- La Lettre de l'Afrique : informations Afrique, actualités africaines
- Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
- Centre d’Actualites de l’ONU
- Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR)
- Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme
- Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda
- Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme
- Centre de recherches et d'études sur les droits de l'Homme et le droit humanitaire
- Histoire du Rwanda--History of Rwanda
- Histoire coloniale et de la montée de l'ethnisme
- Rwandan Histories
- CATW International
- Voice of Witness
- United Nations. High Commission for Refugees
- Reporters sans Frontieres
- Refugees International
- Minority Rights Group International (London)
- Human Rights Watch (New York)
- Danish Institute for Human Rights (Copenhagen)
- Amnesty International
- African Immigrant and Refugee Foundation
- African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies
- African Commission on Human & Peoples' Rights(Banjul, The Gambia)
- United Nations Human Rights
- International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe. 2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.
Comment number1.
At 17:40 21st Mar 2011, Abdi wrote:Comment number2.
At 18:37 21st Mar 2011, AKPAN wrote:Comment number3.
At 18:53 21st Mar 2011, bagz wrote:What's Kagame's views on what's been going on in the Arab world in general (Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Libya), and Ivory Coast. Does he think Rwandans are happy and contented with all the democratic freedoms and what there government is doing for them or like in these countries, Rwandans cant risk their own lives to speak out against the government, do Rwandans have a right to peacefully protest? Why is that the only protests the governments allow are only pro-Kagame government? And finally, can he unequivocally reaffirm his commitment or intentions to stand down when his current term lapses in 2017?
Comment number4.
At 18:59 21st Mar 2011, bagz wrote:Comment number5.
At 19:00 21st Mar 2011, John Mustapha Kutiyote wrote:Comment number6.
At 19:12 21st Mar 2011, Tom Rizzo wrote:The idea that Frank Habineza espouses any ideology that is detrimental to Rwanda's people is patently absurd. His programme is very much mainstream Green Party, not unlike those pursued by like-minded people in the U.S., Europe, Australia and elsewhere.
I invite every listener to visit the Free Bernard Ntaganda facebook page, and continue to press your government to urge President Kagame to be a true democrat, not merely someone who plays one to rub elbows with the Tony Blairs and Bill Clintons of the world. Rwanda is a glorious country of beautiful people and places and intelligent people who yearn to breathe free air. Don't let its past destroy its future.
Tom Rizzo
Comment number7.
At 19:21 21st Mar 2011, Efuk Gallas wrote:I love listening to your programes and especially the edition of Paul Kagame. Please, I would love if you can contact me that time so that, I can send in my questions especially regarding African style of leadership and groupings.
[Personal details removed by Moderator]
Comment number8.
At 20:06 21st Mar 2011, Lubowa wrote:Comment number9.
At 20:27 21st Mar 2011, Nkunda wrote:Comment number10.
At 20:40 21st Mar 2011, Habineza wrote:Comment number11.
At 20:53 21st Mar 2011, Ann Garrison wrote:“(6) Despite the conclusion of a peace agreement and subsequent withdrawal of foreign forces in 2003, both the real and perceived presence of armed groups hostile to the Governments of Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi continue to serve as a major source of regional instability and an apparent pretext for continued interference in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by its neighbors [Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi].”
Could you speak to your "apparent pretext for continued interference" in Congo?
Comment number12.
At 22:02 21st Mar 2011, Olaf Bachmann wrote:There is something I would like to understand. How do you want to manage the politico-cultural transformation that is necessary to move away from the old African elite (including the Habyarimana/Mobutu etc) regimes' habit to take the state as a hostage to their personal advantage? Does your nation follow you on this path?
Do you think that the fact that you move away from the francophone political culture of presidentialism helps to open up a path to a more egalitarian/democratic way of thinking? In other words, would the Anglo Saxon Westminster way of thinking better fit to the transformation that you pursue than the quasi monarchist French way of organising a policy does?
Is there a genuine Rwandan way to achieve the formation of a modern democracy or are Rwandan ideas of modernity and democracy very different from what Europeans think?
Whatever your answer, thank you for what you have achieved so far.
Comment number13.
At 22:26 21st Mar 2011, John Max wrote:Comment number14.
