Friday, 28 February 2014

[RwandaLibre] Are tourists subject to be arrested in Uganda's cities and safari parks?



Are tourists subject to be arrested in Uganda's cities and safari parks?

Feb 28, 2014
Not only the tourism world is outraged about the Middle Age and nazi
style approach by the Government of the East African Nation of Uganda.

The World Bank today suspended a 90 US$ million loan package to
Uganda. Three European Countries: Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands
are the first countries to suspend or freeze development aid packages
for Uganda for approximately 25$ and the United States of America is
reviewing USAID funds for Uganda.

In the meantime Uganda's authorities are on a witch hunt to detect gay
elements among their population and visiting tourists, so they can be
locked up for life.

Many in the travel and tourism industries are urging international
organizations such as the UNWTO and WTTC to take a stand. The safety
of visiting tourist and the tourism industry is directly threatened by
this law that endangers innocent visitors to be arrest just for a
suspicion touring safari parks in Uganda and travel advisories are in
place. Even more so, a hotel front desk clerk is facing jail time for
not reporting tourists that may be gay.

The World Bank still has $1.56 billion worth of projects in Uganda but
World Bank president Jim Yong Kim has signaled the bank will take a
harder line with countries that have discriminatory laws.

A statement said: At the World Bank Group, we will have a full
internal discussion over the coming months about discrimination more
broadly and how it would affect our projects and our gay and lesbian
staff members. My view is that the fight to eliminate all
institutionalized discrimination is an urgent task.

Uganda's national currency the Shilling has lost value since the
passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.'s+cities+and+safari+parks%3F&sa=X&ei=1h4RU5XGMIyR1AHB-4HgDg&ved=0CCEQFjAB

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[RwandaLibre] Bill Clinton Regrets Rwanda Now (But Not So Much In 1994)


Bill Clinton Regrets Rwanda Now (But Not So Much In 1994)

By Dana Hughes
Feb 28, 2014 5:06pm
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

One of the newly released Clinton Library documents shows an
administration scrambling to answer criticism of its handling of the
1994 genocide in Rwanda -- a tiny African nation where nearly one
million people were killed in the span of less than two months.

The two-page memo from September 1994 -- the genocide was in April and
May of that year -- featured talking points Clinton special assistant
Tara Sonenshine drafted as preparation for an upcoming Washington Post
interview with the president. The memo acknowledged that the interview
was likely to be critical of Clinton's stance on Rwanda, blaming the
failed "Black Hawk Down" intervention in Somalia the year before.

In the memo, Sonenshine suggests the president refute that the U.S.
experience in Somalia hindered his administration's Rwanda response.

"If anything, this is a case where our experiences in Somalia did NOT
prevent us from doing the right thing," said the memo. "If we were
truly spooked by Somalia we would have turned away entirely, instead
of committing 4,000 American troops and spending $500 million to give
the people of Rwanda humanitarian help and a breathing space. We put
Somalia behind us and moved into Rwanda in full force."

The memo also suggests the president argue that the United States took
appropriate and swift action in Rwanda after it was clear there was
genocide, and that the U.S. was one of many countries who authorized
the United Nations to pull out of the country right before the
atrocities began.

In short, says the memo, the U.S. "did the right thing" and shares no
responsibility for allowing the genocide to occur.

Clinton himself echoed these sentiments in comments to the press a few
months earlier where he said he had "done all he could do" to help the
people of Rwanda, pointing out the United States had provided 40
percent of the total aid given to help the refugees from the conflict.

"We have worked on this for months. We are doing the best we can. We
are going to do more," he said.

But in the years since, the former President Clinton has called the
failure to intervene in Rwanda one of his biggest regrets.

"I do feel a lifetime responsibility," he told ABC in 2008, while on a
trip to the country. "I feel like a lot of people ... had something to
do with it."

In March 2013 Clinton again talked Rwanda, when he told CNBC that he
believes had the U.S. intervened, even marginally, at the beginning of
the genocide at least 300,000 people might have been saved.

About The Note
Throughout the day, ABC News' political team contributes to The Note
with the very latest news and analysis from the nation's capital and
the campaign trail.

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[RwandaLibre] Rwanda: Is Evode Uwizeyimana a prodigal son or Hollywood Actor?


