Ayo mashimo/ibyo bisingizo abanyamahanga hahora baha uRda si iby'ubu kubera ko byahozeho mbere y'uko Kagame na RPF ye baboha uRda (aho kurubohora) ndetse njye navuga ko k'ubwa Habyara byari biteye amabengeza kurusha.
Rwanda assessing risks to stability
Voici le paragraphe qui explique cette levée de boucliers des deux quidams contre Sibomana comme si c'était lui qui a écrit l'article. On vous l'a dit et on vous le répétera autant que de besoin: les faits parlent d'eux-mêmes. Delivery to the people in Rwanda is a reality recognized even by foreigners (le cas de ce journal tanzanien pour lequel la tête de Sibomana est mise à prix). Lack of delivery in Burundi by Nkurunziza administration explains the current unrest in this country.Vouv vous attendiez à ce qu'un journal tanzanien fasse écho de vos phantasmes d'empire hima/Tutsi et vlaap! Tout le monde vous tourne le dos!!Even as they share so many attributes, the two countries are also very different. Rwanda has in the past twenty years enjoyed relative peace and stability as well as putting in place sound economic policies that seem to have started delivering dividends to the citizens. This has not been the case with Burundi.Le Dimanche 18 octobre 2015 13h48, "'J.C. Tuvugishukuri' psj_survivors@yahoo.com [Democracy_Human_Rights]" <Democracy_Human_Rights@yahoogroupes.fr> a écrit :
[Pièces jointes envoyées par J.C. Tuvugishukuri incluses ci-dessous]Monsieur Kamugisha,Je suis totalement d'accord avec vous sur ce fait que le sieur JB Sibomana, révèle aux formistes son vrai visage...Monsieur Sibomana (the lying fact-checker to-day in force) ne fait que travailler à son discrédit pour finalement toucher 500 euros de la part des criminels du FPR.Ça fait honte. Mais comme l'autre l'a dit: "Once a crook always a crook". The RPF has always knew how to choose their checkers. Kinda of "Checkers Speech haver,"
It doesn't depend on you whether or not I exist. If you don't like me, don't accept my invitation and don't invite me to come and see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on my side, I will bury you.Jean-Christophe, Utrecht,April 3rd, 2004.Nothing but Human rights. We Will Win !
From: "Jerome Kamugisha jerome.kamugisha@yahoo.fr [Democracy_Human_Rights]" <Democracy_Human_Rights@yahoogroupes.fr>
To: "Democracy_Human_Rights@yahoogroupes.fr" <Democracy_Human_Rights@yahoogroupes.fr>
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: *DHR* The Citizen-Tanzania @EAC must end Burundi and Rwanda animosity.
Indiquez-nous,svp, l'origine de cet article reproduit,tel quel, par Sibomana. Mon souci a d'ores et déjà été ressenti et exprimé, sur ce Forum, par plusieurs personnes soucieuses de ne pas être systématiquement,moutonièrement et impunément soumises au matracage de cerveau par ceux-là mêmes qui semblent en avoir fait un métier, s'agissant notamment de la diabolisation expéditive des FDLR, du régime Nkurunziza... ou, au contraire, de la béatification des agissements criminels ( en cours) de la part des néoconquérants des Grands Lacs, dans l'Est de la RDC, au Burundi ou en Tanzanie ! JKLe Dimanche 18 octobre 2015 6h44, "Jean Bosco Sibomana sibomanaxyz999@gmail.com [Democracy_Human_Rights]" <Democracy_Human_Rights@yahoogroupes.fr> a écrit :
EAC must end Burundi and Rwanda animosity
The East African Community (EAC) -- made up of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi -- is far from achieving its goal of becoming a federation. A lot has been done towards achieving the goal. A number of organs have been put in place, including the East African Legislative Assembly and the East African Court of Justice. A number of protocols, treaties and agreements have also been signed and ratified.The regional bloc has even established its permanent headquarters in Arusha with its own structures. All this is thanks to the commitment shown by all the member states. However, all has not been rosy as there has been slackness on the side of individual member states, reluctance and at times over ambition by others. There have also been diplomatic rows between certain members like the one between Tanzania and Rwanda. Thanks to diplomatic efforts the row was ended and relations between the two countries normalised.But, for a number of months now things have not been well between Burundi and Rwanda. A diplomatic row has been simmering while the other member states of the EAC looking on without being seen to be doing something to end it.The two countries have a lot in common: they share a language, their populations are divided between Hutus and Tutsis, they have been through a number of bloody civil strife and they are under constant threat of rebel groups. Even as they share so many attributes, the two countries are also very different. Rwanda has in the past twenty years enjoyed relative peace and stability as well as putting in place sound economic policies that seem to have started delivering dividends to the citizens. This has not been the case with Burundi.Burundi's relative calm was short-lived after the incumbent president, Pierre Nkurunziza, decided to seek a third term in office early this year, thus tampering with the Arusha Accord.Growing animosity between the two countriesSince the controversial election to his third term, Nkurunziza has been struggling to retain control of the government. In mid-year, a coup nearly kicked him out of power. In an interview in July, Burundi's Foreign minister Alain Nyamitwe alleged that they were aware that at least three coup leaders were living in Rwanda. For its part, Kigali denied the allegations but has been expressing its fear that the situation in Rwanda could provide the breeding ground for rebel groups to launch their attacks against the country.The situation was further complicated by the assassination of General Adolphe Nshimirimana who had played a great role in crushing anti-Nkurunziza protests and even helped foil the coup. No one has been linked to the assassination, but under the current situation, Bujumbura has been pointing fingers at Kigali.Early this month, Burundi expelled Desire Nyaruhiriria, a first minister counsellor at the Rwandan embassy in Bujumbura. Furthermore, Burundian authorities expelled several Rwandan traders in Kayanza, a city in the north. In September Burundi filed an official complaint with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region accusing Kigali of acts of aggression against its territory.This situation of accusations and counter-accusations of acts of aggression between the two EAC member states is not healthy for the prosperity of the region. It is time leaders from the other member states intervened and ended the animosity between the two neighbours. The goal of achieving integration will not be realised unless each member in the bloc lived peacefully with its neighbours. The bloc should not wait until the situation turns into a fully-blown conflict for it to intervene.Peace is the most important single factor for development. It is time to take action.
--SIBOMANA Jean Bosco
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