At 22:33 21st Mar 2011, jobu101 wrote:Since the Rwandan Patriotic Front took power in 1994, none ever chellenged your regime and not be killed, thrown in prison or goes to exile. When are you going to tolerate any opposing view? Can you please release Victoire Ingabire and other political prisoners who are in 1930 Kigali Maximum prison for simply exercising their basic rights which your regime claims to respect?
I strongly believe that Rwandan leaders need to get rid of demonizing the regime's opponent if we need to build a better future Rwanda. We are building on the sand like Gadhafi if the economic development becomes an execuse for oppression. Thanks
Comment number15.
At 22:50 21st Mar 2011, Veritas wrote:Comment number16.
At 23:14 21st Mar 2011, Desire K wrote:Comment number17.
At 23:25 21st Mar 2011, Alex wrote:07503302248
Comment number18.
At 00:25 22nd Mar 2011, Mwalimu Marcel wrote:First of all I would like to thank you for taking time off from your busy schedule to share with us your insight in current african affaires.
I'm a Rwandan-American. I visit Rwanda 3 times a year. Mr. President I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what went wrong between you and the gang of 4 (Kayumba, Karegeya, Rudasingwa, Gahima). How did you become enemies brothers? Studying your track record from NRA to RPF from Kampala to Kigali until 2005 things didn't look so bad. You both worked together to reclaim your homeland your both are well connected with various foreign Intelligence services, you hold your old address books. The poor Rwandans don't understand that. This conflict between brothers has been kept as a family secret. You have advantage on the other brothers. You have provided relative peace and security, the Banyarwanda love you for that and are thankful. Keep reaching out to the poor. You remember during the bush struggle they are the ones who provide intelligence, food and hide out. To the gang of 4. Take your case straight to the Banyarwanda. They are the ones who are capable of giving the grade you deserve. They are the headmaster. The wazungu come and go. Rwanda has been, is and will always be for us by us. Thank you. Mwalimu Marcel , South Cali, USA. 310-310-1037
Comment number19.
At 00:51 22nd Mar 2011, Brima Claudio wrote:Comment number20.
At 00:52 22nd Mar 2011, Zachary wrote:Do you and your government value a free and open media? Why do you think the Reporters Without Borders review of press freedoms in Rwanda was so damning?
Yours Sincerely,
Comment number21.
At 01:12 22nd Mar 2011, Kofi Okwantuni wrote:Comment number22.
At 01:25 22nd Mar 2011, Elizabeth Barad wrote:Have you considered who can be a successor to all of the splendid work that you've done as President?
Comment number23.
At 06:14 22nd Mar 2011, Charles Gatare wrote:Comment number24.
At 06:58 22nd Mar 2011, Eliasbalde wrote:Comment number25.
At 07:11 22nd Mar 2011, LondonHenrry wrote:Comment number26.
At 08:42 22nd Mar 2011, Munyaneza wrote:My question is what drives you to do all these things, which you have actually promised to continue doing? What do you think has set you aside as a distinguished African leader and what is your message to Africans and the young generation all over the world?
Second, some people have argued that your strict disciplinarian tendency is actually your greatest threat (weakness) since it has earned you a couple of enemies, including some former senior army officers. What is your take on that, and does it bother you?
God Bless and I want to assure you that the African youth stands with you, because we know, you have good intentions for us.
Comment number27.
At 08:58 22nd Mar 2011, Mahoro wrote:Mr president Mrs Victoire Ingabire has now been in prison for 155 days, does this mean that your courts have failed to find tangible evidence of her crimes to procecute her?
Comment number28.
At 09:13 22nd Mar 2011, Claude wrote:Comment number29.
At 09:44 22nd Mar 2011, Munyarwanda wrote:Comment number30.
At 10:22 22nd Mar 2011, Edwin wrote:Comment number31.
At 11:04 22nd Mar 2011, Eddie wrote:Thank you very much
Comment number32.
At 11:12 22nd Mar 2011, espe Bundu wrote:From your expererience, can you please tell me , how can you help your neigbour, the DRCongo, to end the ongoing sexual violence to women and girls in the East of Congo?
Comment number33.
At 11:37 22nd Mar 2011, Ghost rider wrote:Comment number34.
At 12:25 22nd Mar 2011, Dean__ wrote:Comment number35.
At 12:26 22nd Mar 2011, AfricaResearchInstitute wrote:[Personal details removed by Moderator]
Comment number36.