Evode Uwizeyimana aiming for the top job

Watching an Empire Program on Aljazeera TV hosted by Marwan Bishara, he describes Hollywood as the world's place where Americans' perception of the US and its culture is shaped; you don't fail to see Me Evode playing the same role. According to Mr. Marwan, Hollywood is shaping people's perceptions of the US and world history.

The Parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15:11-32 where Jesus illustrated how sinners can come back to God

"There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them.  "Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.

Therefore the long trek from Rwanda to Canada might have been too long for Me Evode to spend what he had and he is genuinely playing the prodigal son to come back and ask for forgiveness as he appeared yesterday in most of the Rwandan media.  On the other hand Me Evode knows very well how the Media shaped him and made him a movie actor in the legal theater. Indeed, Evode might be playing the same tactics to induce the appetite of the RPF to renewal his contract which is now 3 months away to expire or to get a permanent employment.

RDI members with Evode Uwizeyimana prior to his departure

Whichever way, Evode is playing a cat and mouth game, he is being watched by his game mates and at a right place and time he will never know what will hit him.  There is a saying that If you are 50 and you keep reasoning like somebody who is 20, then the 30 years are not only wasted but leaves a lot to be desired. Does Me Evode reflect on the history and may be the path of RPF on the journey of consolidating power? A good example is a testimony of Mr Abdul Ruzibiza on how mistakes by both the Rwandan Government and the RPF led to the Rwandan genocide of 1994. Ruzibiza having narrated in his book Rwanda: L'Histoire Secréte and later tried to retract what he had said both in his book and in the international media like BBC and VOA ,he forgot that he was being watched by his play mates in the Kigali playing field.

Cat Mouse game

No sooner had he played the games of cat and mouse than the co-players on the opposite side had exterminated him, the rest is history. Does Me Evode remember the way he described the entire RPF leadership as "a gang of bandits" who disregard the rule of law? Indeed, he said that it is one of the reasons that made him leave Rwanda when he was a judge. On one occasion in the case of the brother (Rugigana Ngabo) of the former Rwandan army Chief Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa he described the Rwandan legal system as people who are controlled by the remote control from the President's Office who will only use political reason rather than the legal reason.

RPF establishment knows very well the venom of Me Evode he injected in the Rwandan people which is had to treat, besides the status quo of the violations of Human Rights, lack of judicial independence, extra-judicial killings, suffocation of the media, and incarceration of the political opponents of the regime in Kigali. Despite the rhetoric of repentance by Me Evode, he defiantly defended his opposition to the regime in Kigali, he argued that his position was constructive but he quickly added that if it was not well perceived by (RPF) then he begs forgiveness.  This sounds defiance not only to the people who delve into the Hollywood theatrical staged political movies but also to the RPF who knows very well how dangerous  people or those perceived to be should be given the dose of eternality. But the History of RPF is clear; it's not necessarily what you do but what you are perceived to be, the likes of Muvunanyambo, one of the soldiers released from the prison   during the Ruhengeri attack by the RPF in 1991 or Cpt. Frank Tega one of the RPF comrades were killed not for what they had done but what they were perceived to do.

This is just a tip of iceberg, but as we approach the end of the tenure of the Kagame regime many people will disappear especially those perceived to harbor butterfly colors or those perceived to switch sides like billboards, in fact many political assassinations of  many Rwandan politicians like Emmanuel Gapyisi, a prominent political leader from the south and vice president of the MDR party at the time  and other  selected murders  nationwide  like businessmen, mayors, parliamentarians, and leading up to the assassination of Gatabazi, Bucyana, and finally President Habyarimana are a vindication of what is waiting for many politicians who not  only oppose the RPF regime but those perceived  to be potentially  capable to give RPF and Kagame a bloody nose in the elections of 2017.

Whether Evode is playing the prodigal son or just opportunistically trying to reap in both fields remains to be seen, but what is clear though,   he is being monitored every inch of his movements and Jack Nziza or Dan Munyuza at any given opportunity would they perceive him to be a potential threat he will be dealt in the same way many Rwandans have been dealt with.

Jacqueline Umurungi



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[RwandaLibre] U. S. State Department official pledges energy investment in Rwanda


U. S. State Department official pledges energy investment in Rwanda 2014-02-28 07:20:34 

KIGALI, Feb. 27(Xinhua) -- A U. S. State Department official is in
Rwanda to seek investment opportunities, especially in energy.

Elizabeth Littlefield, head of the U. S. State Department Overseas
Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), arrived in the East African
country Thursday, promising to woo more investors for power
development, the top challenge and opportunity in her eyes.

OPIC provides U. S. investors with debt financing, political risk
insurance and support for private equity investment funds.

The power sector, she said, is clearly the biggest challenge and the
biggest opportunity. "So, we see investors that are interested to
invest in hydropower and geothermal, and even in wind, solar, and
biogas," she told the media in the Rwandan capital Kigali.

Rwanda's power production stands at 110 megawatts with only 16 percent
of the population having access to electricity.

The country targets to produce at least 563 megawatts by 2018 from
various energy sources, including methane gas, peat, solar and biogas.

Apart from the Rwandan energy sector, American entrepreneurs have also
engaged in coffee and tea processing, forestry and agriculture
investment management, and in humanitarian services.

OPIC has invested 26 million U.S. dollars in five projects in Rwanda,
including the tea processing and exporting company Sorwathe and Rwanda
Trading Company, a coffee processing group.

Rwandan Finance Minister Amb. Claver Gatete said his country's
environment is open to investors and encouraged OPIC to keep
supporting investments into the country.

Littlefield, who has toured different companies with American
interests in Rwanda, praised the progress made by the African country
in improving investment environment. "We know that this country is
doing extremely well on all the indicators of being a good environment
to bring investors in," she said.

She described Rwanda as a place where many countries throughout the
region look to how to create a One-Stop-Shop in getting business
licenses and other services.

Editor: Yamei Wang

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[RwandaLibre] Is Evode Uwizeyimana a prodigal son?


The Untold Stories: Is Evode Uwizeyimana a prodigal son?
Evode Uwizeyimana aiming for the top job

Watching an Empire Program on Aljazeera TV hosted by Marwan Bishara,
he describes Hollywood as the world's place where Americans'
perception of the US and its culture is shaped; you don't fail to see
Me Evode playing the same role. According to Mr. Marwan, Hollywood is
shaping people's perceptions of the US and world history.

The Parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15:11-32 where Jesus illustrated
how sinners can come back to God

"There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father,
'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property
between them. "Not long after that, the younger son got together all
he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth
in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe
famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went
and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to
his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods
that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.

Therefore the long trek from Rwanda to Canada might have been too long
for Me Evode to spend what he had and he is genuinely playing the
prodigal son to come back and ask for forgiveness as he appeared
yesterday in most of the Rwandan media. On the other hand Me Evode
knows very well how the Media shaped him and made him a movie actor in
the legal theater. Indeed, Evode might be playing the same tactics to
induce the appetite of the RPF to renewal his contract which is now 3
months away to expire or to get a permanent employment.

Photo: RDI members with Evode Uwizeyimana prior to his departure

Whichever way, Evode is playing a cat and mouth game, he is being
watched by his game mates and at a right place and time he will never
know what will hit him. There is a saying that If you are 50 and you
keep reasoning like somebody who is 20, then the 30 years are not only
wasted but leaves a lot to be desired. Does Me Evode reflect on the
history and may be the path of RPF on the journey of consolidating
power? A good example is a testimony of Mr Abdul Ruzibiza on how
mistakes by both the Rwandan Government and the RPF led to the Rwandan
genocide of 1994. Ruzibiza having narrated in his book Rwanda:
L'Histoire Secréte and later tried to retract what he had said both in
his book and in the international media like BBC and VOA ,he forgot
that he was being watched by his play mates in the Kigali playing

Cat Mouse game

No sooner had he played the games of cat and mouse than the co-players
on the opposite side had exterminated him, the rest is history. Does
Me Evode remember the way he described the entire RPF leadership as "a
gang of bandits" who disregard the rule of law? Indeed, he said that
it is one of the reasons that made him leave Rwanda when he was a
judge. On one occasion in the case of the brother (Rugigana Ngabo) of
the former Rwandan army Chief Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa he described the
Rwandan legal system as people who are controlled by the remote
control from the President's Office who will only use political reason
rather than the legal reason.

RPF establishment knows very well the venom of Me Evode he injected in
the Rwandan people which is had to treat, besides the status quo of
the violations of Human Rights, lack of judicial independence,
extra-judicial killings, suffocation of the media, and incarceration
of the political opponents of the regime in Kigali. Despite the
rhetoric of repentance by Me Evode, he defiantly defended his
opposition to the regime in Kigali, he argued that his position was
constructive but he quickly added that if it was not well perceived by
(RPF) then he begs forgiveness. This sounds defiance not only to the
people who delve into the Hollywood theatrical staged political movies
but also to the RPF who knows very well how dangerous people or those
perceived to be should be given the dose of eternality. But the
History of RPF is clear; it's not necessarily what you do but what you
are perceived to be, the likes of Muvunanyambo, one of the soldiers
released from the prison during the Ruhengeri attack by the RPF in
1991 or Cpt. Frank Tega one of the RPF comrades were killed not for
what they had done but what they were perceived to do.

This is just a tip of iceberg, but as we approach the end of the
tenure of the Kagame regime many people will disappear especially
those perceived to harbor butterfly colors or those perceived to
switch sides like billboards, in fact many political assassinations of
many Rwandan politicians like Emmanuel Gapyisi, a prominent political
leader from the south and vice president of the MDR party at the time
and other selected murders nationwide like businessmen, mayors,
parliamentarians, and leading up to the assassination of Gatabazi,
Bucyana, and finally President Habyarimana are a vindication of what
is waiting for many politicians who not only oppose the RPF regime
but those perceived to be potentially capable to give RPF and Kagame
a bloody nose in the elections of 2017.

Whether Evode is playing the prodigal son or just opportunistically
trying to reap in both fields remains to be seen, but what is clear
though, he is being monitored every inch of his movements and Jack
Nziza or Dan Munyuza at any given opportunity would they perceive him
to be a potential threat he will be dealt in the same way many
Rwandans have been dealt with.

Jacqueline Umurungi

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[RwandaLibre] Kerry voices U.S. dismay at anti-gay law to Uganda's Museveni


Kerry voices U.S. dismay at anti-gay law to Uganda's Museveni

WASHINGTON Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:21pm EST

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks before opening the
U.S.-Georgia Strategic Partnership Commission Plenary Session with
Georgia's Prime Minister Irakly Garibashvili at the State Department
in Washington February 26, 2014 file photo.


Politics »

(Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry telephoned Ugandan President
Yoweri Museveni this week to convey U.S. unhappiness at an anti-gay
law in Uganda and tell him it will complicate ties between the two
countries, the State Department said on Friday.

The new law strengthened existing punishments for anyone caught having
gay sex, imposing jail terms of up to life for "aggravated
homosexuality" - including sex with a minor or while HIV-positive. It
criminalized lesbianism for the first time and made it a crime to help
individuals engage in homosexual acts.

"Secretary Kerry expressed the United States' deep disappointment in
the Ugandan government's decision to enact the anti-homosexuality
bill," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said of the call, which
took place on Thursday.

"The secretary noted that the decision complicates the U.S.
relationship with Uganda," the spokeswoman added in her written
statement, although she said that Kerry did not threaten any specific
sanction by the United States in response.

Homosexuality is a taboo in most African nations and illegal in 37,
including Uganda, where it has been a crime since British colonial
rule. However, such laws are seldom enforced.

On Wednesday, Kerry described the new law as "atrocious" and
Museveni's signing it as "flat-out morally wrong." He also likened it
to anti-Semitic laws in Nazi Germany and racial discrimination in
South Africa during the apartheid era.

The United States gave more than $485 million in aid to Uganda in the
year ended on September 30. The bulk of the funding went to health
programs and security, including military training.

(Reporting By Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Mohammad Zargham)

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[RwandaLibre] Uganda: 18 Ambassadors Condemn Anti-Homosexuality Law


18 Ambassadors Condemn Anti-Homosexuality Law - 6 hours ago

As Uganda continues to take in the backlash following the enactment
and signing into law of the Anti Homosexuality Act, The Observer
continues to bring you the latest news on this and other stories.

Within the last few minutes, the European Union Head of Delegation in
Uganda Kristian Schmidt has released a terse statement in which
eighteen ambassadors and high commissioners representing western
countries condemn the new law.

Earlier, the World Bank announced that it was withholding $90m meant
for the health sector as it "reviews" the situation.

Below is the EU statement in full and the signatories below it.

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned and disappointed about the
enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

We strongly believe that all humans share common indivisible rights.
The Anti-Homosexuality Law contradicts this universal principle and
the Ugandan commitment to protect the fundamental human rights of all
of its citizens.

We would like to remind the Government of Uganda of its constitutional
and international human rights obligations. Having ratified the
African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights, as well as the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Uganda is
obliged to guarantee the human rights infringed by the
Anti-Homosexuality Law.

Signed by:

Urban Andersson, Ambassador of Sweden

David Angel, Canadian High Commissioner

Alison Blackburne, British High Commissioner

Dónal Cronin, Chargé d'Affaires of Ireland

Stefano A Dejak, Ambassador of Italy

Scott H. DeLisi, U.S Ambassador

Klaus Dieter Düxmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

Copyright © 2014 The Observer.

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[RwandaLibre] Uganda accuses World Bank of blackmail over anti-gay law


Uganda accuses World Bank of blackmail over anti-gay law

World | Agence-France Presse | Updated: February 28, 2014 23:17 IST

Kampala: Uganda accused the World Bank of blackmail on Friday after
the lender stalled a $90 million loan over the east African nation's
adoption of a draconian anti-gay law.

"World Bank is a multi-lateral institution that should not blackmail
its members however small," government spokesman Ofwono Opondo said on

The World Bank announced on Thursday that it was blocking the loan,
which was intended to help Uganda strengthen its health care system.

Earlier this week, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed off on one
of the world's toughest anti-gay laws despite warnings from his
Western allies.

Museveni capped his defence of the law - which could see homosexuals
jailed for life and requires people to denounce them - with a lurid
description of his particular revulsion to oral sex.

"We have postponed the project for further review to ensure that the
development objectives would not be adversely affected by the
enactment of this new law," a World Bank spokesman said.

Opondo argued in another tweet that "this so-called 'cut' is attempted
blackmail to set Ugandans against their government."

Museveni has been in power for 28 years, a record in East Africa.

The move follows action by Norway and Denmark to freeze or change aid
programs for Uganda and blunt criticism from the United States and

US Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the new law as akin to
anti-Semitic legislation in Nazi Germany and apartheid in South

But Opondo replied by accusing the West of attempting to impose its
values on Africans.

"Why does the West criminalise polygamy but allow homosexuality if
indeed they are defending (freedom of association)," he said.

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Story First Published: February 28, 2014 23:14 IST

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[RwandaLibre] World Bank postpones $90m Uganda loan over anti-gay law


28 February 2014 Last updated at 08:07 ET

World Bank postpones $90m Uganda loan over anti-gay law

The World Bank was set to approve a new project in Uganda to
strengthen its health services

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The World Bank has postponed a $90m (£54m) loan to Uganda over its
tough anti-gay law, which has drawn criticism from around the world.

World Bank officials said they wanted to guarantee the projects the
loan was destined to support were not going to be adversely affected
by the law.

The loan was intended to boost Uganda's health services.

Ugandan government spokesman Ofwono Opondo said the World Bank "should
not blackmail its members".

The law, enacted on Monday, strengthens already strict legislation
relating to homosexuals.

It allows life imprisonment as the penalty for acts of "aggravated
homosexuality" and also criminalises the "promotion of homosexuality".

'Eliminate discrimination'

The law has been sharply criticised by the West, with donors such as
Denmark and Norway saying they would redirect aid away from the
government to aid agencies.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has called the law "atrocious". Both
he and South African Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu compared it to
anti-Semitic laws in Nazi Germany or apartheid South Africa.

A spokesman for the World Bank said: "We have postponed the project
for further review to ensure that the development objectives would not
be adversely affected by the enactment of this new law."

Anti-gay supporters in Uganda rejoiced when the law was passed on Monday

The loan was supposed to be approved on Thursday to supplement a 2010
loan that focused on maternal health, newborn care and family

The World Bank's action is the largest financial penalty incurred on
the Ugandan authorities since the law went into force.

In an editorial for the Washington Post, World Bank President Jim Yong
Kim warned that legislation restricting sexual rights "can hurt a
country's competitiveness by discouraging multinational companies from
investing or locating their activities in those nations".

He said the World Bank would discuss how such discrimination "would
affect our projects and our gay and lesbian staff members".

In his view, he adds, fighting "to eliminate all institutionalised
discrimination is an urgent task".

But Mr Opondo said not everything the West said was correct and there
should be mutual respect for sovereign states.

"There was a time when the international community believed slave
trade and slavery was cool, that colonialism was cool, that coups
against African governments was cool," he told the BBC.

"I think the best way forward is constructive engagement but... I
think Uganda and Africa in general should stand up to this blackmail."

President Yoweri Museveni signed the anti-gay bill earlier this week,
despite international criticism.

Ugandan authorities have defended the decision, saying President
Museveni wanted "to demonstrate Uganda's independence in the face of
Western pressure and provocation".

Uganda is a very conservative society, where many people oppose homosexuality.

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[RwandaLibre] "Do this in memory of me": Reflections from 3 of Rwanda's church memorials


"Do this in memory of me": Reflections from 3 of Rwanda's church memorials


Photo: _rh

"I am the un-missionary…beginning each day on my knees, asking to be
converted. Forgive me, Africa, according to thy multitude of mercies."
- The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver

"HOW LONG HAVE you known the Lord?" a young parishioner asks me after
my first Sunday service at my host family's church. I just explained
to church members why I'm in Rwanda. "East African Politics," I said,
because it's easier than nonchalantly dropping the phrase "genocide
studies" into conversation, especially in a church.

"My whole life."

"Wow. That's so nice. I want to know the Lord like that."

I want to tell him I'm burdened by my faith. I want to tell him the
Bible he reads helped craft the genocide ideology that killed his
family. I want to tell him his church is named Victory Mission for a
reason. But I smile instead, grateful for his congregation's

It's no wonder, then, that the genocide came to fruition in the very
place where its message was first planted — the churches.

In the year 1900, Jesus, accompanied by German colonizers and then the
Belgian government, arrived in Rwanda in the form of a white
missionary. He held a Bible in one hand and a gun behind His back.
Instead of His usual parables about the prodigal son and the woman's
search for her lost coin, He wove tales about power, telling the Tutsi
people about their God-given right as superior humans. With this
God-given right came the ability to rule over their brothers, the

Tutsis, according to the widely held interpretation of the biblical
story of Ham, were made in the image and likeness of God, except they
had the misfortune of being clothed in skin the color of darkness. The
Hutus, though, were humans of a lesser breed, possibly made as an
afterthought on the last day of creation. Let the children come to me,
He told them, but only the Tutsi ones.

Later, after World War II, inspired by theologies about social
justice, Jesus and his Belgian disciples switched their allegiance to
the Hutus. The Cains of Rwanda yearned for revenge against the Abels,
and through the Church's guidance, their will would soon be done.

It's no wonder, then, that the genocide came to fruition in the very
place where its message was first planted — the churches.


Our guide points to a small crucifix resting on the bloodstained
altar. "This cross was used to kill people," he says.

Photo: Author

Next to the cross lie a machete, a few rosaries, and ID cards used to
differentiate Tutsis from Hutus. On the wall to the left of the altar
sits a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I wonder what horrors those stone eyes witnessed. How many died with a
rosary in their hand and her name lingering on their lips?

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of
our death. Amen.

They were the sacrificial lambs, killed in communion with one another,
the body of Christ literally broken on the altar of the Lord.

Matted, soiled clothes of the dead sit in heaps scattered around the
humble wooden pews of the small church, as if anticipating one last
homily. Eventually, our guide gathers us near the back wall. He points
out the blood on the wall and tells us that the Interahamwe dangled
babies by their feet and bashed their heads into the wall. Then they
raped the children's mothers before finishing them off with machetes.
The sound of schoolchildren's laughter seeps through the
grenade-studded, open doors and reverberates off the bricks marked
with the remains of Rwandese children, children who are most likely
relatives of the ones playing outside.

Then our guide leads us downstairs to a glass case filled with bones.
In 2001, my parents took my sisters and me to Italy as part of a
church choir tour; it was the ultimate Catholic pilgrimage, even
concluding with an appearance by Pope John Paul II. Confused by the
Catholic Church's obsession with the remains of saints and popes, I
nicknamed Italy, "The Home of the Dead Bodies," an innocent
observation for an 8-year-old fascinated with history and the
intricacies of the Catholic Church.

But I was wrong. Rwanda is "The Home of the Dead Bodies." Except these
bodies are not relics to be fetishized. These bones are victims of
genocide. I imagine the thousands of bones and clothes of Nyamata put
on display at the Vatican, skulls gazing upward at the ceiling of
Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. Would the world care then?


By the time we arrive in Ntarama on the same day, we are numb. It's
unfathomable that there is another church like Nyamata littered with
shattered bodies that once tilled and breathed and rejoiced among
these spectacular hills.

Go to page 1 Zoom out

Photo: Greg Kendall-Ball

Even here, between the decaying bricks and coffins filled with the
dead, it's still impossible to imagine. I think that is what frightens
me the most about this trip. I am here. And yet, I still struggle to
imagine Rwanda in 1994. What about the people back home? How can they
ever begin to imagine a time in history that only exists in their most
feverish nightmares?

Our tour ends in the former nursery school. Once again, our tour guide
points out the blood and brain mixture still sticking to the walls of
the building. Once again, he demonstrates how small, innocent bodies
were thrown against the bricks.

It is a different church. A different tour guide. Different souls. But
the same calculated method of killing. Our tour guide picks up a
stick; it must be at least seven feet long. He explains how the stick
was shoved inside a woman's body, reaching all the way to her head.
And then they killed her. I find myself thankful she died.

A group of villagers watches us process back to the bus. I avoid eye
contact with them, embarrassed that I have made a spectacle of their
home and their dead. "Now you come," their eyes seem to say. "Now you
come with your cameras and your passports. Well now it's too late."

Soon after our visit to Nyamata and Ntarama, I attend church with my
host family again. "He will save us. He will save us. He will save
us," the congregation chants. If there was a time for the Savior's
second coming, it was in April of 1994, but He never came. What makes
them think He will save them now?


"How old were you in '94?" Sister Macrine asks me as we walk towards
Kibeho Parish. I'm in Kibeho as a part of an independent study
project, researching the building's dual role as a memorial and active
church. I'm hyper-aware that this trip is a pseudo-pilgrimage, my
twisted, yet academically driven way of confronting my faith crisis.

"Only a year old."

"Ahhh, so young," she says half laughing.

"Do you know why it is still a church instead of a memorial?" I ask,
even though I know the answer. Kibeho Parish is not a memorial like
Nyamata and Ntarama because the Vatican is embarrassed about the
Church's complicity during the genocide. Instead, the Rwandan
government and the Catholic Church compromised, hiding a small
memorial behind locked doors. An open memorial would mean confessing
the Church's sins. And though they may promote the sacrament of
reconciliation, the Vatican doesn't always practice what they preach.

"I don't know," she says.

I can tell my obsession with the Parish confuses her, even pains her.
She can't understand why I'm not here to pray at the Sanctuary of Our
Lady of the Word, the church down the road, where in the 1980s the
Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three Rwandan school girls, and at the
Holy Mother's request, the church was built in her honor. She can't
understand why I'm not like the rest of Kibeho's pilgrims who come
searching for divine intervention. If only she knew that I have come
to Kibeho hoping for a miracle as well.

She tells me she doesn't like going into the crypt. I assure her
multiple times that I can go alone, but she comes anyway.

"Don't cry," she says before we step down into the cellar filled with
shelves stacked neatly with bones.

White, lace-fringed curtains covering the shelves curl in the breeze,
revealing skulls that once bore the faces of Kibeho residents. I pull
open one of the curtains to find entire bodies encased in white
powder, similar to the victims of Murambi, a former vocational school
now a memorial. Small, patchy tufts of black hair cling to some of the
bodies' skulls, and even though the sight mimics Murambi, it still
surprises me; for some reason, I've always associated hair with life.

Next, she takes me to the Parish to pray. A plaque on the looming,
desecrated building states the church was established in 1943. That
same year, oceans away, the Nazis had already infiltrated remote
Polish towns, and erected chambers and barracks that would soon house
the Jews of Europe. Half a century later, Kibeho Parish would serve
the same function, except this time, the killers were so sure of
themselves they wanted God as their witness.

I that I would feel angry inside the building that betrayed more than
25,000 Tutsis. I thought I would be able to feel the spirits of the
dead, dancing around me, haunting the humans thoughtless enough to
ignore their presence. But I feel nothing.

I'm jealous of my classmates who came to Rwanda with no belief in God.
They have nothing to lose.'s+church&sa=X&ei=Mv4QU6fMNsya0gH3y4DoCw&ved=0CCAQFjAA

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“Uwigize agatebo ayora ivi”. Ubutegetsi bukugira agatebo ukariyora uko bukeye n’uko bwije.

"Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre."

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile."




1.Kumenya Amakuru n’amateka atabogamye ndetse n’Ibishobora Kukugiraho Ingaruka ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.

2.Kwisanzura mu Gutanga Ibitekerezo, Kurwanya Ubusumbane, Akarengane n’Ibindi Byose Bikubangamiye ni Uburenganzira Bwawe.