Saturday, 31 October 2015

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Postuler à la bourse LAD du Canada avant le 02 novembre

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Posted: 30 Oct 2015 05:26 PM PDT

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[] Rwanda: President Paul Kagame's comment on Tanzanian Elections


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une soci�t�, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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Friday, 30 October 2015

[] Rwandan Parliament Makes US Ally and Military Partner, Paul Kagame President for Life


Rwandan Parliament Makes US Ally and Military Partner, Paul Kagame President for Life

  19  0 


Rwanda has never, since its independence from Belgium, experienced peaceful transfer of power from one "elected" president to another. Each president that grabs power declares himself the only Rwandan capable of ruling. Each regime comes in power because they want to remove the dictator from power and hand the mantle of state power to " the people." Change from one regime to another has always been bloody in Rwanda.

In 1994 General Paul Kagame defeated General Habyarimana after a bloody four year civil war. General Habyarimana had made himself " the father of the nation" and an irreplaceable president of Rwanda. General Kagame and his RPF/A waged the 1990-1994 war because General Habyarimana had closed all the possible venues for peaceful transfer of power. General Kagame and his RPF/A sounded determined to hand power over to " the people" after the war. Over a million Rwandans perished during the war.

General Kagame and his Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) party: More of the same

After the war and massacres that brought Gen Kagame and his RPF/A into power, Gen Kagame's diagnosis of Rwanda's problem was " bad political leadership and clinging on to power. To address this problem, Gen Kagame and his RPF/A wrote the 2003 Rwanda Constitution. Article 101 of the 2003 Constitution provides, inter alia , " no person shall be president for more than two terms". Each term is 7 years under the 2003 Constitution of Rwanda.

Gen Kagame's second and last term under the 2003 constitution of Rwanda is due to expire in 2017. General Kagame claims that no Rwandan is capable of leading the country and " the people" need him to consolidate his "achievements".

Constitutional amendment to keep General Kagame in office:

In a bid to legitimize his broad scheme to cling to power, Paul Kagame deployed his brutal security apparatus, at all levels of his administration, to compel " the people" to petition Parliament to change the law regarding term limits. Millions of Rwandans, including those who cannot read and/or write, "wrote" to Parliament " begging" for a constitutional amendment. The General then instituted a " constitutional review commission" which " consulted" the people before Parliament passed the constitutional review proposal on October 28th, 2015.

The new law of the jungle:

Parliament approved various amendments including Article 167 which provides that: Considering the citizen petitions preceeding [preceding] the coming into force of this revised Constitution that were informed by the nation-building achievements and creation of a sustainable development foundation, the President of the Republic completing the term of office referred to in Paragraph One of this Article may be re-elected for a seven (7) years term of office. The President of the Republic who has completed the term of office of seven (7) years referred to in [ ...] this Article may be re-elected as provided for by Article 101 of this Constitution.

Article 168: Senators Senators in office at the time of commencement. Article 167 comes under a Section termed " Transitional Provisions".

Article 101 provides that " The President of the Republic is elected for a term of office of five (5) years. He/she may be re-elected only once."

A most unusual law:

Article 167 read together with Article 101 has many implications.

First, the "amendment " has created an exception for the current president and military commander of Rwanda. Article 101 will be shelved until after seven years – the exceptional term created for him after 2017 – when Kagame will start running for a five year term, renewable only once, giving Kagame a chance to rule for 17 years after 2017. This is confirmation that "some animals are more equal than others " in this Animal Farm, thereby rendering the constitutional principle of equality before the law null and void.

Second, the law does not mention whether or not, if Kagame died or otherwise becomes incapacitated after 2017 but before 2024, Article 101 would come into force immediately. In any case, a constitutional provision ( the proposed Article 101) that shall not come into force until after 7 years is a most unusual law.

Third, the amendment creates " transitional provisions" in a constitution without a provisional government. "Transitional provisions" without a transitional government prove that what Kagame's junta has completed is a constitutional coup, not an "amendment to the constitution," as they call it.

Charles Kambanda is a Rwandan American attorney, a former law professor at the National University of Rwanda, and an apostate member of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, now living in exile in New York City. 


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"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
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[] Re: L’OMS «ne demande pas aux gens d’arrêter de manger de la viande »


L'OMS n'avait pas a se retracter.
Il est en effet bien etabli que la viande rouge et/ ou transformee ( red meat and/or processed meat) n'est pas bonne pour notre sante. 
Ce type de viande est sourtout accuse d'etre a l'origine de maladies cardiovasculaires et de multiples cancers. 
C'est pourquoi les gens mieux avises ne mangent plus ce type de viande, preferant plutot la viande blanche (poulet, dinde, etc.).

Pour votre info...

On Oct 30, 2015, at 11:32 AM, [Democracy_Human_Rights] <> wrote:



Il est temps que l'ONU (l'Union européenne aussi d'ailleurs) cesse de croire ces "lobbies" qui l'induisent en erreur...

Entre temps, chacun de nous sait quel morceau de viande (du veau et d'autres viandes blanches pour moi) lui convient, c.-à-d. qu'on n'a pas besoin que les Nations se réunissent pour nous dire ce que nous devons manger.

Quatre jours après la publication d'une étude accusant viande rouge et charcuterie d'augmenter le risque de cancer, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) s'est défendue jeudi 29 octobre d'appeler les consommateurs à ne plus manger de viande...

L'OMS « ne demande pas aux gens d'arrêter de manger de la viande »



Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



Re: [] Re: Rwanda: mandat ya perezida ivuye ku myaka 7 ijya kuri 5...


Irya Mukuru riratinda ntirihera.
Dutege ibya Magayane. Ariko nyine Hagati ya Magayane n'Imana, umunsi urahuka ugahingama...

De : kota venant <>
À : "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Envoyé le : Vendredi 30 octobre 2015 16h00
Objet : FW: [] Re: Rwanda: mandat ya perezida ivuye ku myaka 7 ijya kuri 5...

Reka tubasetse bavandimwe, buli wese atoremo icyo ashaka nko mw'ishuli!
" Umugore yabyaye nijoro, nuko agikubita hasi umwana-kobwa Immana irarangurura iti: "Mukobwa uvutse usa neza, ntakibazo uzagira aliko uzicwa n'ihembe ly'inzovu utwite imfura yawe".  Iligendera. 
Umuhigi wali inyuma y'urugo ateze inyamaswa zakundaga kugenda aho zishaka inka arabyumnva. Nuko aravuga ati "Immana yabeshya, yabeshya! Ndi umuhigi kabuhaliwe. Reka nzarongore uliya mukobwa maze ndebe ukuntu aliya manjye y'Immana azaba". 
Nuko wa mwana-kobwa abaye inkumi, wa muhigi wunvise ibye aza kumusaba, avuga ko ali butange ibyo bamuca byose. 
Aramuhabwa,  aramurongora. 
Ntibyatinze nya-mukobwa aba aratwise. Umugabo we atumiza abahigi be bose abategeka ko igihe cyose hazajya hasigara mu rugo abahigi bangana n'abagiye guhiga balinze umugore. Ntibagomba kumwemerera na limwe ko asohoka, akarenga ibikingi by'irembo. Birubahilizwa pee, nkuko bimwe bya RPF byubahilizwa n'abaturage ba Rwanda beza.
Nuko umuhigi n'abasigaye bagira limwe bajya guhiga. Bavumbura agakwavu. Nuko kirukanka kagana kwa muhigi, imbwa zikalinyuma. Kageze kwa muhigi, gatangira kuzenguruka urugo, imhigi zikali inyuma zivuza amayombo. Urusaku rwo guhushiliza  no kumoka biba byiza birasizora, birusha wa mudiho wakubitiwe n'abaturage bazanye ibiseke bya petition mu nteko-nshingamategeko i Kigali. 
Wa mugore w'umuhigi ashaka kujya hanze ngo arebe. Abahigi bati ntibishoboka, ntitwemera ko urenga imbuga. Bamwangiye, aguma mu rugo, noneho yulira ku gipangu ngo arebere mu twenge twacyo. Agakwavu kazenguruka ubwambere imhigi zikali inyuma kuli m 20.  Kazenguruka ubwakabili zikageze kuli m 7. Umugore agira imbabazi, yifata mu maso. Ubwo amaboko n'amaguru biraregera, birarekura; agwira agahembe k'inzovu kali gaharaze urwo rupangu. Ka gahembe k'inzovu rero kamwijomba mu gifu, gasaturanya umutima gatunguka mw'ijosi. Icyo Immana yavuze kiba kiratashye, yiturahasi yumye".
Ngayo nguko yemwe Nzinink na Bamgamwabo.

Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 09:21:42 -0400
Subject: [] Re: Rwanda: mandat ya perezida ivuye ku myaka 7 ijya kuri 5...


"Si je verse un peu mu babyemera, twatangira kubitekereza ari uko ikibuga cy'indege cyo mu Bugesera cyuzuye. Kagamé azi gusoma. Ntazacyubake ainsi azabeho imyaka ashatse!!", Bangamwabo.

Abakurambere bacu baritegereje basanga mu by'ukuri "ntawiruka rwambonye"! 
Umuntu ashobora kuva mu Bugesera n'amaguru, na kajujugu, n'imodoka, etc.
Kutubaka kiriya kibuga ntsinzi iri mo. No kutongera gukandagiza amaguru mu Bugesera nabyo ni uko, kubera ko "Bugesera " ishobora kuba ivuga "hanze y'iwe", ko mu by'ukuri azaba ari mo ataha (nka Kinani). 
Ibi bishobora kuba ari nabyo mpamvu gitimujisho yafashe ingamba zo kwirunda missiles (plane with anti-missile defense tech, TL-50 air defense missiles, etc.).


On Oct 30, 2015, at 8:48 AM, Martin Bangamwabo [fondationbanyarwanda] <> wrote:


nawe wemera abapfumu? Ngo abemera abapfumu ni abantu desespérés. Cela n'est pas etonnant. Mais kuba n'umuntu nkawe abagenderamo, c'est plus frappant!
Ni hagire ushyira kuri izi mbuga copie (scan) d'un journal datant d'avant 1994 ivuga ziriya ndagu za Magayane. Yemwe na Rusatira wahunze atirukanka ntayo ashobora kubona.
Et pourtant nzi ko yakundaga kubika journaux nka ziriya.
Ihinduka ry ubutegetsi rikorwa n'abantu, ntirikorwa n'indagu. Byaba byoroshye cyane.
SI je verse un peu mu babyemera, twatangira kubitekereza ari uko ikibuga cy'indege cyo mu Bugesera cyuzuye. Kagamé azi gusoma. Ntazacyubake ainsi azabeho imyaka ashatse!!
Abatagira isoni bo nti bamwara!!!

De : "Nzinink [fondationbanyarwanda]" <>
À : Dhr Group <>
Envoyé le : Vendredi 30 octobre 2015 13h10
Objet : [fondationbanyarwanda] Re: Rwanda: mandat ya perezida ivuye ku myaka 7 ijya kuri 5...

Urakoze cyane Bwana Christian kuduha biriya bisobanuro.

Ndakeka ariko ko mu nyandiko yawe hari mo agakosa gato kabusanya n'ibdagu ya Magayane, aho wavuze ko PK ashobora gutegeka mpaka agize imyaka 61.

Twibuke ko PK ejo bundi yijihije imyaka 58 y'amavuko. 
Twibuke kandi ko umuhanuzi Magayane yavuze ko Rujindiri Rurya Ntiruhage, umunsi azasanga Kinani (wishwe afite imyaka 57) uwo Rujindiri azaba arusha Kinani imyaka itatu y'amasaka (57+3=60). 
Ni ukuvuga rero mu myaka ibiri iri imbere (2017). Ibisobanuro birambuye murabusanga hano hasi.

Abanyarubuga banyumve neza. Nta muntu ntega iminsi. Indagu za Magayane si imbimbano, zabaye ho. Kuzisobanura ukazihuza n'ibihe turi mo njye nta nabi mbibona mo.


Umuhanuzi Magayane niwe wavuze ko : « Ihene izabyara isekurume ndwi (7) zose zange kwonka ».  
Iki kikaba aricyo kimenyetso yatanze nk'ikimenyetso kizabanziriza icya nyuma kizaranga ihirima ry'ingoma y'uwo yise Rwabujindiri Ruryantiruhage. Ibi bishatse kuvuga ko uwo Ruryantiruhage ari umutegetsi wagombaga gutegeka ntanyurwe namba, akifuza gutegeka ubuzima bwe bwose, akazikubira imitungo yose y'igihugu ariko akanga ntashyire n'uturaso kumubiri.

Izina niryo muntu Rwabujindiri aranze abaye Ruryantiruhage

Nibyo koko burya ngo ntakiba Imana itagicishije mu bahanuzi bayo. Ibyo Magayane yavuze byose kugeza ubu byarabaye tukaba twari dutegereje ivuka ry'izo sekurume ndwi (7) muminsi ya vu maze « Isake igahita ibika ikigera kumutambiko w'urusenge isura urwimo» aricyo kimenyetso cya nyuma.

Ihene rero Magayane yavugaga biragaragara ko ntayindi ari buriya butegetsi bwiyicaje kuntebe nkuko tubizi twese. Naho kubyara isekurume ndwi byo ni uguhindura itegekonshinga maze Kagame akiyongeza indi manda y'imyaka irindi (7) ariyo isobanura isekurume ndwi. Nyamara ariko izo sekurume zose mu buhanuzi twibuke ko zanze konka ! Ibi rero niho bihurira n'ibyo Kagame arimo kwigora akora. Agiye guhindura Itegekonshinga, bizakorwa ariko ntakizavamo. Aziyongeza manda y'imyaka 7 ariko nta mwaka n'umwe azayitegekaho. Kwanga konka bigereranwa no kwanga kwima. Birababaje. Ihene izabyara isekurume ndwi ariko zose zange konka ahubwo tukaba twiteguye isake igiye kubika isura urwimo (ibi tuzabisobanura mu minsi ya vuba).

On Oct 28, 2015, at 3:19 PM, christian bikino [Democracy_Human_Rights] <> wrote:


Ndabona ibyo mu rwa Gihanga bitoroshye na mba!
Aba badepite bakomeje guhatira Bwana Perezida Kagame gukomeza kwiyamamaza( nako gutegeka imyaka n'imyaniniko), batamukunda na busa.

Muti impamvu ni iyihe?

Perezida Kagame nawe azi neza impanuro ya Magayane, ko idakinishwa na busa.
Uyu Magayane yabwiye Bwana Habyarimana ati:" umunsi uzabona umugore yageze mu busholisholi, uzarye uri menge, kuko ibyawe bizaba birangiye.
Yungamo ati:" Uzicwa n'inyamaswa y'ihembe rimwe" kandi uzagwa iwawe ukikijwe n'imiyenzi
Undi ati" Instinzi yaba iyihe?" Magayane aramwerurira ati ntayo mbona , keretse urekuye ubutegetsi vuba na bwangu, kuko ziriya Nka zizata amase muri Kigali, zizaba zikwereka urugutegereje.

Arakomeza ati:" Uzasimburwa nuwo wahaye ibere, ariko ntazamara n'umwaka w'amashaza, kandi azagwa ishyanga, nawe asimburwe n'umuvantare muvuka hamwe(wambaye utuntu mu maso), uretse ko nawe atazatinda kuri iyo ntebe, kandi azahava ajya mu gihome.
Nyuma azasimburwa na Rujindiri ruzishyiraho, rurya ntiruhage, ariko nawe aramenye , kuko azarangizwa n'igishirira gitukura, kizamwanura avuye mu Bugesera.

Uwo mugabo urya ntahage, nawe azagusanga iyo uzaba waragiye, gusa azagenda akurushya imyaka itatu y'amasaka, yambaye uruti rwo kwisasira benshi, abayeyi bose bazahore bamuvumira ku gahera, we n'ubuvivi bwe..

Ngenekereje, muribuka ko Habyarimana yishwe afite imyaka 57( 1937-1994), yicwa na Missile( inyamaswa y'ihembe rimwe, igihe Mme Agatha Uwiringiyimana yari mu Busholisholi( Premier ministre).

Yasimbuwe na Sindikubwabo, wahamaze iminsi 100 gusa(ingana n'iminsi amashaza yerera, kandi muzi ko yaguye mu mashyamba  ya Kongo( Ishanga).
Nawe aza Gusimburwa na mwene wabo wa Habyarimana, ariwe Bizimungu Pasteu(mwene wabo yari yarashize ku ibere rya Banki ikomeye), nawe utarahatinze, yahava agahitira muri Gereza.

Pasteur Bizimungu agasimburwa na Bwana Kagame Pawulo wishizeho( urya ntahage=muzi urubavu rwe uko rungana, kandi atabuze ibyo kurya, nkurikije imitungo itabarika atunze)
Nawe akaba amaze imyaka 58(1957-2015), murabona ko asigaje imyaka itatu gusa ingana n'imyero y'amasaka, kugira ngo abe arusha Habyarimana imyaka itatu.
Ubwo azabuvaho afite imyaka 61 gusa, bityo ntarangize iriya mandat abadepite bamuhwiturira kwiyongeza, yica itegeko nshinga, kandi yararahiriye kurirengera.

Ikindi nababwira, Kagame yumvise impanuro za Magayane ko azagwa avuye mu Bugesera, ku Kibuga cy'indege yashatse kuhubaka, kizasimbura aéroport yitiriwe Grégoire Kayibanda.
Nyamara Kagame byamuriye mu nda, yimura abaturage batuye za Bugesera ngo hubakwe icyo kibuga, ariko akubiseho agatima kuri izo mpanuro,bimwanga mu nda, maze  abishingukamo, none na nubu abaturage bimuwe i Bugesera, amaso yaheze mu kirere, na cya kibuga ntikiratangizwa, yewe nta na caterpillar iharangwa.

None se mama, Kizubakwa kuri iyi mandat y'inyibano ashaka kwiyongeza, kugira ngo impanuro zijye iburyo?
Ngo ikimonyo iyo kijya gupfa, kiraguruka.
Kagame yakwemera impanuro z'abadepite zo kwiyongeza indi mandat inyuranije n'amategeko, cyangwa se yakumvira abambali be batekinika babeshyera abaturage ngo baramwifuza, ko yazabategeka ubuziraherezo, amenye ko atazarenza iriya myaka 61, niba ateguye, kuko nta yinsi nstinzi nkuko umwana w'umukonya yabivuze.

Reka dutegereze icyo azasubiza bariya ba depite: " Kwiyongeza indi mandat cyangwa se kuzibukira, akubahiriza itegeko-nshinga, ngo arebe ko yatera kabiri.
Birabe ibyuya, ntibikabe amaraso, kuko nta munyarwanda wifuza ko andi maraso yameneka i Rwanda kundi.
Amalira twalize arahagije, nubwo imirambo ikomeje kuba nyinshi mu mpande zose z'igihugu, zicwa urubozo, kandi zambuwe ibiziranga, ngo zihambanwe ikara.

Mana y'Irwanda, uratube hafi, uturinde irindi curabulindi rya kabili, kuko imiborogo y'abana bawe yarenze imipaka.
Kandi wivugiye ko abakwiyambaje bose, ubatabara, emera wumve kandi ugorore ibigoramye, dore ko inkokora zirushyaho kudandabirana, abana, abagore, ipfubyi nabo baratabaza ubutitsa Nyagasan!.

Ni wowe wenyine ushoboye kwaka Sekibi ijambo, ukisubiza icyubahiro cyawe batesheje agaciro.

Bugarama City, défenseur de tous les opprimés.

De : "Nzinink [Democracy_Human_Rights]" <>
À : Dhr Group <>
Envoyé le : Mercredi 28 octobre 2015 19h24
Objet : *DHR* Re: Rwanda: mandat ya perezida ivuye ku myaka 7 ijya kuri 5...

"Ku mushinga w'iri tegeko Nshinga rishya rizemezwa cyangwa rigahakanwa binyuze muri Kamarampaka y'abaturage, Umuseke wabashije kubona ko ingingo y'i 101 yo pfundo ry'uku kuvugurura iri tegeko, itiyigeze ihindurirwa umwanya iracyari iy'i 101, ikaba ubu iteganya ko umukuru w'igihugu atorerwa manda y'imyaka itanu ishobora kongera kwiyamamarizwa inshuro imwe", Umuseke.

Ndabona aho bukera Kagame arunga mu rya Nkurunziza ugukomeje gushimangira ko manda ye ya mbere itaari manda. 
Kagame na we ashobora kuzavuga ko manda ze za mbere zitaari imyaka itanu; bityo rero akaba agomba gutangira bundi bushya agatorerwa imyaka itanu ashobora kwiyongezabinshuro imwe, aho gukomeza kubeshya abanyamahanga n'abanyarwanda ko ari abaturage be basabye ko yakomeza kubayobora...

Pour votre info:
Manda yanje ya mbere, manda ntiyari manda

On Oct 28, 2015, at 1:32 PM, [Democracy_Human_Rights] <> wrote:

Hangimana Ange Éric -

Visi Perezida w'Inteko Umutwe w'Abadepite, Ikimanimpaye Jeanne d'Arc, yasobanuye impamvu z'uko tegeko Nshinga ririmo kuvugururwa.

Yavuze ko iyi ari inshuro ya gatanu, kuko mbere ryavuguruwe mu 2003, 2005, 2008 no muri 2010 ariko noneho ngo hari akarusho ko ku nshuro ya gatanu byasabwe n'abaturage basaga miliyoni 3,7 bifuje ko ngo "Batacikanwa n'amahirwe yo gukomeza kuyoborwa na Perezida Paul Kagame."

Ku mushinga w'iri tegeko Nshinga rishya rizemezwa cyangwa rigahakanwa binyuze muri Kamarampaka y'abaturage, Umuseke wabashije kubona ko ingingo y'i 101 yo pfundo ry'uku kuvugurura iri tegeko, itiyigeze ihindurirwa umwanya iracyari iy'i 101, ikaba ubu iteganya ko umukuru w'igihugu atorerwa manda y'imyaka itanu ishobora kongera kwiyamamarizwa inshuro imwe...


Posted by: Martin Bangamwabo <>
Reply via web post Reply to sender Reply to group Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (9)
-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
-More news:
-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.