At 12:46 22nd Mar 2011, Vivien wrote:Thank you.
Comment number37.
At 12:54 22nd Mar 2011, EMAB wrote:Comment number38.
At 13:05 22nd Mar 2011, Boulette wrote:Who do you agree with?
For me, the most important thing is peace. We have peace. With peace, we can go to work and get salaries, built houses, take our children to schools, see them grow, develop ourselves, same for businessmen, ... And Yes, President Kagame is one of the channels God is using to give us peace and development. I want to thank him because he is patriotic, he loves his people, his nation and that is why he does his best to bring all good. I thank God for him and ask God to continue protect him.
Comment number39.
At 13:30 22nd Mar 2011, NDAMWIZEYE wrote:Thank you for your heroism. God bless you.
Comment number40.
At 13:48 22nd Mar 2011, melka18 wrote:Lastly, how are you planning to decrease the gap between the rich and poor people in your country, it seems to widen daily. Unemployment is rising and people in villages are increasingly getting poorer.
Comment number41.
At 13:54 22nd Mar 2011, kalungi wrote:Comment number42.
At 16:37 22nd Mar 2011, Claudine wrote:Do you feel that your Government is doing enough to protect Rwanda against some ill-intended Rwandans and foreigners who are trying to push our nation backward?
Comment number43.
At 16:53 22nd Mar 2011, kebongo wrote:Comment number44.
At 16:59 22nd Mar 2011, the_ruckle wrote:Comment number45.
At 21:27 22nd Mar 2011, hardette wrote:Yes democracy is great but it does not always work in all places all at all times. keep up the good work
Comment number46.
At 00:52 23rd Mar 2011, Kigali wrote:"..In Kigali, the capital city, skyscrapers are rising, and the streets are swept clean every morning. There is a national health system, 19 out of 20 children are now in school, and rural Rwanda, while still in poverty, has better internet service than rural Britain.."
We are behind you Mr. President!
Comment number47.
At 06:18 23rd Mar 2011, Anyama Justine wrote:Comment number48.
At 09:51 23rd Mar 2011, purplegorrila23 wrote:Comment number49.
At 15:12 23rd Mar 2011, Ladyedith wrote:Comment number50.
At 15:51 23rd Mar 2011, kalungi wrote:Comment number51.
At 16:06 23rd Mar 2011, kalungi wrote:Comment number52.
At 17:37 23rd Mar 2011, kalungi wrote:Girinka program (One cow per poor Family) was inspired by the Rwandan culture and initiated by His Excellency the President of the Republic in 2006. The cabinet meeting of 12/04/2006 approved the program as one of the 2020 vision, EDPRS and IDP implementation measures. This program aims at enabling every poor household to own and manage an improved dairy cow which would help the family to better their livelihood through increased milk and meat production and to improve soil fertility of their land for their crops using the available manure. This will not only improve the nutrition, but also increase the earnings of beneficiaries from milk, milk products, meat and sale of manure.
Comment number53.
At 17:49 23rd Mar 2011, kalungi wrote:The objective of Mutuelle de Sante is to provide quality health-care to orphans and other vulnerable children (OVCs) and families infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, through the coverage of medical health insurance. By so doing, this project reinforces the health system and contributes to national efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases.
Comment number54.
At 22:22 23rd Mar 2011, Chetamoe wrote:The continued bickering in Africa over petty issues has led to economic and development stagnation. I am so annoyed with some rogue guys commenting on this space against what Kageme has done for the Rwandese people. If Kamege is ranked among Africa leaders with even some parts of Asia, He will emerge one of the best leaders in the 21st century. US and Europe has ruined Africa in the name of democracy & such coined words. Why hasn't US and Europe stopped war in Somalia, Guinea, Ivory coast, DRC & many others. These guys r thieves in the name of superpowers. Kagame forever
Comment number55.
At 00:24 24th Mar 2011, jlnaptrvc wrote:Comment number56.
At 06:25 24th Mar 2011, juanhag wrote:Comment number57.
At 08:45 24th Mar 2011, Michael wrote:Comment number58.
At 07:37 25th Mar 2011, akmuhumuza wrote:Comment number59.
At 16:44 25th Mar 2011, intarebatinya wrote: